What are you looking forward to most in Wolfenstein: TNC?

What are you looking forward to most in Wolfenstein: TNC?

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Nothing. Bethesda / nu-ID can't make good games for the love of their lifes.

Killing as many G*rmans as possible.

killing germs

That look of wonder and excitement on his face is hilarious.

Fighting some huge crazy nazi invention, checking out massive brutalist architecture, cool side characters with epic bantz

But its not made by id

I hope to see more outdoor levels (especially architecture) and more of the nazi lifestyle.
Also i hope the character doesn't have myopia.

skeletons and more enemy variety

That person clearly hasn't played the most recent Wolfenstein or the newest doom game. Ignore them.

Why are conservatives triggered by killing nazis now? If you want to make america great again that includes returning to a time when america killed nazi scum and fought for freedom and justice and apple pie. I honestly don't understand this "only numales and cucks want to kill nazis" shit.

Just ignore underage kekistan retards, user

Most of the MAGA hicks don't believe in liberty for all, they care only about themselves and want to lock up, deport or kill everyone who frightens them, including other Americans. Captain America would be disgusted by most of the people who want to make America great again.

Captain America slapped the japs.

>Captain America would be disgusted by most of the people who want to make America great again.

Who gives a shit what a fictional super hero thinks?

Not buying it



>tee hee i sure do love killing nazis
>it's 100% okay to kill a nazi goys!
>don't feel bad about killing nazis! blow their brains out, stomp on their graves, it's great fun!
>btw our modern day political opponents are nazis

Mostly enjoying how fun a character they made BJ into. I assume I'll get to wrestle some Nazi-mechs in my Jewish spacesuit. I don't know if they'll put me in as interesting a situation as going to the moon in part 1 though.

Unironically this. White people never shut the fuck up.

>Most of the MAGA hicks don't believe in liberty for all, they care only about themselves and want to lock up, deport or kill everyone who frightens them, including other Americans.
[Citation needed]
>Captain America would be disgusted by most of the people who want to make America great again.
The fact you jump to a fictional character to try and fail to make a coherent point proves you're one of the idiot millennials who happily slops up all the media's left-wing propaganda.

Mostly just cucks who wish they were German instead of American, without realizing Germans now would also think they're a bunch of assholes. Every single one of them is 25 of below, and has little to no work experience or education. It's a small, but vocal, group. Best to ignore them when possible.

This confused me too until I remembered they're all undereducated retards.

Idiots who think this was made in response to Trump are hilarious.

I am sick and tired of slopping up the media's left wing propaganda, user. Please recommend some youtube vloggers who can tell me what's REALLY going on in the world today!

They were all born after 1992, how are they supposed to know the series has been around a while?

This. I wonder what situation BJ will get himself into.
>Yeah, I just infiltrated a Nazi u-boat, took control of it, then used to to get to a secret Jewish vault where all kinds of crazy technology can be found.
>Then we used this technology to destroy an entire bridge just so we could get to a Nazi officer to steal his identity
>Then I impersonated said officer and went to a Nazi-controlled moonbase, where I stole the codes to unleash the Nazi nuclear arsenal and then blew the entire station up!
>Afterwards, I stole a shuttle and crashlanded back on Earth, escaped falling to my death by smashing into a Nazi officer, then went on to kill an fucking huge robot of death that terrorized London
Good times

Do you guys think we'll get another grammer nazi joke, or is it one and done?

Actual american conservatives hate nazis

Online american meme conservatives like to say hitler did nothing wrong KEK xD

Now you know the difference

Shit, I forgot half of that stuff happened. That game was fucking crazy.

Don't worry it's just contrarian fags. You know the ones who have pepe posters, kekistani flags, and unironically praise islam because xD gays.

hard to fight nazis when they were right and the real world is going to shit thanks to shitskins and self hating white cucks

I was gonna wait on getting it, but I saw the wheelchair scene and I just

If a TV crew came into your room right now and asked you to explain what you meant by this post, what would you tell them? It's live and the world is watching.

"I'm coming to get you, Nazi fucking spaceman."

in a social climate where everybody right to karl marx is considered a nazi and where people call none far leftwing activists nazis to justify violence and the silencing of opinions that they don´t like this seems very out of touch

you probably aren´t conservative and probably very left leaning so you have no idea what kind of violence and censorship an average conservative has to deal with daily.

I have seen people being almost beaten to death for being a nazi which means not supporting radical feminism or blm

fuck you self hating numale anti-white shill cucks, go prep some black arab bulls. europe is dying.

Because the Left doesn't know what Nazis are. They just know history said they were bad and you shouldn't like them and they think people they don't like are bad so therefore they are Nazis.
They will always be completely ignorant of the actual views of the factions they oppose. Yes, we are dealing with fucking children here.


nah looks like a sjw game

>you have no idea what kind of violence and censorship an average conservative has to deal with daily

Because Nazi has become the catch all term to describe people who do not agree with you.

Because they're not Nazis, they're carictures based on one developer hearing something somebody else read on wikipedia

Which is why in the newest propaganda game Nazis and the Klan have teamed up.

