What's a video game where the angels are evil?

What's a video game where the angels are evil?

Every fucking JRPG under the sun, stupid.


Dark Souls 3

>exterminating furries

I bet his name is Lucifer

which of universe 7 guys got bounced this episode? pls not tien

Devil May Cry 3, 4, and DmC at least, I forgot about the others

Viper GTS

none so far
9 is gone though

Furry ningens are the worst.

Monster girl quest.


How about ones that aren't?
Kamidori kinda

Most SMT games.

He isn't evil. Those shit universes have to go.

What's his end game?

Almost every game made in the east

>based mastema

I want to save him


>Tried to kill Moses
Shit you might be on to something. No more Jews.


Literally nothing. He's immortal. He has no "endgame". He was just probably just mildly amused at watching those mortals he was supposed to oversee vanish. That's free vaction days right there.

>when she sees your ki blast

Tales of Symphonia.

>Goku is just going to revive all the universes with the dragon balls because "These guys are really strong, and i want to fight them again as friends, its not right that they get wiped out. besides i dont really care about immortality or anything like!"

Its really something when you can already tell how this shit is going to end the minute it starts.

He's so obviously being groomed as the next god of destruction that there's no way he won't be the god of _fighting_

Naw nigga goku gonna wipe everyone den dat nigga gunna be like all dez hoes weak asf den mudafaka just gonna start throwing dem handz on The 2 Zenos and Grand Priest until Vegeta will put dat cuckorot back into his place

his universe was full of scumbags and he's glad they are out of his hair. all his god of destruction and kaioshin did was scheme and connive instead of build their universe which is why it had the lowest mortal level. this is obvious in every scene he is in that features all three gods. people are fucking dolts who can't pay attention for two seconds if they he's in on some sinister plot because of this retarded smile.

Monster Girl Quest

He was gonna snitch out his own god of destruction in the end Anyways

i really can't see zeno or the grand priest allowing that. they're fucking loving wiping shit out. goku doesn't hold THAT much sway over the gods, Zeno didn't seem to give a shit when he thought goku was about to lose. This tournament is all about Zeno getting to push his nuke button, and the tantrum he'd throw if goku undermined that would almost certainly wipe the super dragon balls as well as anything else from exist-

whoops, i forgot about dragon ball super completely retarded for a second there. you're probably right.

you mean like how the zamasu arc ended with trunks obviously saving his universe?


>Zeno didn't seem to give a shit when he thought goku was about to lose.

disagree. they seemed to show some level of concern over whether or not goku (and his friend) lost both times goku was in danger of losing, but they don't seem to give a shit about what happens to anyone else

What are some games where angels are good?

Bunny black is kinda.

I dunno. I think you're half right. I think Goku will be one of the last people left in the tournament, fighting against someone. He'll lose just to subvert expectations, but maybe say something that convinces the winner to just wish them all back.

She didn't deserve it, she was too pure

What are some games where the angels are lawful-neutral?

Diablo 3

I want to get /fit/ for Cus

I miss them

7 ate 9

Fuck off Sup Forums. It's not funny anymore




So glad the furfags are gone
all the universes get erased

>Whis could be a bad guy

Please don't do this to my boy Tori

If that universe gets revived for whatever reason then Zeno is weak as shit and hakai is a joke skill.

Goku can do Hakai in the Manga it's already a joke skill

Dragon Quest IX
Kid Icarus
Act Raiser

He's happy they are gone. He always looked disappointed at whatever the God of destruction and his lackey were doing. He isn't hiding anything.

The Angels are evil now? What I miss?

I want to find a jrpg where the chuch are the good guys for once. I mean realism is fine but can't fantasy games break from real life just a bit?

Fucking good series, best hentai

there was dumb theory about the Grand Priest being evil and the one really calling the shots and Toriyama found out

The winning universe gets to make a wish on the Super Dragon Balls. If U7 doesn't win, it'll probably be U11, and they'll probably wish for something stupid like the lesser universes all being merged into several super-universes.

Alternatively, they've already shown that you can just turn back time to un-destroy a universe, so they could go that route as well.

>If it's mecha it's toy commercials
>If it's SoL it's boring
>If it's shoujo it's moeshit
>If it's good it's pretentious
>If it's shonen it's a masterpiece

Why does Sup Forums have the worst taste in anime?

Can you blame him? Imagine being around that fucking Kai for more than an hour.

Two of those are correct

It wasn't concern, it was disappointment. They're eternal gods, they only care about the amusement they get from goku. They definitely wouldn't care too much if goku lost.

Zeno's holding a tournament to decide what universes he will destroy, the angels are complicit in this (which is sorta evil by itself?) and won't get destroyed.


Because all anime is trash and Sup Forums is populated by nostalgiablind twenty somethings who grew up watching shounen trash on toonami

Stop posting Topo your universe will be the one to be BTFO'd next

I don't get it either

why does Sup Forums have such shit taste?

the trails in the sky games have a benevolent church complete with pope

It was either a tournament to decide which one survives, or destroying all of them outright. They at least get a fighting chance this way, and it entertains Zeno -- win-win for everyone, except the ones who lose.

>Furverse gone in a blink of an eye
>Danger Trio tried their best
>All those in Universe 9 who werent in the tourney didnt know anything
>dont even go to the afterlife just straight up gone
>Only one left was the Angel, who doesnt care about them
This is no longer Waku waku

>trails in the sky
I really should get around to playing them
I bought them in a sale and still didn't even install them

Dragon Quest

>all those series in the Sup Forums list
>people instead make threads about Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, DBS and other bottom barrel shonen

still way more than anyone else gets

What are some games where the villain succeeds but the heroes think they've stopped him and got a happy ending?