What are some good multiplayer games that will help me get a boyfriend? I'm so lonely

What are some good multiplayer games that will help me get a boyfriend? I'm so lonely.

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FFXIV is your best bet. Second Life is a good runner up.
TERA is a wasteland

how much do you weigh?

Seek help, mental illness is something that should controlled as much as possible.

Any MMO ever and esports (overwatch included if you main mercy)

134 lbs

I'm just so lonely

I have the hardest time communicating in overwatch

134 lbs

Again, FFXIV or SL. Both are games you can interact with people or simply fuck off or do your own thing.
That Ragnarok Online Restart might be a good bet, too. I should download that myself.

Can you be my gf(male)?

what are ur favorite type of games?

Strategy :p

I wish :o

Anyone that says this a fucking tumblrina land whale that should just drop dead of a fucking heart attack.

oh shit, add me on steam i freind a bro to play with.

Hmm...lonely shy girl posting on a board full of lonely virgin betas...
I'm not gonna call it bait, but it smells a bit fishy.

i think its a dude


all girls on Sup Forums have penises

are you a fag or actually female


I'm not a girl. I'm a lonely guy.

Are you more twinkish or bearish or hunkish?

Not a manly bone in my body; I'm too shy to go leave my house and talk to people.

Hmm. I like what I'm hearing so far. How old are you?

Add me anime girl Icy#1568


That's a good'n. I'll have to use that one

next you'll say you're over 5'10


Fuck outta here Christmas cake

I'm not. I'm 4'11

Its like when you go to pour yourself some milk but it pretends to be a twink and you smell it but it smells spoiled but you kinda want to risk it

wtf I'm around 5'10 135lb. But I also not gay nor do I pretend to be a girl. I'm just underweight.


Holy manlet. You're not gay, women just can't see you all the way down there. Race?



So then add me anime retard. I'll make you feel wanted, if you're cute.

I'm 5'11 120 lb. you fat bitch!

Can you please post this image but smaller so my pet ant can see it?

Furcadia is your best bet

What's the point of this thread?

Sup Forums is the best gay dating website.

Fuckk OP is getting attention like crazy. I kinda hope I'll find the right person one day. I'm not really the sort of person who hides behind images of anime girls

Faggots like to use Sup Forums as a hook up site. No idea why

I just don't understand why anyone would want a boyfriend, and I say that as a guy myself. Straight women and faggots must have inherently shit taste.

>cishet dude
nobody cares about your opinion hun

This is why i come to Sup Forums, pretentious faggots like you make me wet.

But I'm a top shelf product on the sexual marketplace apparently, being a mentally stable straight, white heterosexual male.

r u qt?

It's kinda like Hitchens said. If you're not funny, you'll never get laid.

People like me are born out of the fact that we're too pathetic to impregnate women, and it's become normal for us to base our sexualities around other things - to keep our primal instincts at bay. If you can't spread your genes, you might as well kill yourself.

I base mine on personality. I kinda like my fucked up, desperate sexuality. Doesn't really matter what a person looks like as long as we click well and have similar interests. We'll probably end up making each other flustered through rp, which I'm okay with.

oh sweetie you are so naive its almost adorable

people like yourself are a dying breed and its only getting worse for your kind


You're either falseflagging or too stupid to realise that you're making things worse for people like me and you

Yeah, it's getting worse for us, that's why it's better for me. The less mentally stable, moderately attractive white guys there are, the more women I have to choose from.