2017 is the best year in video games since 2004

>2017 is the best year in video games since 2004
>someone will start a World War before the end of the year

Why this always happens when things are starting to get better?

Fuck Trump and fuck white people

If only. But for the wrong reasons.
>muh Trump this, muh Trump that
>meanwhile the mussies blowing shit up and cutting heads and people actually defend them
It's gonna be Hitler all over again.

>hurr durr white peepul!

not video games
sage in all fields

>tfw people start to realize Hitler was the hero we needed all this time

>Blaming white people.
> Muslim aggression is obviously the world's #1 problem right now.
You must be from Britian or Germany.

Not all white people

Not all muslims

Not all fa-

Trump won't start a World War. Either North Korea or Iran.
It's a perfect time to blame a world war in a light nationalist such as Trump so no nationalist president will ever be elected again

>get laughed at in person at a dinner event for campaigning

>Win anyways.

His lips could have broken from his smugness that night.

holy shit she looks like anakin in episode 3

It always confuses me to why leftists love Muslims when Muslim countries stand against everything they believe in.

Also, the same leftists are starting to hate Israel. It's a topsy-turvy world we're living in.

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

World War with who? There is no country on earth capable of jump starting one with the US and China as financial watchdogs.

>2017 is the best year in video games since 2004
Heh, no.
It's not even 2007 tier, and that is already overrated.

The reason is simple. They believe the fairy tales that if you do 'good' then good things will happen. In otherwords, they believe their are no consequences to their actions and that Muslims will leave peacefully with them.

>. Either North Korea or Iran
>world war
Nobody is going to get roped into a war against the US just to defend North Korea or Iran.

>It always confuses me to why leftists love Muslims
easy: they represent the destruction of western values which leftists share the same goal

You're really fucking dumb If you think a world war is starting this year

no one trust in the media and in hollywood anymore, the only way to make people consume movies and news again is by having another world war

BEcause they think that once the Muslims see how great life is in other parts of the world, they will live peacfully among the rest of the world.
Despite every instance of them moving in, and trying to turn the place they moved to into Mini Iran.
Can't reason with people who are told by their religious leaders that anyone who isn't part of their club needs to die.

>someone will start a World War before the end of the year
As opposed to the one we'd already be in if war mongering Hillary had won?

This, desu.







When do we start shadowbanning people that start threads like this

Hello, reddit.

What games are you even talking about?


Nioh, Nier, Horizon, the good games of 2017 that won't exist in later years because of a world war

Fuck off you wretched shitposting cumstain, as a concept shadowbanning has been around longer than you've been on the Internet and no you are not going to try and justify shit fucking threads like this in such a lazy way.

Sage and report, folks. You deserve higher quality threads than this shit.

Hello retard

LMAO Trump has been getting BTFO HARD since entering office.

Name 1 (juan) thing he has done. I'm waiting drumfphlets :)

Nice reddit spacing and reddit fake news


Hello, reddit



t. offended by a single thread that is not either pro or against Trump

World War is a good thing. It'll be sad and shitty for a few years but in the end it'll be good for all of us. If jack fucking shit happens we're all doomed, if a war happens only some of us will be doomed.



Name a single good game that came out this year


Accel Word vs SAO

>Chris-chan stealing Family Guy jokes

Is this is? Is this the bottom of the humor barrel?

North Korea won't start shit, China doesn't want a war with the US. If NK really tries some crazy shit like nuking other countries China will step in and oust the government themselves just to make sure the US doesn't gain a foothold there. The US is China's chief trading partner while NK is just a buffer

I hope you are right

>When you realize your 240 year old country is done

Name 20 good games that have come out this year.

If any Hitler started to rise, armed groups of citizenry similar to antifa would mobilize as resistance forces before they even got started. People are deluded if they think a brutal fascist dictatorship is going to take over without some massive bloodshed first.

>1-20: all those games you are going to say suck

>Fuck Trump
Not even Melania wants to, why would I?
>Fuck white people
Don't mind if I do.

>Trump trying to get all Americans voting data
>also signaling to Putin and others he doesn't mind election interference
Is there a point in elections in the US anymore?

Cry more.

I genuinely want to know.

It always confuses me why rightists simultaneously like hardcore authoritarian dictators and countries especially in eastern europe but also like to cry about free speech and other rights that would not exist in their ideal authoritarian world.

Also I am pretty sure leftists just don't believe in varying levels of citizenship in a country like the right does.

>If someone is a Muslim they cannot be America. What about those muslim countries they aren't from?!

Talking about politics on Sup Forums is a very silly idea because the vast audience of Sup Forums is incapable of understanding it and would rather troll and shitpost about it in an attempt to be edgy. 2017 has been shit for games.

Gravity Rush 2
Dark Rose Valkyrie
Akiba's Beat
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8
Yakuza 0
Tales of Berseria
Nier: Automata
Toukiden 2
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Persona 5
Lego City Undercover
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni (PC ver.)
Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada

A country has to end before it can become something greater. Country is just America's starting point, the only question is whether we will go to continent level next or just skip that entirely and rename this planet America, then the solar system, and eventually the Milky Way galaxy. In 10,000 years you will be looking back on this moment and laughing at your folly, unless of course you do not currently live here, in which case, tough luck pako.