Why won't they fuck off
Why won't they fuck off
Sorry, hun, we're not fucking off until you get your act together. Why the over-emphatic hatred of women and minorities?
You know why.
because you can't stop talking about them.
Cause I can conveniently browse both at the same time
>Everyone who I don't agree with is an invading force with an agenda
A tale as old as the internet itself
hi shareblue
Remember the NeoGAF mods scandal?
No, tell me more.
Most of Sup Forums are pretty much either banned Gaf members of current Gaf members.
Are they still butthurt about us not being friends in internet spaceships?
Who even use NeoGAF after 2013?
You over estimate that shit site.
Oh yes. Space Citizen is still going strong both ways.
>Why mods allow neogafers to spam their shit here?
maybe beause they are neogafers?
>Each ban makes the other places even stronger
The fools.
not enough blowies for joey
They need to spread their ideology so they can eventually normalize pedophilia
neogaf is the makoto of persona 5.
All internet social groups are cancer.
They can just skip Sup Forums then.
HA. You're paranoid.
If any significant number of GAFers come here, I would be shocked. Most people there view Sup Forums as a "hate" site. They believe that even if they browsed here they would be complicit in white supremacy.
>t. banned gafshitter who thinks he's in good company
They aren't here. You're just a retard who thinks anyone not holding Sup Forums opinions is some evil invader.
Yet every time I say this I'm told to go back to tumblr and that Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums.
Bit late for that. Retarded neo nazi stormfaggots already did this.
>whites are so cucked that they believe pride in their own race is a bad thing
[race] pride
[nationality] pride
[gender] pride
It's all a cosmic roll of the dice.
[console] pride
It's all a financial roll of the dice.