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Video Games #3834
Video Games
It's time
Why is this game so fucking boring and generic?
PS2 version looks best
Disciples 2
Attractive, busty female video game character used to be male
Did you destroy BBI already ?
Why the fuck is it exclusive to Vita?
Do you think Sonic Team and Dimps will be embarrassed/humbled by this?
I haven't eaten in three days, what are the best videogames to play while you atone for your gluttony?
Get hyped as fuck for BotW
1000 dollars? You killed my friends for 1000 dollars? You ruined me, you fuck!
How the fuck did this game sell over 30 million copies?
How young were you when you first searched for adult video game content?
Why does Blizzard nerf all the fun characters?
What are some good video games me and my gf can play?
Hello, please say a fun game to play with a friend. thank you bless you
Who do you want to see in the next Dragon Ball game?
Umm Steam what is this ?
Get online and message friend to see if he wants to play game
Reinstall it
Bad review
What's the biggest "fuck you" a game developer has ever pulled on their fans?
So...this is the Red dead 2 killer?
Ratchet and Clank reboot
Do you think Nintendo will port Smash 4 to Switch or make Smash 5?
So, Sup Forums! How's that game going? Any progress?
What is your opinion on chromatic aberration?
How are you remembering Iwata on this day Sup Forums?
Erik Kain says these are the best 5 vidya YouTubers
How is your country represented in vidya?
Oculus Announce Rift & Touch Price Drop To $399 For Summer Sale
Filename thread
Game 1 is amazing
I just finished this game. It was good
Can someone explain to me the praise that this game gets...
Make a boy
Be honest Sup Forums
Walkthrough video
Am i nostalgic or was first assassins creed the best one...
Any games you have autistic-level love/knowledge of?
What the fuck is going on here?
Actually good or just a meme game?
Why are western devs incapable of designing semen demons?
What are you playing on your PS4?
I'm gonna need some help, lads...
Are games more important to you than reading books, watching movies and animated cartoons/Japanese anime?
Wait just one fucking second. Are you serious?
How do you make an MMO expansion without basically retiring past content?
Woah haha. It's me, Crash, your large marsupial friend
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
When will Nep die?
Why aren't you playing the best 3DS game ever, courtesy from our friends at Genm Corp?
So Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on this?
Nintendo publishes and localizes this game in the west
Not too garish
WWE 2k18 announced for Switch
This needs to stop
BotW Any % speedruns are only 59.5% gameplay, the rest is cutscenes
If your name is called you have to go play vidya
Vidya Sins
Marina thread, no Pearl allowed
Sup Forums, how much do you think he has left to live?
The last video game enemy you fought is coming to fuck you
Horse girl
This is Dorothy, say something nice to her
Praised when it came out
What's the point of consoles?
Half life 3 + hl2 VR
Switch kernal access achieved
*blocks your path*
Why are elves so hated on Sup Forums?
ITT: Shit that makes you mad in video games
Barotrauma Thread?
N64 Classic when?
Xcom long war 2
ITT: games that should never be played muted
Undertale wasn't that bad
Haha he plays video games for story! haha *tips fedora*
It says here that you look up pornagraphic images of video game characters
I don't play games for a challenge. Life is challenging enough, I hate challenges...
The Zodiac Age comes out tomorrow
Why is Overwatch so popular?
But muh speed
Holy shit, I just finished the series, and of course 2 wasn't all that good, the series was still amazing...
Reminder this happened
ITT: video game characters literally designed with Sup Forums in mind
Have you been banned yet?
Characters that women will never understand
This game's ranking system is fucking shit
Why did games became political?
Alucard's outfit
Ww2 vidya thread?
How do we save the diablolike genre from pointless loot treadmills and shallow clickfest combat...
Build an android
Is this a bad character design?
Loli or Brown?
Keep it vidya related
Nintendo Switch is $500 dollars in the third world
Persona killed SMT
If they came to see me beg...they will be disappointed
Metroid vs Zelda
Are video games a good career?
The zombie apocalypse has broken out. The vidya character you played last is your protector. What is your fate...
ITT: Cool-looking bosses
That guy that believes that graphic cards matter when emulating games
Hows the piracy on this thing?
