country music is the worst genre in existence.

This. Inb4
Hip Hop requires wit and talent to be good. Country is just twangy hick jargon.

Modern day country is shit*

What does this have to do with vidya? Oh right, nothing.

muh bixnood is the worse genre in existence
they don't even use any instruments in their music most of the time, niggers are incapable of learning how.

and the lyrics, half the time they're not even singing, just reading the words.

that would be rap.

>Hip Hop requires talent
Hilarious. You do know most hip hop "artists" can't actually sing without a computer changing their voice?

You've never heard good country music.

No the old stuff is just as bad.



christ, what the hell is your problem dude?

Yeah that's because rap isn't singing you fucking retard

i recently learned to my disappointment that john denver wasnt actually from west virginia

Rap isn't hip hop you dumb chimp.

>not liking john denver

I hope you die in a plane crash

t. WVfag

You could literally not split hairs any more if you tried. If you want to be a faggot about it, yeah hip hop is the final production and mixing and mastering and rapping is just the writing/flow/delivery, but it's all the same thing in speaking terms.

>its good you just have to drink 8 beer first xD

>defending negroid "music"

I've never met a white man worthy of respect that listens to rap or hip hop

>what kind of music do you like
>everything except country and rap

t. uncultured urban & city retards who dont know shit about shit

yall probably still use itunes

Nigger music is blasphemed poetry. The only good thing niggers have helped contribute to music was their additions to jazz and that was too civilized for them to continue doing. Disgusting subhumans.

Educated opinion: There are no bad genres, only bad musicians.

wipipo who listen to that shit should be shot



>I can't sing, play any instruments, or compose music which is anything more than 1-4 bars taken from another song and repeated ad infinitum over some bass drums...
>But I CAN rhyme words by pronouncing them wrong!
This is true talent

Henry? Is this you?

>you will never be an american living in the peaceful conservative heartland happily married tending to your farm listening to pat metheny & john denver

Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and proved untrue
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shining
Shine on the one that's gone and left me blue

this henry fella must know what he's talking about.

Im not the biggest fan of it either but its not even close to being the worst


i remember a few years ago there was some game people on Sup Forums played with google earth. starting in a random location in the middle of assfuck nowhere and having to navigate your way to the nearest airport. this song was posted often in these threads. thanks for the nostalgia