Castlevania TV series

Adaptation of the year?

I'm going to take this moment to point out one of the many detestable things about weebs. This is one of more annoying traits on the seemingly infinite list of annoying traits of the weeb. Something can exist for a long time, totally unchanged and weebs will hate everything about it. But the MOMENT an anime exists about that same thing, they suddenly fall in love with that thing that they hated, but only on the level where they can copy the anime to the T. It doesn't even have to be animated. Someone can draw a series of anime girl doing stupid things and call it [thing] chan and weebs think it's a person that they can marry.

Another example of this would be motorsports. Weebs hate cars and everything about them, but the second Initial D comes around, they suddenly love motorsports, but only if they can use that shitbox of a car and drift around listening to EDM (which they will cancerously refer to as "eurobeat" like in the anime). Motorsports existed forever. Nothing changed about it. They only reason they now suddenly love it is because they can relate it to one single anime.

OP here

Initial D existed before the weeb phenomena you fucking retard. It introduced anime to an entire culture of people with no experience with it. Fuck off you retarded child born in the 90's.

In pretty fucking sure Eurobeat is older than EDM.
Besides, weeb don't care about motorsports. They only care about making an epic drifto meme webm.

>It introduced anime to an entire culture of people with no experience with it.
This would be the crux of the issue, you lobotomized chimp. The weebs still don't give a damn about anything that's not in the anime though. Their infatuation never bothers to seek an interest in anything included in the anime. What kind raw sewage people need anime to tell them what to like?

Amazing, english dub is amazing. pretty much everything is amazing. Too fucking bad this show reminded me LoS games exist


You might get some angry responses, but you're right, even they can see that.

>In pretty fucking sure Eurobeat is older than EDM.
Nah, EDM existed in Germany since the 80's.

I'm watching the first episode. Dracula did nothing wrong. Religious idiots ruined everything. Dracula was right about humanity.

Wait so do weebs love Castlevania now?

specifics about adherence to the tone and narrative of the source material are inconsequential in the face of the show just being really, really fucking boring.

What does this copypasta have to do with castlevania

The show was legitimately bad

It was pretty damn good as far as adaptations go, genuinely impressed, no memes.

I wouldn't strongly recommend it that's for sure
but it wasn't nearly as bad as you think it is I just wish there was more fighting and less talking

Trevor should have been younger since he's merely 19 in Castlevania III but they turned him in Grizzled McGruff because of the autistic obsession with thirty something male leads in the west.

Sypha should have kept passing herself off as a man until the end

Alucard basically looks like his SoTN persona even though his entire appearance was completely different in the 1400s

Ellis must be a fedora because most of the show goes on and on about MUH EVIL AND INTOLERANT CHURCH when the Church in the series does very little aside from dispatching agents to fight demons.

I can't think of a better Vidya adaptation, period.

> more fighting/ less talking
it's a new age bruv
anime these days are geared towards wimin TOO meaning lots and lots of DIALOGUE
more DIALOGUE than you can handle!
whole animes FULL of DIALOGUE

Earthworm Jim

You probably weren't born when it aired though

No memes but I found Trevor to be overly snarky. Maybe it's the usual tone of Castlevania, I don't know.
Dracula did nothing wrong.

Anime was always full of dialogue you underaged faggot. The cornerstone of fucking nip animation is lots of talking with small bursts of action. You retards have probably done nothing but consume toonami and adult swim for fucking years and thought all anime was like that. I've been watching anime since 92 and I can assure it's not much different now then it was then aside from more emphasis on slice of life


Why are people talking about anime and dubs when it's a fucking western animation?


The gf and I enjoyed it. I wish Grant made an appearance, though. Maybe in season 2.

wow does your family know that you are illiterate?

now youre just being contrarian for no good reason

last anime i watched was The Irregular at Magic High School
holy shit they would not shut the fuck up which is too bad because most of the premise is interesting enough to me
before that i finally got around to finishing birdy decode 2 - that had a good balance between dialogue and silent, meaningful actions but that came out almost 10 years ago!

im sorry you cant see modern anime for what it is but that's just the way it is nowadays
market forces - wimin have money so why not blend genres? specifically im seeing an explosion of romantic sci fi animes or just romantic (x), which is ok in general but i dont watch anime for fucking lame ass fuck empty and meaningless dialogue - it's the actions of the characters that give the words meaning

im not illiterate dumbass
seems you are though

My point is that it's not a dub, gaylord.

He could be 19.

Born in '88.

But holy fuck, yeah, I forgot that existed entirely. I guess it's a bit different to me though since the games basically played like a 90s cartoon so the adaptation was easy.

Adapting something like Castlevania seems a lot more challenging and they were pretty fucking successful at it. No moving goalposts, you're not wrong, I'm just saying it was a much easier thing to do than what they accomplished with CV.