Why did people think this was the hardest game ever back in 2011? it just punished you for mistakes
TF2 Party Van
Sup Forums hates open world
How much for this [crap] ?
This is a good video game
This game has effectively ruined most JRPGs for me...
The Witcher 3
Graphics Thread
What is the Dark Souls of video games?
Was he gay?
This is a wanderer thread. Post your wanderers
Why does the SFV popularity still make a lot of people butt hurt?
Wouldn't Sony benefit if they released 720p games in 60fps...
This is my only 10/10
When was the golden age of video games?
Why is Sup Forums so transphobic?
Anyone know if Titanfall 2 is dead online? I got a giftcard from some friends so I'm either going to get this...
"nice lore you have there"
The top 11 games of 2017 so far are:
Why did he need more power?
Just found out Horizon Zero Dawn got a new game plus and Ultra hard difficulty mode anyone else gonna replay it?
Soon they will learn the tragic extent of my Darkest Dungeon thread
What are good hack n slash games like Titan quest or torchlight 2 or diablo rn...
Should I play this or buy the zodiac age?
Let me ask you this: what is it that you do when playing video games?
Let's be honest
Microsoft should enter the handheld market
Cheers for the feeback before Sup Forums...
ITT: Pictures relevant to gaming history
What did he do wrong? What he should've done right?
So why did VPNs blow up on the torrenting scene recently?
Why don't you own a Switch yet?
Just bought the Logitech G403
YFW you know you are playing with europeans because all your teammates fuckign suck balls
FOTM in march
Armored core is now 20 year old
What is your opinion on this party member, Sup Forums?
Tfw i don't see any black in this game
Harry the guy with the hat
This game is stressful as shit...
Biggest disappointment of 2017 so far?
Steam is losing sales on panty games with this feature
Bloodborne isn't the most kino game ever ma-
Do B12 supplements really work?
First video game faps?
What type of gamer are you?
What are some games where party rock is in the house tonight?
Nobody cares about Cra-
Just bought pic related on sale, what am I in for? It'll be my first Tales game
Friend is making an indie game with 3d characters
A Neanderthal
I must say GTA Australia is much better than I expected
Dark fantasy western with focus on the occult
Best breasts in vidya
Have you heard of the High Elves?
I'm not a consolefag
ITT: Bad weapon design
So, Castlevania is dead, right?
So a new CJRPG is coming our on the 3ds
Graphics board
Daily reminder he will be the final boss of Omega 9.0
What games let you chop off limbs and stuff?
ITT: Games that can never start a successful thread
Let's say you were traveling with a loved one
Make way fo the king
What kind of games do bitter flat-chested cunts like to play?
Oculus Rift 2 confirmed
Do you listen to game music on your phone, anons?
Name a more atmospheric game than Tiberian Sun
Sad sounding vidya music that isn't meant to sound sad
Don't mind me, just the greatest ever handheld coming through
Let's get a good old 3x3 thread going
I want to Mouth Fuck Reiko
How many deaths have you caused in your gaming history?
Does Cave Story deserve the praise it gets?
Is Overmeme worth buying if I'd only play Dva?
Who would win?
What happened/went wrong?
How the fuck do you beat this game?
What makes Kreia such a great character?
Can we expect to see good video game deals for prime day?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Hello Sup Forums, how would you make a Paper Mario game?
What is the ideal gaming monitor size?
Resident Evil
Tell me some good text based games, something like corruption of champions but not sexually oriented
Tales Of Berseria
Does anyone really prefer the one on the left?
I really liked Undertale. Can anyone recommend similiar games?
Girls can't play video game compe
They fired everyone who worked the gamplay, right?
Why are they always "gamers?"
Wil virtual reality (not the bullshit Oculus Rift kind...
Is this game any good?
Alright anons, let the battle begin!
Mobile games
“The 3DS series is pretty much complete...
It's the dark souls of X
What went right?
People are getting desperate since Splatoon 2 is almost here
Meanwhile on rest home Sup Forums
Ya gonna buy her game?
Is Dunkey, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Japanese games V.S. Western Games
ITT: Post best girls of their respective series
Webm thread
Your mom takes you out and you can choose one snack and one video game. What are your choices Sup Forums ?
*Blocks your path*
This is your mage for tonight. She's small, quiet, deadpan, and she loves eating meat. Say something nice about her
*Telebraps behind you*
Why was there never a 3?
