Is SOTN a masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
Is SOTN a masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
>Painfully easy, braindead easy, holy shit there are a dozen ways to break the game and they're not even that hard to stumble upon.
>Platforming aspect is very quickly made boring because you can turn into a bat and fly.
>Inverted Castle is a chore because the platforming is boring. Consider the Super Metroid Rotation hack and how interesting the platforming challenges are since you can't just fly around right off the bat. You have to use the tools you have and gain in interesting ways while in the same environment. SotN is just, fuck, the levels are so bland it just feels like an aesthetic change. The maps are not memorable.
>Have to beat the game to play as the fun modes
>Can chow down on health items and shit on a whim
>There are dingy RPG elements that just bloat the menus and barely matter at all
I have no clue why people rank it anywhere close to Super Metroid. Must be the graphics and music.
No but this is.
To be fair you literally cannot name a Metroidvania with better art direction, graphics or soundtrack than Symphony of the Night.
Metroid Prime
>Wandering ghosts
My nigga
Holy fuck when I first heard that track it was fucking beautiful
I loved it, but Alucard becomes overpowered a bit too easily. The poisonous mist form shouldn't be a thing. Lots of balance decisions were not great.
But despite that, still a great game.
Theme for the thread, while will make everyone disregard my opinion anyway:
I've never played it. Really liked the DS Castevanias. Should I give it a run or does it not hold up?
Better than any of the DS games by far.
What about this masterpiece?
It fucking holds up
AoS is the formula SotN came up with perfected
>turn into a bat and fly.
>Not using flying boots.
I like that most of the protags in castlekino games have long hair
What about buttery smooth walking animations?
I bet I'd love this series if I wasn't the kind that got lost easily and lost his patience quickly
Last thing I remember was getting the wolf form, then not knowing what to do or where to go with it
You know guides exist right?
>Platforming aspect is very quickly
What platforming element? The only interesting thing the game does with this is let you jump around as a wolf in the early game. The majority of the castle is straight pathways that repeat the same structure and mobs 2-3 times ever in sequence.
Yeah but I had lost my patience at that point. Might go back to it now though
Corridors are too long, enemies are copy pasted many times in a corridor and are a chore to kill.
Are you braindead? OoE is miles above meme of the night.
DoS would be better if not for the muh animu art style.
Just play Aria of Sorrow.
Those animations plus music. Winning combination
AKSHUALLY I recently started PoR and that game has been treating me pretty well so far.
>Glaring flaws
Biggest flaw that sticks out to me is the difficulty. If you spend any decent amount of time exploring (which you absolutely should be in this type of game) the game is insanely easy. The second castle was completely trivial and many bosses including dracula were hitting me for 1 damage.
The second castle in general also felt gimmicky like it only existed as filler.
SotN is only ok. Aria is the best igavania, followed by Portrait of Ruin.
Decent Castlekino.
>Only ok
Not enough trannies for you?
Glaring flaws: difficulty becomes trivial after mid game ( ͡ಸ‿ಸ)━゚.*・。゚
>SotN babby is a Sup Forumstard
Really makes you think.
How is SotN better than any other igavania? Other than atmosphere and the fact that you play as Alucard it has nothing going for it. Every other igavania did it better, I don't care if you have special feelings for SotN.
>that retarded area in the sky with the rooms you teleport between for no reason
Yeah, no.
What in the fuck are you talking about?
CotM a best castlevania
literally worst metroid vania
Over-reliance on bat form in the second castle. There are so many places where your double jump just BARELY isn't enough to make a jump is a long staircase room.
>just fly around right off the bat
Fuck you.
What does she say again?
fucking ace. Thanks bros let's give this a go
Stylus shit, poor Soul system, mediocre bosses, and a grind to explore 100% of the map put DoS far below SotN.
A masterpiece with glaring flaws.
>SotN as one of the 3 best
okay the list is shit
It's too easy. Way too easy.
I personally would have opted for simple controls for magic spells instead of making it like a fighter. It's more RPG-like so it should be easy to cast as long as you have the mana instead of being a million inputs.
Of course there are flaws, but nostalgiafags will lose their shit if you criticize it. The VA in the PSP version is awesome though.
It's broken as shit but honestly I don't think that's too much of a problem because feeling like some sort of vampire god is fun as shit and there's the simon belmont mode after you beat it that you can do. I love how much stuff there is in the game that you can play around with if you want to, but isn't required to use.
