Young tryhard kids will finally end TF2

Team Fortress 2 will die because of users that try really hard to be "competitive" with it. I can say this confidently, because I'm not originally a TF2 player on PC. I used to play on console (ps3), where the version of the game is the most vanilla one you'll ever find. Engineers making sentry nests while clipping through the map, Spy being able to stab while in cloak and everything between.

Now I recently started playing the PC version, but I also followed all the updates up until this point. So many times I've heard kids over the mic saying "WE DON'T NEED A SINGLE SPY, SWITCH TO SOLDIER!" and other things like that. They want to win at all costs, just like their competitive idols (whoever they may be, I don't follow players of competitive or even know any of their names). This "win at all costs" effectively means that the mentality spreads, in which if you're not playing Scout, Soldier or Demoman then you're a worthless player and you have to get kicked out. Now, I haven't been kicked out, but it angers me to see this behavior in a mode clearly labeled CASUAL play. Casual implies you can just jump in, shoot the shit and have fun.

TF2 players right now don't want "fun". They want "balance" and more competitive garbage, which the game was not centered around. The 6v6 format is one of the most boring things to ever be called "competitive" in gaming history. It's essentially one big mirror match, where everyone does the same thing over and over, until ultimately those that had better aim or just got luckier will push for the win.

Valve's mistake, among the many, was to try and fuse the casual and competitive communities. One prefers dumb fun, the other wants total control over everything, even other player's class choices.

What will finally "kill" team fortress is the new wave of young "tryhards" that want all games to be competitive and e-sports, and in TF2, this special cancer has been breeding for a long, long time.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I've only recently started playing on PC
>I was yelled at by a 12 year old
>This is recent behavior and will kill the game
You're a few years late buddy.


shut the fuck up and cap the point and play the objective.

t. hoovy who gets mad when people kill him

who here mains pyro just for the joy of killing tryhard soldiers and demomen?

yeah it's totally people playing the game and not valve neglecting to give the game support and fucking up the economy

It's funny because most PS3 users are kids that can't afford a good PC or paid online

>install TF2 because I haven't played it in years
>now has matchmaking
>try looking for a casual game with all maps selected
>after 2 minutes I'm still not in a game
>quit TF2

People think the game has gotten worse when maybe really after playing a game for a decade maybe you're the one that's changed lol
I still think tf2 is great

Matchmaking really did make things worse tho. I miss finding servers with two people on it, get put on the other team and fight the both of them. fun times


I hate when OP makes a thread and never responds
let us berate you

There is still a server-browser though, what the fuck are you on about?

Valve's biggest mistake is and was killing the community servers. The end. Weapon balancing or the competitive mode or anything were all less impactful than them killing the community servers.

Pyro update will fix everything, and I need all of you to believe that, boys.

Is the causual matchmaking still 24/7 2fort?

>wasn't the heavy update
fucking furries

i only main Pyro so i can make an Engineer happy

here's to hoping that the Pyro update at least lets the Pyro actually be passable in direct combat without resorting to crit combos

Only at night. God help you if you want to play a really good map that plebs hate like doomsday though.

>when the pipes land
>when one's a crit
>when the sticky trap works
>when someone calls you out for not hamstringing yourself by equipping a shield and running at them like a worsePyro

not the same at all, there used to be maps like that a plenty
But crit combos are the funnest thing ever
Lighting a scout on fire, letting him run away till he thinks hes safe, flare him from across the map
few things in life are better

2fort? Turbine is the map you can't get away from nowadays
I think ctf is fun though

ctf is gr8 for wasting time and goofing off

alot more enjoyable than dustbowl's last point

I really miss playing ctf_sawmill, it was one of the funner ctf maps.
Idk I like stalemates, its fun to try and break out of them


Same thing happened to Halo. It used to be a fun game but they are trying to make it a strictly competitive game by drastically increasing speed. I have always said that the e"sports" community is fucking cancer and so far they have ruined every fun game they touch

this is 100% true. get the fuck off spy. he was never a good character and playing shit that your team doesn't need and ruining the match is what is killing this game.

Haven't played in a while. Is ctf_sawmill in matchmaking? I loved that map

>lay a trap down the path
>run out into the open and start shouting Medic! and zig zag around like i'm close to death
>see someone notice me and retreat like i don't want to die
>they follow me and get blown up by the trap while i laugh at them
demoman is probably the funnest class for all the shit you can pull off

>when the REEEEE STICKY SPAM intensifies

A good Spy was essential back before F2P when a good Engi nest would be single handedly blocking your team from advancing. Nowadays Brazillian engis are so terrible that a a single soldier can wipe out their nests leaving Spies in the cold.

it's not
Spy can be fun, you just need to admit that unless your amazing youre gonna accomplish jack fucking shit

spies are still viable it's just a terrible pick for new players

Soldierfags are indeed the cancer that killed TF2 but you don't need to be histrionic abou tit.

Name ONE good scout hat that isn't multi-class.
Dante must spam E mode: No miscs

Baker Boy
Bombing Run
Baseball Bill's Sport Shine

Spies lose games.

With that said I play koth_harvest just to sit behind the spawn doors and backstab people that just spawned.

>tfw remembering the old milkman weapon combo
Why would they remove set bonuses

It was effectively pay2win.


And now all three components of the Milkman set are useless individually and in tandem, and even the halfassed replacement health booster has been gutted and reduced to a useless "lifesteal" pistol.

God I miss bulkscout.