Why are people so shit at video games in movies and tv shows? Why do they always button mash like monkeys?
Why do steam/patreon video game artists create more "realistic" looking (beautiful) females than AAA developers...
Meanwhile, at amish Sup Forums
Graphics Thread
This world has been connected. Tied to the darkness
Daily reminder
Mgs 2 is pure kino
IMHO, these 3 are the best semen demons in DOA
ITT: Shit games that Sup Forums praises
Finished my first week here
Why couldn't they just release a real console?
Where did it all go wrong? ;_;
Is the first gen really the best?
VA-11 HALL-A thread deleted why?
Please list some deep and engaging games I can play on a weak ass computer
When the fuck can I expect Assault Rifles to show up?
Castlevania cartoon
What is the best PS1 emulator. I want to play Final Fantasy Tactics, and I have PSXE...
Cities in video games
"I haven’t read all the comments here, but I’ll chime in here...
What do you think about pik related?
Draw the last vidya character you plain ass
Lets get one of these going
Why do you sorry sacks of shit hate Skellige so much...
When a game puts its foot down on the difficulty level and says, "Nope, I don't care...
Europa Universalis IV
HD collection fucking when?
What are some unique hidden gems that people don't talk about very often?
Was it really necessary for her to be killed off?
"I've got you in my sights you damn gooks!"
Why is this allowed?
It's not pixel fucking perfect to the original = it sucks?
Has your gaming addiction had a negative effect on your life?
Let's discuss the ending to Illidan Stormrage's journey to stop the burning legion...
What do we have here? Another scrumptious little plaything straight out of life and into my club?
Having Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan, as national leaders in civ is okay
Wonderful102 when?
Be black
Find a flaw
"the controls are bad on purpose"
Is this game worth getting, given it's on a dying handheld?
What went right?
Stardew Valley Thread
What are you emulating right now?
What are the best PS3 games with local co-op?
11 days and 13 hours until return of glorious BC days
Can you beat up Makoto in a fight?
Has Sup Forums recovered yet?
Admit it, he's 100% right in this video
Steam was a mistake
This is SammyClassicSonicFan. Say something nice to him
Doomfist is the good guy
Are video games art?
So you gonna buy my game? I know you got hella cash
Pirate fags have no standards and will accept the shittiest quality of gaming as them winning
It's a Resident Evil thread! Oh God
This board is beyond saving
The night mods just gave up
Which do you prefer:
360 Games
Dark Souls isn't hard
Do Japanese game developers purposely make male characters feminine to sexually confuse straight gamers?
Just started this game, and it's also my first Metroid. Nobody plays this with the helmet on, right?
Would this even work in today's political climate?
Why are americans so bad at designing armor...
Why did WoW go to shit?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on save states?
Game genre: "open-world survival horror"
Why can't you enjoy Overwatch anymore? If you still have fun, how do you do it?
King Boo
VA-11 HALL-A brought me to Sup Forums
Thoughts on this ass?
This is someone's son
Imagine a new The Mask game developed by Platinum
Game: Origins
Land in big house area
How important is INT to priests?
So what is the most graphically beautiful PC game?
Ask a cutter/masochist anything!
Mass Effect Andromeda
Steam avatar thread
So where do I get the uncensored orchestrated version of this and everything?
Tfw Netflix series already a big success
This console ruined gaming
Is player more important than the game?
Who's the most "MOMMY" character in video games?
Texan joins the server
See the tranny do the shield jump trick while running BOTW at sdgq last night
Fran's game is coming out on Tuesday. It's time to start autistically detailing your action plan, anons...
The blatant samefaggery on this board is hilarious you nerds are fucking pathetic
Why haven't you installed Win10 yet, Sup Forums?
I don't use the reticle in some shooters
What are some games where I can redistribute the wealth?
Why aren't there more cooking games?
It was just a prank, bro!
"That kid..." thread
Will we look back on nu males the way we look back on pic related? Are they equivalents?
Gf wants to play video
Is there a videogame equivalent of RateYourMusic or MyAnimeList?
So Sup Forums, what is your favorite video game?
How do you focus on one game at a time?
