Has there ever been an open world so large they had to take into account the curvature of the earth?

Has there ever been an open world so large they had to take into account the curvature of the earth?


it's flat anyway

>the curvature of the earth
Nice fucking meme dude

>curvature of the earth

The first error you made is to think that game worlds are anything but flat. Only games like Elite Dangerous feature curvature of planets/moons.

Mario Galaxy

Like how?

Most real life applications dont take curvative into account.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 so far looks like planet-scale open world, but it's too eraly to tell.

Space Engine.

>curvature of the earth

Everybody knows the earth is flat unless you're a fucking dirty sape and or a cia-nigger

Don't know if this answers your question but there are sandbox space games that feature planets you can build on, circumnavigate and leave completely.

Most games are flat because they're modeled after the real world.

Animal Crossing.

>this thread
Not sure if retarded or just trolling

fuck off you shit ass facebook memers

of course not you fucking faggot because a game with a world that size would be fucking garbage

try understanding what makes games engaging before you post your retarded ass comments on this board


>unless you're a fucking dirty sape
I wonder for how long this insult will be used



check buzz aldrins instagram instead.

as long as there are saped sapes saping we'll call them sapes

Ok, I'll bite into your stupid thread.

And what are you supposed to fill your huge huge open world with? More blank space?? I'm not even discussing exploring it.

Jesus christ, please tell me you're underaged and kill yourself


fuck off you incredulous faggot, that's even worse than Facebook. It's like the same thing except entirely populated by normies and nobody else.

Space Engineers, though any good space sim probably does this.

>stand by the sea
>the horizon is curved
>watch youtube videos of amateur rockets
>they fly into space and don't hit a glass ceiling
How is anyone actually retarded enough to think the world is flat in 20 fucking 17?

think again sheeple

global conspiracy

There was a horizon in Asscreed Black Flag when you were sailing. As you moved toward it, you could see the top of high objects rising over. It looked like they did some trickery to achieve the effect though.

This can be done easly by shaders.

>And what are you supposed to fill your huge huge open world with? More blank space?? I'm not even discussing exploring it.
Procedurally generated content.

Where no two players would be able to find themselves? You missed there's material to collect and crafting...