>Tryhards ruin everything

In other news, the sky is blue.

The Saharan Spy was gimmicky but fuck was it fun once you got it going.

Front runner

Yeah, but anyone who's not f2p could just craft the hat manually with 4 refined metal and a weapon of the set. At most, it would take 60 or so guns, and that's if you're dead set against trading in which case it'd only take like 20 guns worth of metal. Killing set bonuses basically removed all those subclasses that used them like mid-range scout and fez spy.

But those subclasses inconvenienced Soldier so they had to be deleted. No one is allowed to have fun non-stock options but Soldier.

it's 50/50 lets be honest. The trade economy isn't something that matters, it rises and falls with the game's popularity. Valve wouldn't have pushed competitive so hard if the community didn't completely overreact and tried to compete with overwatch.

Well the bigger problem is they didn't even try. They made some noises about introducing competitive, gutted the server browser and unleashed one or two awful "balance" patches. No real effort has been made with this game in probably at least 5 years.

this is actually the biggest problem with the game
Look at how many people complain about pyro, the weakest class in the game
Its an "unbalanced" class because it SOMEWHAT counters soldiers

No, it's an unbalanced class because it's too powerful at beginner levels and too weak anywhere higher.

Have you tried just shooting him?
Maybe keeping a distance? Sidestepping rockets?

you're not clever or funny

And you're not good at the game

>when you don't have an argument so you just say "git gud"

I feel anxiety when playing CTF.

This so much, i will never understand this level of autism.

>Tryhard niggers end game
Especially not when all the community servers exist
Which is why I didn't understand when everybody bitched about the removal of quick play as I assumed everyone just used community servers

"Powerful" lmao
Just press the s key user. You shut down 99% of pyros with that

We're not the ones complaining soldiers are OP
Soldiers are the ones constantly butthurt about pyros, claiming "Airblast needs nerf!" or "crits too strong!" when if you know how to play soldier, you should literally never die to a pyro

This is wrong.
Do a 180 and actually run away so you don't hit a wall and don't lose 10% of your speed.

lmao my dude just back away from him diagonally so you don't loose any speed and you can shoot him at the same time

The idea is that you shoot him whilst backpedalling.... I'd thought it would be obvious

Anyone who thinks pyro's are OP need to uninstall. You need to be amazing as a pyro to even make a difference in a match

He IS right, though. Soldier beats every class in the game easily. Only Scout can go 50:50 with him and that depends entirely on Scout getting the drop.

>Spy could cloak longer with his set
>Sniper was immune to headshots with his
yeah no, lets not do that shit. just spread those effects to the weapons themselves

heavy can beat soldier if heavy is competent and doesnt miss
Pyro is really up in the air about how it goes down
Demo sorta can beat him with a 50:50 matchup
every thing else though probably not

But every class except for medic and spy have ways to easily dispatch a soldier. Unironically become good, my dude. Maybe even try shooting at the guy shooting at you or positioning better or playing a class that your retards can get behind if, god forbid, the enemy team has a somewhat competent soldier.

>At PAX.
>Mention TF2.
>Friend's nephew says he knows what it is, says, "It's like Overwatch's grandfather."
>"Overwatch's tired old senile feeble grandfather."
> Friend, who I had dated, says, "Hey. Be careful. If it wasn't for TF2 distracting him, user might have been your uncle instead of your uncle Carl."

If you lose to a heavy as a fucking soldier, you need to seriously uninstall
Pyro has a chance of winning, but not if the soldier is smart, or has shotty
Demo can, yeah
Besides scout or demoman, no class has a chance against soldier lmao. If you disagree its cause you suck at soldier

>Scots did 9/11
The conspiracy all makes sense now.

>When they removed detonating stickies while taunting

>what is getting behind your sentry or equipping the hard counter circuit
>what is just shooting at him
>what is keeping distance like any sniper should
>what is pressing m2 or shooting him as pyro
>what is playing soldier yourself

id like to see the engineer that could survive a rocket barrage with the short circuit as it is today
You're not outputting more damage unless youre a scout or a demoman
Soldiers can harass you with rockets at a distance in order to close the gap.
If you think m2 is actually a counter to soldier then i really dont know what to tell you. If the soldier has shotgun there is no way for you to win, unless the soldier is shit
I do play soldier, I just dont delude that im some bastion of skill when I play the 2nd strongest class in the game

>But every class except for medic and spy have ways to easily dispatch a soldier.
Medic and Spy also have ways to easily dispatch a Soldier.

None of them have ways to dispatch a Soldier of equal skill. Only Scout can 50:50 him, Demo can sometimes beat him with favorable conditions. I realize you don't play at a high enough level to see this, but it's objectively true.

>soldier switches to shotgun
>just burn him
>collect frag
>hurr durr you're just bad
I didn't realize that all these retards on Sup Forums were actually plat 6v6 fags, but whatever broseph. Maybe it's time to play a real class if you're having soldier troubles.

Do you actually think that by the time your close enough to burn him, the soldier wouldnt have destroyed you with either splash damage or shotgun damage?
You seem to believe the average player has way worse aim than they do, which really reveals the level of skill you play at

Why? CTF is the chillest gamemode ever. No time limit, and you know its gonna be almost impossible for either team to organize enough for a push
CTF is pretty much everyones go to DM mode

umm sweetie, the game is 10 years old and it's still one of the most played games on steam. Also what was your username on the ps3 version? I used to play that a lot up until 2011 or so.