What is the most overrated game of 2017 so far?
What is the most overrated game of 2017 so far?
Whatever the next poster's favorite game is
Bomber man R
>Breath of the Wild
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Nier: Automata
Prove me wrong.
Breath of the mild
nier automata is white and based
Nier Automata.
Yoko Taro is like Kojima - he has some decent ideas, but without his co-writer, Sawako, to handle the heavy-lifting his stories tends to fall flat, of course the majority of people who played Automata were children and waifu-fags who were only interested in it because of "muh tubey butt" or "le epic Platinum game XD" and didn't care enough about the franchise as a whole to notice what was lacking.
Between it's narrative issues, performance issue and gameplay issues, Automata's a 7.8/10 at best and wholly undeserving of the praise it's been getting from the uneducated, ass-obsessed masses.
Nier. It's complete garbage and proof positive of Platinums further slide into just rehashing the same Bayo/MGR mechanics into every game.
every single game of all time
Persona 5
Botw by far
Persona 5 is 2016 so it doesn't count
Toobie's butt
Tekken 7
t. someone who doesn't even own a Switch
BOTW or Nier
Breath of the wild by far. It's not even top 5 of the year.
Nier is also up there but it isn't nearly as overrated as botw.
BotW because I don't own a Switch
>Calling it
Breath of the Wild
you're fooling yourself if you think botw isn't the most overrated game so far
Its overrated
Emulated BotW up to Hateno Village and i'm horrified at how fucking awful it is and how much durability ruins it.
Was it so hard, i dunno, add a dozen of unbreakable, really hard to find weapons with unique movesets and abilities so at some point you're not required to use the samey trash all the time? To make runes a part of the combat system instead of just puzzle gimmicks? To add more interesting ways to interact with environments?
It feels like your typical Ubisoft open world with Zelda logo slapped on it.
Do you know what overrated means
>didn't even play it
>6 hearts
Come back after you've played more than 2 hours.
>Can't deem something overrated unless you 100% the game
Might want to get some help moving those goalposts
Objectively: Breath of the Wild
Subjectively Persona 5
people only like it because the West hasnt had a good jrpg in years.
It would take you more than 2 hours to get six hearts and thats if you knew what you were doing
2 hours isnt very long, you know
I liked P5 soley for the music and anime shit, I HATE jrpgs
it's a jrpg for people who hate jrpgs
Persona 5, by a mile.
It's a good game, but it's repetitive, easy, insults your intelligence, has trash boss fights and is generally inferior to SMT.
Waifus are the only reason people rate this game so highly.
I thought Nier Automata had awful gameplay, was incredibly repetitive, and the story and style were not nearly enough to carry it
Nier Automata
I fucking hate this piece of shit, what a load of garbage. Cost me 40 fucking dollars FUCK YOU.
>insults your intelligence
I defy you to think of more vague flaw in a game
I dont even know what that means
nier automata definitely. shitty bayonetta clone with a generic anime story and characters as flat as 2b's chest
The dungeons are linear, the "puzzles" are braindead easy, characters repeat information several times to make sure that any idiots playing the game don't fall behind, Third Eye exists and bosses all have scripted sections that allow you to do massive damage which makes it nearly impossible to lose.
It's casualisation of the highest degree.
Nier: A
I got memed into buying it by people with shit taste
7/10 at best
A-At least the combat is better than Drakengard , r-right?
Let's just get this done
Persona 5.
persona 5. I was so convinced by all the hype here that I bought the steelbook edition. Never trust the weebs on this board when it comes to games.
>tfw personafags only actually start discussing the gameplay when someone insults it
Are there people who found her waifu in this shit?
>I'll dismiss legitimate criticism as consolewar shitposting
You are the problem.
I regret buying Persona 5 desu
hollow knight
>How dare you shit talk about our only videogame on the switch :''(((
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Nier easily. Second would be Horizon
>all the idiots falling for the weeb ruse itt
Definitely Breath of the Wild.
>people already calling it "the best game of all time"
>when it's not even the best Zelda
>not even the best 3D Zelda
>not even the best game on Wii U
>not even the best game released this year
It had some good concepts but the execution was extremely lacking. Hopefully the sequel can use BotW as a base and make a good Zelda out of it. They need to stop trying to reinvent the fucking wheel and realize that the problems with Zelda aren't fundamental, they're extremely specific and any long time fan of the series knows exactly what they are.
Persona 5 while a solid game, was pretty disappointing for what it was.
anyone saying anything else is just being contrarian
Just admit already that people just say it is great because it is the only thing they have to play right now.
>legitimate criticism
My thoughts exactly
BotW could have really great and it has a lot of good things within it, but I would trade every single Shrine and Korok Seed challenge for 8 real themed temples.
I was sick of Shrines before I even did 10.
Breath of the Wild
Are all easily the most overrated shit this year. Honorable mention to Nioh and Persona 5 as well. They're not bad games by any means just don't deserve the dick sucking that faggots give it. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO FUCKING Nioh and Horizon.
Also I'd throw RE7 on that list since retards were really trying to say it was the best RE game in the series the first month it came out. I know idiots like to meme but even that was taking it too fucking far.
Yeah? It's on Wii U aswell.
Horizon isnt overrated, everyone has already forgotten about it and no one even considered it goty.
Normies all flock to BotW isntead
Redditors were literally sucking the skin off Horizon's dick with MUH STORY and MUH GRAFICS OHHHH MY GAWDDDDD ISSSS SO GREATTTTT.
Don't get me wrong I would be what Sup Forums considers a sonybro but even I realize that the game is overrated as fuck. I wouldn't even put in the Top 10, as far as PS4 games go.
people actually thought this shit was some kind of revolution for the horror genre and worth shelling out hundreds of dollars for VR for
>not fully upgrading your stamina before bothering with hearts
Anyone with sense could see that Horizon was overhyped, the best you could give it is skeptical optimism. All of that dicksucking was just part of the usual launch hype or and funded social advertising (shilling). After Horizon came out, everyone stopped talking about it.
BotW, on the other hand, had all that AND it is still endlessly praised by fanboys. At the end of this year, you will see people call BotW the GOTY even though many other titles have come out.
neir(just another fucking weak dmc with waifu)
tekken(another sfv with no content)
fuck all of you for giving these games a thumbs up on steam
i really love botw but a lot of it was over hyped. for nintendo consoles, its amazing. but besides cool physics it doesnt offer much
you can use runes in combat retard. get good
>skeptical optimism
We're talking about 2-3 months AFTER the game. Hell I'm sure you could still find people swallowing Horizon cum if you checked /r/PS4 or /r/playstation right now. The same way those faggots harp on and on about TLOU. I mean at least TLOU had a decent story and wasn't just LOL MECHA DINOSAURS SON. But eh, I guess this is to be expected when the industry has casualized every fucking thing. It's the reason why so many normies who probably hadn't played a single fucking Persona game in their life was swallowing Persona 5's semen.