I offer that in hindsight, all bugs or glitches are actually features. For proof, just take speedrunning...
What would your ideal Final Fantasy game be like?
Warframe goes open world and adds Dark Souls invasion system
When does it "get good"?
Why are humans so inferior to elves?
Game gets a live action movie
Sup Forums hates RPGs
Why do linear shooters rarely have campaigns that last longer than 15 hours...
Video Games don't make me happy anymore
Was he right?
Somehow manages to shoot almost all of the dudes on the train
This is Klonoa. He's been having a tough time in recent years. His games are really good. Say something nice to him
Which one Sup Forums?
Motion or Stick controls, Sup Forums?
Why do video games always demonise German people? Why no vidya where the baddies are the Jews?
Hmm, looks like you'd better apply some more pressure to close that lid, user!
I want to start an honest discussion on SGDQ being hyjacked by transgender acceptance message
Who would win?
What videogames could match pic related in terms of depth and strategy?
Has a single boss ever ruined an entire game for you?
What happened to the SRPG genre?
E3 2018
Let's go squish some ants user!
This fucking cunt. Junkrat. He needs to get the nerf hammer or fucking deleted. He's the definition of anti-fun
He is afraid to buff Symmetra
Yooooo Dabuz just 3-0'd ZeRo in tournament
Would you marry a cute autistic girl?
Want to replay video game
Why does this keep happening?
Hey kid, wanna talk about Miku on this lovely Monday?
This is Aya
What are some games with tiddy sliders?
Why doesn't Eggman build a few extra metal Sonic's? One is already a huge pain in Sonic's ass...
Post yfw
Honestly deserves a second chance
Why has video games been on a decline?
Official Sup Forums discord server
Game has stances
What should the next video game adaptation from Netflix be?
70% chance to hit
Bloodstained Developers Are Considering A Staggered Model For Releasing Content
What's the deal with Nintendo and these shitty low budget 2.5D games?
Is this seriously the best game ever made? I think it is
Why is it that video games don't look much better than Crysis did 10 fucking years ago?
Who is the stongest Link and why is it BotW Link?
ITT: Characters who deserved better
In 10 years, people will still be talking about innovative things that Dark Souls 2 does
When you spot it
Mario Retardy, with Solaireislove, and OBS The games will start in about 5 minutes regardless of people...
Hi anons...
Why is this shit so universally accepted? It's the least fun I've ever had in WoW
The Flood just went apeshit in the last game you played
Megaman maker already existed
More trannies every year
What went wrong?
Sonic Mania thread
Did you get him?
Which one should I get Sup Forums: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift? Disregard Price, only content
Shoot red barrel
Why does she stand like that?
Main protagonist of first game is main antagonist of second game
Why does DBZ looks so limited in gameplay options...
Remember when persona babies thought that their shitty game could dethrone the king of JRPGs...
Where is he now?
How did a unity game made by a developer who never made a game before...
Persona 5
Castlevania Essentials
Just started this. Have heard so many great things about this (mainly the original), so I'm trying it out...
Am I making any story progress?
Strange Journey PV2
Start playing Doom
Monster Hunter Lore
Name a more braindead genre of videogames than beat-em-ups
Whats your highest, Sup Forums?
Lets take a moment to discuss the greatest expansion of all time
Predict its metacritic score
Game's story has concluded very well
What does the west mean by this?
Why is he chained?
Name a company that has done more damage to gaming
Is this the greatest game of all time? The magnum opus of the whole industry?
Nintendo switch
Is this game worth getting if I'm just looking for a decent swordfighting game and can get it for cheap...
I've never played a final fantasy game and I want to try one out. There's like 5 of them on PS4 though...
Anyway... that's how I lost my medical license
GRIMOIRE is never coming out
Phase 1 ost is better than phase 2 ost
So after a year of saving up, the parts for my PC are coming in a few days. What's the best way to get Windows on it?
Evil Genius 2 announced
Post a movie and anons recommend a game based on your choice
Wurm UNLIMITED FREE 4cucks vs 8lands vs braintumors
What is the most overrated game of 2017 so far?
How do I git gud at this game?
All the stuff about trannys and political bs aside, what on earth happened to GDQ...
This is how videogame adaptations should work
What are some games with artists that allow their personal projects to bleed into their professional ones?
