Woa.. Really.. Hm... Makes me think

Woa.. Really.. Hm... Makes me think...

Why is The Witcher 3 the greatest RPGs of all time Sup Forums?

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spoiler alert: its shit

Excuse me? The Witcher 3 is not shit at all it is one of the greatest games this decade...

Is this a troll image or real numbers? Because BotW felt much, much bigger to me. Maybe because it was so empty.

Obviously real user

Eh, I'm sorta in the middle. I love the game and think W3 is great overall but I'm also a Witcher fanboy who's currently reading the books so I'm a bit impartial. I'm more then willing to acknowledge the game as flaws though, namely that the loot system is fucking broken and I'm tired of getting relic weapons that are less powerful then base swords. Also a good majority of the armor in the game looks terrible (that's why you always go for Witcher armor)

*not impartial, partial towards the game
>fuck me

whoa. cute map kid does it come in adventureer size?

either the witcher 3 is one of the only games you've every played or you hate RPGs

I think Witcher was able to have alot of good side quests while keeping the world that large, but there was ALOT of really half-assed contracts especially in the Nilfgaardian base in the bottom right. Skyrim is just dense as FUCK, as bad as the Skyrim dungeons are the Witcher ones are literally nothing.

GTA's map is a joke, only really utilized in GTAO

Skyrim is only the lighter area of that map, BoTW is that entire area.

this thread is for RPGs, faggot, not braindead social simulators

excuse me



Here is what a TRUE map looks like

nice walking simulator

Name a better RPG that's come out between 2015 and now

not him but witcher series along with VtMB my favorite rpg series. almost 20 years of gaming.

Mass Effect Andromeda

yeah no thats nothing

isnt xenoblade x the biggest?

most of that is empty and only accessible using exploits.

>witcher 3

The sea water on GTAV shouldn't count towards it's size, either.

might be impressive if 80% of the map wasn't water.

having a huge map is a bad thing



when a bunch of forrest gumps say that witcher 3 is good

Minecraft possible map size is 8 times the size of the earth surface. Your mear KM are funny.

but thats literally the issues the gta and witcher map has except its more like 90%

nice map you got there nerds

Witcher 3 is the best rpg since Dragon Age Origins. Anyone who says otherwise has never played it, doesn't like rpgs, is a weeb who doesn't like combat unless they're watching the game play it self. Or is a contrarian. Fact

purposefully making it look worse than it is. Desperate and sad.

>unpatched game
>20 fps
nice bait

>full of content and interesting locations
>devoid of content and interesting locations

Really makes you think.

you guys are all fucking subhumans

Show me the source data on these area numbers please

Nope, Daggerfall is, by A LOT

Source: My massive gaping asshole

oh look shrine number 234. YIPPE! "content"

Ya blew it

trying to find a reason to defend this game is actually desperate and sad

GTAIV and GTAV both have WAY TOO BIG of maps. map size is pretty much irrelevant, it's the amount of novel+interesting content and the map design that matters.

Well yes, an empty field with randomly-placed tree and rock sprites can be arbitrarily large.

show me the sources that it is the greatest game of this decade

Yup. Your 1 minute second video about the horse really convinced me. Cherry pick harder dumbass.

>amazing story
>unique sidequests
>amazing combat

uhhh.. user?

I'm not good at convincing dumbasses sry

It's not an RPG, that word means nothing at this point, it's a simlplistic action game married to an MMO. In other words, a typical game shoved into a giant world without any open-world design.

It's not even a good game, I just think it has a few really good qualities. For me it's yet another case of an open world feeling especially vacant, boring or dead. Some people like these games. Some people also like Stardew Valley.

you know you could just make a small map and have the player run slower, scale everything smaller and closer together...

>Not an RPG
>You don't choose how your character acts and reacts
>You don't choose how your character fights and deals with problems
>You don't roleplay
Maybe you didn't

You mean make a large map and have the player run faster, and scale everything larger and further apart, thus winning map dick swinging contests.

you can't do that because they generally measure the size based on run speed



Witcher 1 Early Beta>>>>W1

lets see how much more hipster we can get

Ark has better maps and its a lot more interactive. Cross server wars and warlords. I quit. Almost led to a divorce. Been in a war with Cobra for around 1 year. Our entire alliance can fill 8 servers up.

Is this a map a thread?

Those don't make it a role playing game, those just make it a videogame. Thanks for your weird response, anyways.

Does that account for Toussaint?

That's the lowest quality bait i've read in this whole year.

No it's a dick sucking contest between ninteniggers and cucked 3 faggots.

