My father works for Sony and is working on the new PlayStation ask me anything

My father works for Sony and is working on the new PlayStation ask me anything.

I want to make it clear this thread is video game based, however its important to mention, I was in a 2pac Video once many years ago. He used to smile at me after I would get in the booth after he had finished rapping and I said "White girl on the track". My father would watch with pride. Tupac was a nice man.

Ask me anything about the new playstation model. I have a lot of information, screenshots, information on the specs and everything.

I'll bite, when's the ps5 coming out
Also which video


The one with the white girl in it.

Any more questions?

I don't have all day, after all I was in a music video and my father is one of the major people working on the new playstation console.

Questions should appear quickly.

Imagine to be ur pusi slave


I'm sure you would enjoy this, however due to being in a rap music video and having a wealthy and esteemed father, my status has caused me to be bad and boujee much alike a girl from the popular and recent migo's music video.

Post a pic of ur face pls

Wow what a coincidence, my father ALSO works for Sony and he says you're full of shit.

I can do this.

Will I do this?

Maybe someday.

Why do black people like the genesis so much?

Your dad doesn't work at sony, I can tell by the way your wrote that.

All the MAJOR employee's at sony have daughters who say words like "father" and know about the latest rap videos with the newest and most revered rappers.

I believe people of all ethnicity's enjoyed this console.

Your comment appears to be judgemental and unreasonable.

If only your father worked somewhere worth asking questions about, or I cared about Tupac. Such a waste.

Have you been BLACKED before? Also, post your feet.

Why do you keep making this thread when nobody cares or believes you?

This new console is unlike anything ever seen on the planet thus far.

Men and women will be in shock alike lil uzi vert when he says "Huh?" during the popular and revered bad and boujee music video by the migos.

because it's black

Whom I've slept with is none of your business.

Seeing is believing. I bet you've never seen a pirate before have you? Well, you're seeing me right now.

>This new console is unlike anything ever seen on the planet thus far.
Just like every console before it. Gamers are gonna love playing Minecraft on their 6k televisions.

>Men and women...
This entire sentence...what is this feeling? Second hand embarrassment? Cringe? I can say with certainty that I did not enjoy reading this.


>provide no proof of anything
>make pointlessly vague claims while soliciting questions answered without credibility or citation
>lol seeing is believing
Better luck next thread, third time's the charm.

Its not an ordinary console, it doesn't connect to a television.

When I say unlike anything ever seen. I don't think you fully understand.

How long is his dick? I fantasize about it all the time.

>Its not an ordinary console, it doesn't connect to a television.
like a handheld, wii u, or switch?

My spelling was correct. You are incorrect like drake trying to figure out the square root of a number during the popular "Whats my name?" video by rihanna. This isn't a rap video, but since a rapper was in it, I've mentioned it.

I have posted proof of every claim none of my claims have been vague.

I have cited 3 music videos in this thread and been specific about 2 of them. You're the one who has been foolish.

We didn't have relations.

Its not a handheld its a system which enables long distance travel.

Do you like building brown bricks?

Fucking shit bait thread, kys ploz

This comment is mysterious and strange.

I do not.

How does it feel to touch an anime girl? are their skin as soft as it seems?

I've not offered any worms to any species of fish since this thread has began, you're comment is confusing like offset during the recent and widely mocked interview involving Migos and Joe budden.

These acts are both rappers.

But building brown bricks is the most fun you can have while playing an app!

SoA was trying to do a deal where a feature music artist always does some music for the latest sonic game in development but SoJ said no.

Their skin would be jagged like the esteemed hip hop group jagged edge.

You cannot enjoy touching a women who is not possible to exist whilst simultaneously in lesser dimensions

Then I'm going to tell you 2pac was going to be a major artist for the game. If he did it, he would have transformed the franchise into a powerful bottle of keys.


He identifies as a rapper, on my occasions I've heard him engage in vocal exercises identical to the vocal expressions of rappers. Due to this I've been unable to label his claim as incorrect.

My deduction skills as a detective tell me you have quite powssibly never had sex!

that's a really big penis

Welp, the thread isn't getting replies fast enough and i've stopped having fun.

I was going to say the new playstation was going to be a car console you could drive while you play and you could use the controllers as fuel or whatever random non-sensical shit just came to my head.


I'm always on duty!