Leave Persona to me
What would a turn-based racing game be like?
Buy into VR because it's "the future!"
I don't understand why this game gets so much hate...
Play Skyrim
What ever happened to John Fucking Numbers?
This was the culmination of videogames as an art form. Nothing compares
Did Bethesda Ruin Fallout's Aesthetic?
Japanese game developers don't pander to social justice warri-
Is SOTN a masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
Lol boi you bought a gpd win
Completely great OST
Well Sup Forums, my deathadder is starting to double click now so i need a new mouse...
Warframe update
Things you're tired of seeing on Sup Forums
What are some vidyas with a good and sympathetic villain?
I just installed Lisa
You must choose
Who's your favorite video game ninja?
Crash Bandicoot autismal rage edition
HOW CAN I HELP YOU, KING Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums?
Can anyone try to cogently explain why the interracial lesbian thing was 'forced'?
Is anyone even playing this game anymore
This is Grigori. Say something nice about Grigori and his video game
The last thing you touched, besides your mouse and keyboard and yourself, is now a Robot Master
Warning: The thread you are about to read is canon
That game you only play because your friends do
Actual thread for talking about farming games
Will PC players actually play this?
Out having a peaceful stroll through the wasteland
Defend this
Just bought Stardew Valley. Any tips?
I just got a PS4 and I'm looking for some more relaxing games. Nothing like Journey or Flower or any of that stuff...
The protagonist of the last game you played hugs you
VA-11 HALL-A Thread
Why did they ruin her?
ITT: 10/10 levels
What Gamess don't give you a mission to save the world...
This meme writing
He thinks uncharted looks better than the master race version of normal graphics
Translation leaves the honorifics intact
Who else here is bad at fighting games?
Switch kernel access achieved
Will you be gaming when you are old?
What games let me play as a farmer?
So is this it? Is this the best game of the decade? Best game of the year most definitely. Best RPG too
What is it called when a writer utterly rapes his own work? This is fucking canon...
Which one should I get from the midyear sale?
How do you go from this
Remove Octolings
Do we have any legit fighting game players on Sup Forums? And I don't mean masher scrubs, fgg sniffposters...
Fuck this guy i hate him
Can someone tell me if this tv will be okay to play 4k on? (Ps4 pro/Xbox one x) I'm talking input lag wise...
I feel betrayed
The thumbs-up sign had been used by the Galactic Federation for ages. Me...
Games you would watch but not play
What was his fucking problem?
Why are people so hell-bent on the idea that this game will flop?
Dear Sup Forums how do i get into castlevania?
GTA IV Thread
If you're a guy, why would you play as a girl?
What are some good vidya for people with Alzheimers, i forgot them all
I'm already an hour into this and I'm bored as fuck. Does it get better
Where are my dinosaur games?
So how badly did he fuck himself over? Will he ever make a video again?
ITT: Casual filters
/vp/ Refugee Center
He left gamespot just because gamespot has deals with publishers to be positive about their games
Sakamoto says the interest of Metroidvanias encouraged more Traditional Metroids to be made
Present me a scenario where it makes sense for someone to buy this product
Where should Halo go as a series?
Only ONE of these guys is attractive
Is this the worst remake in history?
Sup Forums is put in charge of improving GDQ. What would you do to help make GDQ better?
Anyone playing Botw hardcore on second play through
Vlad DID NOTHING WRONG, literally and figuratively
Be 14 and play FF7
Marina is a THOT
This is The Witcher 3, Game of the Year 2015 by a Polish developer CD Projekt Red
Metascore: People don't care anymore
Where to?
It alright
Two years after, Is MGSV any good now?
Will you get it Sup Forums?
Why is this allowed?
"I'll be on at 5 tomorrow"
MHW Shenanigans
Anyone else get really depressed every time a GDQ ends? I really miss having the comfy stream playing in the background...
Game.exe has stopped working
Who exactly are the "people" shitting on this thing...
What games have really nice water?
What are some good games to play while high?
Argue this
No one fucking moves
You are at a bar and pic related Mark then Crit your girlfriends ass
Japanese games are bas-
Is it good?
What games let me do this?