I think Ellis is an atheist, but when Dracula is summoning an army of demons from hell you do need to explain why exactly God isn't stopping him.

And of course they're going to base the character design for Alucard on his later appearances, just like they did with Trevor.

Anything animated is dubbed regardless of the original language because the characters on screen cannot talk must be dubbed over.

Don't tell me you think a dub means it's changed language do you?

sure about that, friend?

oh is it?
usually when someone uses the green texts they are deriding the subject they are talking about
maybe he just really likes the jap voices?
like for instances i compared the voices of the jap dub of ajin - demi human to the english dub and the jap dub miles better - the english version didnt capture the characters' "isms" well at all and seemed very off - none of them fit the characters at all

The visuals and fight scenes were the only good parts, and the animation wasn't even that great.

Considering the entire season was literally less than two hours, I had hoped they would at least invest enough money in the fight scenes to make them more than 10 frames per second. But they didn't.

Trevor's led a hard lifestyle

Trevor was full Barbarian mode in CV3. What's the issue with Alucard also having his more updated look?

As for the religion thing, here's some pasta I made for another thread:

>It's not anti-religion, it's simply reflecting the very real truth that people in religious authority often abuse that power for their own means and/or consider themselves above sin by virtue of "being closer to God." They will perform horrifying acts and feel fully justified because it's "God's will."

This is a thing that happens and happened a LOT in the time period of the show.

The show ALSO explicitly implies that God is a real being and that there are those who are devout and faithful and can draw upon his power as a result. It's making statements about the ORGANIZATION of religion and the abuses that take place as a result, not about the faith itself.

God empowers people with holy powers so they can fight draculas shit themselves. Or he does when they follow his teachings at least. Like the demon told the bishop his love isnt unconditional.

im the guy he's mad at - i too just assumed he meant dub as in "english dub"
(english) dubs get released pretty quick these days, which helped to influence my assumption

>he thinks the show was originally in Japanese

Castlevania is my favorite series since I played IV as a little kid, but I couldn't even finish the first episode of this. Very dull, cheap looking animation and ugly character designs and worst of all, where is the iconic music? Not an anime fan though, so I guess this isn't for me.

The series has already addressed that evil exists because there has to be balance in Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow. Dracula can do evil because evil is a natural part of the universe. Good exists because something has to fight evil. You can't have one without the other if there is no evil, you can't have a benchmark for what is good, ect. Ellis completely missed this fact

>This would be the crux of the issue, you lobotomized chimp.
The crux of the issue is that a bunch of people who don't give a shit about anime and are into cars enjoy an anime and possible watch other animes?

You're so fucking stupid you couldn't even read what I wrote and respond coherently.

>Ellis must be a fedora


It's still a dub, just originally in english

It's not just you, it's just a legitimately bad show.

I dont know man, trevor and his buddies are squaring up to drac and there was at least one good priest in that city. Seems pretty good to me.

This is why I hate weebs. Anything that borrows japanese animation aesthetics automatically becomes anime to them.

What's the best Castlevania game to play after watching this series?

I loved Dawn of Sorrow back when it came out so I'm thinking order of Ecllesia but not sure

the game it's based on is Castlevania 3.

Yeah, but going out of one's way to say 'the english dub is amazing' and specify the language, rather than saying the voice acting is amazing screams of yet another weeb who thinks this is an animu from glorious Nippon.

CV3, then maybe sotn because of the lisa scenes

Trevor, Alucard, Sypha and the townspeople ARE the good to balance evil. They're given strength by God (through consecration, holy water, etc.)

The show even paraphrases the, "The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing," line.

Good, as with most media, is far more abstract than evil in how it's represented.

nothing even fucking happens in the 4 episodes that are out, im not sure what everyone is sperging out about. is animation really so boring that this is considered good?

You are missing the years of him being vlad and you forgive him because he found a gf

Whether it's anime or not doesn't mean anything. The show sucks compared to any standard.

I think that's just you and your preconceptions user. Try not to be so triggered next time you misunderstand what a word means.

Wait, the game came before the show?

>idiots ruined everything
fixed that for you, as episode 4 will clearly state

The Belmont in this show is a straight up Twilight tier Gary Stu. He gets slapped around like a masochist and generally acts like a buffoon but suddenly knows how to kick anything's ass?

>I wish Grant made an appearance
nobody wanted Grant. The only people saying this are those who just finished reading the wikipedia page

>draculas waifu killed
>entire city killed
>trevor fights random peasants while shouting about how he fought fucking vampires
>cyclops fight
>priest fight
>demon fight
>alucard fight
Plenty happened for 4 episodes

>First thing we see in the series is rows and rows of impaled skeletons at his doorstep

P.S. Where's my Castlevania Legacy or whatever Konami? I want to throw money at you so you remember we love these games.

