
What should they cost? How much of a graphical update would it take for you to buy one?

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They can cost whatever they want; fools and their money, etc. I'm not going to buy them because I already played the game and I have enough games to play that I don't need to play the same games again with slightly shinier graphics.

Final Fantasy 12 had more content added, so I could see myself paying full price for it. I haven't played much of the original so that helps too. But I got it for 30 so whatever.
I haven't played Crash since I was a kid, and It comes with the other I probably haven't played at the time so its worth it for me. The graphics look fantastic too.
And KH is worth it just to have the majority of everything together on one disc. They drop in price fast enough that it doesn't really matter to me how much they are.

>And KH is worth it just to have the majority of everything together on one disc.
How fucking fat are you that switching discs after a twenty hour game is considered any kind of inconvenience?

$30 tops and not unless it's 6th gen or older

Crash is a remak though, not a remaster as the devs incorrectly market. That said, devs can charge whatever thry like and some will get away with it (Nintendo, Square, e.t.c) as long as people believe in its value and buy it at that price. Remember when COD MW2 came out and the CEO straight up said publically they should be charging whatever they like:

>The company recently confirmed that Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will carry a RRP of £54.99 when it releases this November, while the COD: Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Pack will retail for £119.99. Other upcoming releases like Tony Hawk: Ride and DJ Hero, which will ship with unique controller peripherals, are likely to carry price tags that push £100.

>Company CEO Bobby Kotick added: "... You know if it was left to me, I would raise the prices even further," before stating that high pre-orders for Activision products are an indication that consumers are comfortable with current pricing levels.

>Basically, Bobby here reckons that people are totally ready to dish out even more cash for their games. You know what's the sad part? He's totally right

I'm real fat user. Its totally not because of the convenience of having all of the games on one disc instead of scattered across multiple platforms. Its not because I don't have half of the games anymore, and this is the cheapest option available to get the full experience. Nope, its because I'm a huge gluttonous pig and I can't walk 5 feet without shoveling food in my mouth. No, mouth isn't right, its more of bottomless pit.

HD upscale: $30. Full remake a la SoTC / FFVII / Crash: $50


I bought Crash and am getting FFXII real soon.

they should call it the Replaystation.

I bought the KH collection for $35 because I don't own a single one of the older systems and buying all that just to play the games would be absolutely retarded

Remasters should cost $40 and $20 if you can provide proof that you already own the original game. But it also depends on what is 'remastered'. Some of them like FFX are so pathetic they shouldn't have even been made.

>and $20 if you can provide proof that you already own the original game.

underage retard b&

>Switching disks is the only benefit
Shit guys, none of you told me the 60 FPS and higher internal resolutions don't count, guess I gotta return my copy

Amazing response bro.

If FFXII remaster was on the Switch I'd totally buy it
Not feeling it on the PS4

>What should they cost?
It depends, but Zodiac Age is definitely overpriced. And it doesn't necessarily have to deal with graphics at all. For example, the best remasters I have played are Odin Sphere Leifthrasir and Muramasa Rebirth. There was a bit of a graphical touchup in both of those, but the real kicker was how much better and more playable they made the game. And then with Muramasa, it had almost no new content itself, but even paying for the DLC is worth it.

>Ff12 had more content
did it? as far as I know it's the IZJS shit which has had an english patch available for it for at least 8 years.

good pricing for remasters/graphical updates is $40 unless they offer a decent amount of content, KH1.5/2.5 hd is a pretty good collection that I think is totally worth the $50. 4 pretty good games is absolutely worth the asking price to me personally. FFX HD i'd say is only worth $40, ff12 HD absolutely only worth 40, I'll wait till it's on sale for 20 anyway, since i've already played it.

I agree with you that Vanillaware 'remasters' are the best. But they did a lot more than you are saying. The resolution improvements were more than just a small touch up (especially Odin Sphere that went from 480i to 1080p). And they added a bunch more story and entire new characters. I'd say they are actual remakes.

Final Fantasy on the other hand does less improvements even when they call it a full remake.

Oh yeah tons of stuff, most notably a speed up button and the ability to choose two classes instead of one. Just type in Zodiac age and you'll see a bunch of videos talking about the changes.

The Muramasa Rebirth new characters were all DLC not even ready at launch. So if you bought at launch for 40, you had to drop another 20 for all the DLC, maybe more before price cuts.

OS was entirely a new game mechanically

none of that's new, that's just IZJS stuff that's been playable, in english, since like 2010. Lame. Really not worth the $50 price point if there's actually nothing new in it. At least FFX HD had FFX2.

>The Muramasa Rebirth new characters were all DLC not even ready at launch.
But they still added four whole new ones. Which is perfectly justified. Meanwhile, other games that call themselves full blown remakes won't even do that much. They'll add maybe a few random items or one class. The only remake will be the games graphics.

In the case of Crash, the price is very good for a full remake of three games with some new stuff and a good deal of QoL additions to Crash 1.

$30-40 is a reasonable price point for remasters depending on how much content and effort was put into it.
I think any gen 6 or earlier game is probably worth remastering graphically.
gen 7 remasters are iffy and almost always feel like cash grabs. The only worthwhile improvement you can make is hiking the framerate for modern consoles, but honestly you shouldn't sell a new game just to bundle DLC and bump the framerate.

>I think any gen 6 or earlier game is probably worth remastering graphically.
Nah, a lot of them would be ruined. If they tried to remaster something Super Metroid, Suikoden II, SotN, Chrono Trigger or Seiken Densetsu 2/3, it would just turn out like FFVI on smartphones.

FFXII Remaster cost 30 euro in france
Amurica cucked yet again, THANKS TRUMP! I bet it's the same for Britcuck after the brexit.

In the UK, you just need to lurk more.

>Final Fantasy on the other hand does less improvements even when they call it a full remake
I agree, though the FF (and KH) remasters do have the added benefit for most people of including the International/Final Mix content that was never released outside Japan. If you're like me and you imported those games back when they came out (or emulated them with english patches) then it's not a big deal, the only real benefit is being able to play the games you've already played without having to mess around with using swap magic on an ancient PS2, but I could see that being a big draw for a lot of fans.

The only thing that's new is being able to take a second Job per character (in the original IZJS you could only take one) and having an overlay map instead of just the regular mini-map. They also changed the fast-forward function to be a little more user-friendly and from what I've heard you can now cast multiple big spells at once without them getting locked into an invisible queue, which is arguably the biggest change to the gameplay if you ask me.

$20 physical
$15 digital

20-30$ ideally
40$ tops
anything over is not worth the price

The game was $32.01 on preorder 4 month ago on Amazon US