ITT: Hidden gems
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that deny kf2 is presently a much better game than kf1 ever was
Rain in game
Why won't they fuck off
Please type out the sounds that Orphan of Kos makes
Why the fuck is this game so long...
Name 1 (one) exclusive thats worth paying full retail price for a switch
ITT scary things in non scary games
About to do my first playthrough
Have you played a super Sonico game Sup Forums?
How come Japanese games are always generations behind when it comes to graphics?
Does anyone else look at video game devs and feel jealous?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Will Sony ever make another handheld? I would wait in line to buy one day one to be honest. The PS Vita is amazing...
Find a flaw
Who was in the wrong here?
SEGA is charging $30 for a remake of a PS2 game with major improvements and additional content
He still picks Ryu in 2017
What do you think about the current golden age of fighting games, Sup Forums?
What do you want to see in Animal Crossing Switch?
Where the fuck do I find one of these subnautica thread
What are you looking forward to most in Wolfenstein: TNC?
So, good year, bad year?
What is he playing?
Sweaty hands problem
What games do the ironic weebs on Sup Forums play?
Post dem blue vidya characters
You don't know ANYTHING about the stress of making games
Lost all my geo
Keep saying nigger
Just bought a vita
Prophet Velen: Illidan serves as the Dark Titan's jailer. His sacrifice has ended the Legion. At long last...
Reminder that this game gets blatantly shilled on Sup Forums daily with reoccuring texts, images...
Do you even care if it gets announced now?
Which one Sup Forums?
Finished playing this DLC and holy FUCK is this game consistent like holy shit
How do I go into this correctly for a first time player?
Dad walks in
Octolings > Inklings
ITT : Sup Forums trigger /k/
Did you save her?
Why isn't anyone excited about this?
Mid-tier card thread
How do i git gud at this?
Mario Lore thread
Assuming Squirtle isn't available, what is your second choice?
What can we expect from 9th generation consoles and their games?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
What does [Glass Him] mean?
Post yer fave WoW/art memes
Arma 3
Tfw no Aryan Sugar Momma
Can someone explain to me why people like this series/game so much...
Oh yeah, that happened
Bloodborne Vs Dark Souls 3
You walk into a club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass, what do you do?
MGS games in which Tomokazu Fukushima was a co-writer:
Remember Me Sup Forums?
Emergency coco thread
So my headset just broke and I need replacement. Doesn't necessarily have to be a headset...
Games with rich and diverse fauna?
What am i doing wrong?
What are some aesthetically pleasing vidya power armors?
Play whatever you want and let other people play whatever they want
What do you lot think of Fire Emblem Heroes?
When was the last time you played a game for so long you lost track of time? Which game was it?
Tfw Telltale won't ever top this
ITT: Upcoming games that are not worth getting hyped over and why you're retarded if you're looking forward to them...
What did he mean by this?
2017 game
Infinite whetstones
Where did it all go so wrong for the "modern" MMO?
So what happened with this?
ITT: We talk about the runners we actually liked from this year's SGDQ
Is he right?
You have 10 seconds to explain why didn't you get KOFXIV for PC
Why is this so hard for modern devs to do?
Dragon Quest thread
Would you a Prince Sidon, Sup Forums?
Tfw no slav gf to play dota 2 with
I've been reporting people left and right and getting their accounts permanently shut off...
Game pits you against an evil corporation
What games do revolvers well?
He owns gaystation
Post canonically ugly video game characters
What went so wrong?
What's the lore behind this pic?
Left or right?
Switch Kernel Access Has Been Obtained
Went from being the laughing stock of the internet and vidya into becoming the best counter strike players in the world
The most popular game in the world has as one of its core feature the fact it is as diverse and multicultural as...
Fuck this goddamn piece of shit for tainting the image and reputation of both the Souls series and From Software beyond...
Rainy japanese neon city at night level
Undertale took everything that was endearing and profound about the Mother series and turned it into overemotional...
That emptiness after you finish a long RPG
Alex Mauer is sending more DMCAs
...So under hobbies you've put "video games"
Favorite game
Want to replay a game
Trying to play through this. any mods that improve the gameplay?
I'm interested in getting involved in a "competitive" video game
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on far cry 4?
What are some games that correctly portray beast races?
Was New Vegas their Vietnam?
I want to get into fighan. is sf5 a good place to start?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...