Great shit taste you have there senpai. I bet you never got the black dog card.
That's not a flaw.
>0:11 - 0:20
>no OoE
You people know it has a castle besides the 'linear' start?
Yes it is, there's a clear scale in difficulty and it's way off after mid game
DoS is literally leagues below AoS. And OoE is only good because it's difficult. It lacks in every other department especially the metroidvania part. The maps were all instanced zones, there was almost nothing to explore or find, there was a huge lack of variety in weapons and it was way way way too short
La-Mulana should be dropped a tier or two honestly.
Into the trash it goes.
I'd agree with people saying its too easy.
But it has a great atmosphere and the the greatest soundtrack ever put to a video game.
Good game but it's filled with flaws, specially its level design and challenge.
You already have a lot of tools to ease the difficulty, even when you ignore them the game remains pretty easy.
Objectively wrong.
I think we can all agree that Alucard is the best protagonist at least
The real question is how come every single other Castlevania OST seems to be pure trash compared to SOTN
I've played it all and I sincerely cannot remember most of the songs from other games besides classics that appear on every game
Meanwhile I know most of SOTN songs by heart
means youre a fucking pleb
God no. What are you in the 8th grade?
Most games have at last one stand out song. Heart of fire is fantastic.
If you post something like this you have an obligation to post your favourite. I don't know if I think Alucard is the best but he's really solid.
You forgot also, all those items with 90% of them being useless and the spell system that is barebones and completely unnecessary due to how stupidly easy the game is.
I don't see how it's mutually exclusive.
It's a masterpiece despite its glaring flaws
SOTN was my first Castlevania game. Then I got the GBA games, and fucking loved them.
They're all masterpieces to me, I fucking love those games. I haven't played a Castlevania in so long.
Are the netflix episodes up for download somewhere?
I watched them there as soon as they came out but I'd like to have them around.
Why isn't there any doujins of him and mama he obviously loved his mama very much and more than his father.
>What are you in the 8th grade?
I was when SoTN first came out. Were you even born yet babby? SoTN is great because it was released at a great time/age, where all the art and music and atmosphere for the game was perfect for PS1 era. I don't know if it's technically the best, but I know for sure it's the one I've replayed the most out of any metroidvania there is, and Alucard/being Alucard certainly plays a part in that.
Calm down Richter, not his fault your limpy dick couldn't satisfy maria and you ended the bloodline for 200 years
Is this the slickest run animation ever?
i wish the castle wasnt that empty,its kinda easy and short ,reverse castle was not much of a deal HoD did it better with alternate time/dimension in the castle
I think it's hiding behind Aria
>Easy as hell
>Can be beaten in under 10 minutes with all three characters (unless you speedrun which isn't a flaw)
>Le ecksdee voice acting
>Nitpick of the added bonuses made only available to the Saturn port which is Japanese only, aside from Maria being in the PSP port but was changed slightly
>Levels mean almost nothing
>Inverted Castle is lazy but at least it's not as lazy as Castle B in Harmony of Dissonance
>One difficult boss fight unless you handicap yourself
Still a masterpiece and the best game to ever exist, though. There's simply no other game with such a timeless polish to it.
>hair randomly flaps
>cape presumably flaps because the left foot hits it, but it reacts awkardly
stiff shoulder movement makes it look like he's wearing restrictive clothing, which isn't the case if he's swinging a sword around no problem
>Beat the game
>Smooth jazz starts playing
>Sup Forums tries to criticize game
>can only come up with "too easy xddd"
SoTN has tons of obvious flaws, can't you take a break from acting like a tryhard Xbox Live 12 year old for once?
so good
>SoTN has tons of obvious flaws
Then why didn't you list any of them?
best song
>most posts bring multiple flaws aside from the lack of difficulty
Bravo frogshitter.
Goddamnit Sup Forums you're making me wanna play SotN for like the 12937th time
Should I?
Just do
Faerie best familiar.
too slow, user
pls dont die thread
No one plays Castlevania, let it die so I can close the tab please.
I'm planning on replaying SotN along with the DS games plus AoS. Skipping DoS in favor of AoS with the randomizer.
What's wrong with DoS?
Hold on a gosh darn second....
See It's a poor man's Aria.
Is that...
Could it be?
>It's a poor man's Aria.
That's SotN though.
the sega saturn version existing.