What's the biggest "fuck you" a game developer has ever pulled on their fans?

What's the biggest "fuck you" a game developer has ever pulled on their fans?

DayZ devs pretending to be making a game. (and similar)

ME3 ending.

The last two words of the ME trilogy being "downloadable content'

Troika and their "here you finish it" design philosophy.

What kind of faggot even got mad at this? That little shit wasn't even a remarkable GTA protagonist, they didn't kill Claude, Tommy or CJ, they had Trevor kill a nobody from an expansion pack.

Spending months upon months developing a game, putting your all into it, literally your blood, sweat, and tears. Barley making rent and getting by, finally finishing your game and releasing it. Then having a bunch of ducking kids buy your game and return it on steam after a half hour because they are a bunch of spoiled fucking assholes who don't know what it's like to barley survive cause they get a refund with daddy's credit card. Then having to give up your dream of creating games to work retail and be on food stamps cause people want to play my games for free

The ending of NDRV3

>main character from tlad
What did he mean by this?

I'm pretty sure OP is talking about TakeTwo fucking with mod support on GTA:V
Not this exact scene from the game

>make a shitty game
>no one wants it

please tell us about your lofi retro pixel platformervania!

Nothing comes close.

you almost created a realistic fantasy scenario


anything from gearbox

dragon quarter

fuck that game. fuck Capcom.


dawn of war 3

valve not doing hl3

MGS 5 existence

if you can't laugh at this scene you need to lighten up

Mass effect 3 obviously

Giving it to another studio without the means to do it justice. It's okay if it can't return to/maintain its former glory but I'm talking more along the lines of instantly JUSTING the franchise (see Halo).

>maybe if we had more fan support we wouldn't have cancelled it

I'll never not be mad

The lost and damned

Motorbike guy was a badass in his own game, pretty shit how Trevor killed him so easily

>is better than nothing

debt obligation fulfilled

the fans just didn't want it enough... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I always thought it was a weird scene. But saw it as rockstar acknowledging how they are going back to something wackier from the fairly dark IV.

Well Trevor was trained in the military and by that point Johnny was a fucked up methhead just like Ashley; I see it as his comeuppance for tolerating her for so long despite knowing something like that would eventually happen to him if he did


These and No Mans Sky.

I can't laugh at the scene because it wasn't funny.


this truly baffles me to this day. no one has any love for the series? literally no one at valve cares in the slightest about the series that put them on the map and made steam possible? it's not like they're ashamed, but they just don't care enough to do anything with it. they don't even want to give it to another studio to at least finish it. if it at least wrapped up I'd understand.

Every writer at Valve has left. They do not make games anymore. They will continue to have small teams developing Dota, Team Fortress, and CS. That's it. They care about their marketplace and hardware. Valve will never make a traditional single player game again.

>investing in barley
>not superior wheat

No wonder you don't have any money, user.

>stomps a guys head in


>johnny lived a hard life

>didnt really think much of his death

>now years after its release, the scene is probably a metaphor for killing off single player DLC for GTA

fuck you indeed

so give it to naughty dog. they even said they'd do it. if they truly don't care there's no reason not to. just means more money for no work. I think they get off on withholding it. only explanation.

GTAV as a whole was more out there than the fairly realistic IV.
But I can't wait for you to cherrypick scenes from both games in an attempt to refute me.

>so give it to naughty dog
Jesus christ.

If I had to trust anyone with Half-Life, it would be Arkane.

What was it like working on Sunset? I'm glad your shitty little art studio is gone.

except they released some a year after it came out.

Half-Life 3 will NEVER live up to expectations.
Even if it was literally objectively the best ever made, people would still be upset.
Not making HL3 or allowing another studio to make it is the smartest move Valve can make now.

Half life series are games, not movies. Naughty Dog hasn't mad a game in a decade

That's just sticking to their ideals.

single player DLC for GTA V?
you can show me

same shit. the episodes basically felt like the last of us.
anyway it's too late now. not like the story was that great in the first place. I just liked the universe.