No Man's Sky is about twenty gorillion times larger than that. Best game ever confirmed.

>i-it's just bait
right. you'd trip and hit your head trying to criticize it anyways.

Witcher's not that big.

At least it doesn't feel that big. You're map's off OP. Skellige's bigger than Velen/Novigrad, and White Orchard is a bit smaller. Skellige's mostly water too.

only faggots play that shit game

>70% water
>an entire continent is empty for no reason
>Australia, NA and SA are just shitty copies of the starting area
>none of the African quests make any sense
>only one quest giver in the china region
>shit land forms (A FUCKING BOOT, SA and Africa fitting together)

I'm still laughing at you retards who thought the world would actually be that big.

How big is Ghost Recon Wildlands? It is impressive in-game.

Step aside chumps

i fucked ur mom kid

>Says its not a RPG even though it obviously is
>Simplistic action game having more mechanics than any other game that you can name of its size
>giant world without any open-world design when its exactly the opposite.

I mean, do you even walk outside? TW3 world is pretty fucking diverse and detailed as far as the enviroments are concerned and there are lots of different NPC and designs. Fucking hell, why am I even responding to bait?


Is there a larger more lore developed world?

BotW feels huge because you run slow as shit, even when gliding its barely faster than sprinting speed


That's a shame

Role-playing is about improvising a character in an improvised story with other people. It's a pretty fucking complex thing that is not descending into videogames any time soon (that's why I said it's a meaningless term, at least applied to videogames), so any time a game is called an RPG it's using some vague cloudy definition that includes stats, levels and inventory (which is in non-RPGs). Every example you could give me of Witcher's "role-playing" would be pathetic relative to actual role-playing. That's not a criticism of the game, just a point about the categorizing that Sup Forums doesn't like.

The game is huge, so no game with complex combat even aims for such a big one. What else even competes when you include its size? I shouldn't of said it was simplistic, I realised that on my own because there's some good depth in there, but I found the encounters with enemies to be fairly shit and just found myself just gaming their dumb AI (just like Witcher 2).

Open world design is when parts of the world reach over the open world and touch each other (such as a police chase). A bunch of little closed off singularities (sidequests) is what you would encounter in any game. To be fair, open-world is a vastly undeveloped branch of game design, and I played Witcher 3 for 3 or so hours before I died of boredom, but I doubt it has much good open world design. Filling a big world full of lootable boxes, sidequests, empty areas and mobs standing still makes me think of an MMO, not a stimulating open world. In other words, don't bait yourself too hard into thinking it's a good game.

Then what does make something a roleplaying game?

What if I don't like playing as Geralt?

ebig :-DDDDDDD

You don't even fly in the air space of half those nations.

>ACKTEWALY if it's not tabletop it's not real Roleplaying
Fuck off back to /tg/

skyrim has a billion caves, mines and ruins that are separate from the main world. not really fair to compare it to these

Fucking greenskins are everywhere

Thank you fellow tumbldores

real life is p2w and literally requires years of grinding
only morons play real life

Role playing proper, with other people, involves creating the characters and story and playing them out in your imagination. This involves necessary structures (dice rolls, stats, inventories), but people typically call games RPGs just for having that necessary structure. Is Mass Effect really an RPG, or a third person shooter with some extended accounting on the surface you get to manipulate?

RPGs are defined by an extensive improvised control over characters and a much bigger situation/story. The choices in vidya RPGs aren't worth a shit compared to that. You play a role in them, the difference is between a toy car and a real one. Now the word is so abused that people will tell you that a toy car and a real one are the same thing. "You drive them both user!!!! they're both cars!!!!"

And yet we know they're there. What do we really know of Nirn or the worlds of Witcher and Zelda? Until the next installment to the franchise those worlds are just pangaeas.

I keep seeing maps like this posted but I never really understood how you even measure something like that.

But calling them "developed" is just a lie, we don't know anything about them other than they're there and have flags.

Refer to We talk about video games here
well, we at least don't talk about tabletop

I noe rite?

The word "role playing game" came from table-top games. Games appropriated it but completely stripped its roleplaying guts (muh stats)

Sorry that my point couldn't safely land in your head, user. I blame the poor landing strip.


What retarded game is this? Please don't tell me it's named this way because anthropomorphic dogs live there.

Only because maybe...uh you can go everywhere

whereas skyrim clones is just walking on flat ground

upboats to the left!


Versus the alternative where we know nothing outside of one continent and a game that is set elsewhere is a risk devs don't seem to want to take.