Is SOTN a masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
Is SOTN a masterpiece or are there glaring flaws?
>Painfully easy, braindead easy, holy shit there are a dozen ways to break the game and they're not even that hard to stumble upon.
>Platforming aspect is very quickly made boring because you can turn into a bat and fly.
>Inverted Castle is a chore because the platforming is boring. Consider the Super Metroid Rotation hack and how interesting the platforming challenges are since you can't just fly around right off the bat. You have to use the tools you have and gain in interesting ways while in the same environment. SotN is just, fuck, the levels are so bland it just feels like an aesthetic change. The maps are not memorable.
>Have to beat the game to play as the fun modes
>Can chow down on health items and shit on a whim
>There are dingy RPG elements that just bloat the menus and barely matter at all
I have no clue why people rank it anywhere close to Super Metroid. Must be the graphics and music.
No but this is.
To be fair you literally cannot name a Metroidvania with better art direction, graphics or soundtrack than Symphony of the Night.
Metroid Prime
>Wandering ghosts
My nigga
Holy fuck when I first heard that track it was fucking beautiful
I loved it, but Alucard becomes overpowered a bit too easily. The poisonous mist form shouldn't be a thing. Lots of balance decisions were not great.
But despite that, still a great game.
Theme for the thread, while will make everyone disregard my opinion anyway:
I've never played it. Really liked the DS Castevanias. Should I give it a run or does it not hold up?
Better than any of the DS games by far.
What about this masterpiece?