Creation club. Paid mods were bad enough, but imagine trying again.


You, poor entitled child

Yeah, except T2 didn't develop any GTA

Yesterday i was about to re-play Metro last light, but the hardest level of difficulty is a fucking DLC, how is that possible? Even in the free "hard difficult" is easy as fuck, way easier than the first one (I always have a lot of ammo, enemies barely hurt you...), fuck you THQ.

secret ending of hotline miami (before the sequel came out) where the developers just mugged you off for trying to look into the lore

>Uncharted: Black Mesa

Cinematic experience | Cover based shooter

no thanks

>Naughty Dog hasn't mad a game in a decade
oh come off it, i'm no fan of theirs but ahahahahahaha what?

The ending to ZTD. At least they're both done with their series right?

fuck you

there are no more expectations. most people don't even know what it is anymore.

fuck YOU

something about ice right?

Name a single game they've made in the last 10 years.

sure, why not? give Gordon a voice, and have him constantly joke about how "old" he is, like a father figure to alyx. it would be endearing. better than playing as a mute. either that or just kill her off altogether and make it like the first half life.

I pray you never write professionally for a living.

>so give it to naughty dog
>Freeman gets turned into a black Quadrodyke Queerkin transasian Hillary supporter girl (nu-male)

crash is a movie now? your words.

The Lost and Damned

Dont reply to me, faggot

>I don't play ND games

could've just said so.

>ask for game made in the last 10 years
>specify a game from the 90s.

Even you know it's true.

I hope this person later killed themself when they did finish ME3.

Naughty Dog haven't made a Crash game since 1999 you fucking idiot.

>we need to make a character that everyone is supposed to hate
>do that
What's the problem? Not everyone dies like a hero, especially criminals.

half life basically invented the cinematic shooter.

Thanks for the (You), nigger

You're basically a moron if you think that

Warcraft MMO instead of Warcraft4.
Halo super casualized and released on new proprietary console with no multiplayer instead of on PC.
Duke Nukem Forever in development for over a decade trying to get it right (and ultimately failing) instead of releasing more serialized incremental games or even going back to 2d roots.
Games For Windows Live fucking up saves and mods everywhere.
UPlay existing.
Spending insane fuck tons of money and time on new and more stupid DRM schemes that are always, without exception, broken within a month of release.
Every Korean-level grinding game. I work to earn money to buy games. Entertain me, don't make me work.

Virtually any update prior to summer 2015 has added new cars and guns for the player to buy and test.
Not necessarily the big, brand new story DLC you seem to expect, but free content to play around with.


clever girl

remakes aren't new games? then I guess REmake doesn't count. and neither does zero mission, etc.


>a black Quadrodyke Queerkin transasian Hillary supporter girl (nu-male)
This doesn't even make sense.

The protagonist of Uncharted is a straight white male.

Half life was literally never good

they didn't make the crash remake you knob

ND didn't make N-Sane Trilogy and you fucking know it.
Stop shitposting and go play videogames.


Hey, Uncharted 2 was pretty good.

because he doesn't want a character being a mute?


>Aliens: Colonial Marines
>Duke Nukem Forever
>Taking Duke Nukem Megaton edition from Steam to sell his own version with less content
>Claiming he won the gearbox name from a poker game with Gabe Newell
>Feminism is awesome
>Bigot song at PAX
>Stealing the artstyle from someone and denying ever doing so
>Stealing money from sega to develop memelands games
>Claiming his grandad invented the rabbit in a hat magic trick
>Making a deal with G2A then claiming they didnt knew who they were
>Antagonizing Blizzard on twitter then claiming Blizzard are the bad guys

Randy's Gearbox is one of the most cancerous companies in vidya

shut up

Nobody has replied to you because you're a dumbass

Name ONE time that a silent protagonist improved because they were given a voice. I'll wait.

Breath of Fire 6.

>Claiming his grandad invented the rabbit in a hat magic trick
That's new to me.

(You) did

Legitimately the right answer.

Isaac Clark.