Great except:

1. Trevor. He's anti-clerical, cynical, Ellis style quippy hero. He doesn't seem connected to the game Trevor Belmont, who starts the game by praying at a ruined Church.

2. DUDE THE CHURCH IS EVIL subplot. Goes on forever, (it's at least 25 mintues long), and ends up being mostly irrelevant filler.

3. No Grant. Apparently Ellis thinks Pirates r gay.

He's a jackass that's been cast out because of idiots blaming him for everything. You'd have to be a masochist to keep helping people that hate your guts.

No, it's pretty lame.

What are you even on about.
Castlevania isn't anime but an american cartoon.

He was really drunk in the bar fight user. You ever watch drunks fight?

It's almost like his family tried from birth to that very thing and he may have admitted he was out of practice a few times

To be fair The belmonts were originally outcasts in the third game.

someone had to kill Drac's wife. also the church was corrupt as fuck in the middle ages.

Grant wasn't pretty enough for netflix.

>It's not anti-religion, it's simply...
Nobody is retarded enough to buy this.

The retards that make this hate ther Truth, and the Church, and religion. They hate anything that goes against their hedonism and nihilism.

Like you, they know absolutely nothing about Christianity, nor the Church, nor faith, nor God. Yet you talk about it, because the world teaches you that the more retarded you are regarding one topic, the more retarded you should be about it.

The show is directed by a fedora who made a movie called "For the Bible says so", which is a retarded apology of sodomy in which the evil Christians who oppose it are bigots who just "interpret" the Bible in a bigoted way.

The writer, of course, is another pseudo-intellectual fedora who tries to be DEEP.

The church did kill his wife in symphony of the night didnt they?

>h-he was drunk!
Nigga kills vampires. What were you thinking?

No shit, detective. The guy acts like an aloof retarded bitch boy of an MC straight out of TV Tropes. I would like to think the Belmonts are little classier considering their lineage.

Netflix shill defense force must be hard at work today

Too short to really be kino, but the groundwork was pretty damn good. Hopefully the second season comes out quick, there's nothing else good on Netflix these days.
Pic related is still my favorite vidya adaptation, curious to see if Castlevania can overtake it.


>sex scene in episode 5 where Alucard and Trevor double team Sypha while Grant jerks off on the ceiling

Killing vampires doesnt make you immune to becoming drunk as shit.

>someone had to kill Drac's wife
And the church is the one who did it in SOTN. It's like people forget the monks in the crowd during Alucard's nightmare.

I don't know why people get so upset about this. It feels like I've been warped back to the '60s when people still gave a damn about how the church was portrayed in media.

Someone post the webm of Alucard vs Trevor

He was just anti-idiot. Remember when he called out for a Priest and mentioned needing one "actually ordained by God." Trev had no beef with God just the Church

No, she was killed by the townspeople, not the church

>The church did kill his wife in symphony of the night didnt they?

We don't know who ordered her burned in the flashback. It could have been a lynching. There's a preist there though.

It's amusing to see christfags and Sup Forumsfags become the new fedoras on Sup Forums. The kind that get triggered at any sort of negative view of Christianity, nevermind that Japanese games have been pulling shit like that for years. But I bet you don't even play video games.

Sup Forumsfag tears sustain me.

what is the complete opposite of a fedora tipper?
because you are one and you just as annoying.

Being drunk as shit doesn't make you immune to kicking ass, either

But a demon straight out says that god exists and that he helps people. Trevor has a consecrated whip and a priest makes holy water that fucks up demons.

bible basher, bible thumper, god botherer

do you think that priest could bless a bucket of Sypha's pee?

Monks were always present during an execution you idiot but that doesn't mean Lisa's execution was officially sought out and sanctioned by the Church. In the game, you can clearly see it's the TOWNSPEOPLE who had her executed

Makes you significantly worse at it though.

He also has a huge fucking cross on his shirt and it is a big deal when he takes off the jacket and shows it.

He IS a man of God.

Look user,I'm a huge CVfag,but KONAMI of all companies deserves nothing but bankruptcy in this day and age

They're lucky that they have the arcade market and pachinko machines keeping them afloat,but the console division deserves a bullet to the head

The whip isn't consecrated, it's enchanted with the soul of a vampire.

Tat is not alucard.

It's pretty cheesy and formulaic. Like an edgy version of your average saturday morning cartoons from the 90's. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. I hope they ramp it up next season.

lol. to have anyone burned at the stake you needed the approval from the church dumbass. it's not america and the salem witch trials.

It's not even motorsports to them. They only see it as "the anime thing" therefor it is now good.