More of that delicious German Aesthetic and Fascist architecture. Whatever your stance is I think everyone can agree they look good.

>Which is why in the newest propaganda game Nazis and the Klan have teamed up.
No they haven't you absolute fucking retard, what was showed in the trailer was clearly a nazi soldier escorting some klan LARPers out of there.

>have no counter argument
>post reaction gif from a liberal propaganda show instead

what a shocker that Trump won

When was it not? The reason everyone knows you're like 15 is that everyone has always fucking called people who disagree with them Hitler. The difference is that people weren't special snowflakes like you and got over it
Wolfenstein has always been based on caricatures of Nazis you moron

I would tell them that ever since my city got flooded with "refugees" its no longer safe to go outside and all these "women and children" are gorwn african. on top off that crimes are getting censored by the media and police cant do shit either.

I think most of the world would agree that this is not ok and see the parallels to post ww1 germany and why Germans did what they had to do

I posted a gif from a Florida Panthers hockey game, sorry that you think everything involving Kevin Spacey is from House of Cards

>You're like 15
Add nine years to that age, kid.

The people in the game are literally Nazis, user. And stop playing the victim you little pansy.

Do you realize how long this game has been in development?

way to miss the point there user

ignoring it obviously

>liberal propaganda show

First retard, Underwood is a democrat in the show. Second that's footage from Kevin Spacey at some sports game.

Then you were extremely sheltered as a kid

you're describing a nigger

nazis would never team up with the kkk. they hated Christianity and the KKK hated central government control. those sjw developers just have a basic understanding of what evil white people organisations of the past where and decided to throw them together.
meanwhile the nazis actually had a good relationship with Muslim nations but the game certianly won´t cover that aspect

you wouldn´t even survive a single day as a conservative

they aren't teaming up, why do you keep pulling that shit out of your ass?

Do you have some sort of fucking problem? The question was
>Why are conservatives triggered by killing nazis now
I answered the fucking question. You cannot deny that Nazi hasn't become the go to word now for what I described. People are trying to claim the fucking president is a nazi. Instead of addressing what I've said you're calling me a fifteen year old and sheltered. So what the fuck is your problem you dumb cunt.

Ignore the idiots sympathizing with fictional super Nazis and post your favourite quotes.
>Thank you so much for the new socks. They're right warm and a snug fit. Yeah, I'm doing well. Although this war has grown a little wearisome. Nothing much interesting ever happens these parts. Today I landed a Nazi helicopter on a nicked Nazi nuclear submarine aircraft carrier. After which I donned a deep-water diving suit, swam down an abyssal trench in the middle of the Atlantic fucking ocean, don't mean to bother you with the details. Long story short, I'm in a secret vault full of things so magical and abnormal in nature the mind has no recourse but to shudder in bewilderment. 'Course I'm accompanied by a nazi-killing lunatic and some kind of genius wizard who claims to be on a first-name basis with God Almighty himself. Ah, well, we can only hope for a more stimulating turn of events in the future. Give my love to everyone back home, Fergus out.

What's wrong with the one with white clothes in the bottom left? Is a dwarf?

He'd beg for sex from every member of the news crew. If that failed, he'd fuck his dog again.

american media has turned into cancer

>I have seen people being almost beaten to death for being a nazi which means not supporting radical feminism or blm


Nigga you're talking about a video game series where you fight paranormal demons and shit. It's not meant to be some realistic portrayal of Nazis

by the kkk running around during a nazi festival in the trailer

>conservatives so out of touch they get triggered when fictional nazis in a videogame are killed
2017 is an interesting year.

>they hated Christianity

What? Hitler cited multiple times his movement was a Christian one.

>you wouldn´t even survive a single day as a conservative

I'm sorry precious that your life is so hard.

You're acting like that's some recent development when people have been calling people who disagree with them Nazis since the fucking 1940s

Kek no, are you blind? The soldier was showing the KKK fellas the door. They were clearly not welcome there.

I don't even sympathize with Nazi Germany but it's fucking laughable that every sick, depraved act becomes acceptable when you're doing it to a Nazi.

It's like these people are truly horrible psychopaths, they just found a politically acceptable way to channel their sick fantasies.

>following someone who simply started smoking because of "U MAD???!!?"

Hahaha fucking owned you lefties, because now I'm going to get cancer

not him in a time where everything is literally Hitler and europe is under kebab attack people are fed up with the nazi shtick

the last two years of american media jumping the shark on daily basis are just the icing on the cake

>I'm sorry precious that your life is so hard.
A lot of Sup Forums "conservatives" just steal from the SJW playbook. That means reliance on identity politics and a constant attempt to claim victimhood. I assume there are several "conservative" youtubers who are trying hard day after day to become the Anita of the right, but it hasn't happened yet. They want to censor and effect games the same way Anita did, but they just don't have the influence. The "alt-right" might as well be called SJWs 2.0

>House of Cards is a liberal propaganda show
ok explain your reasoning because you're so retarded it's fascinating


>Being this much of a cuck
Say hello to Jamal from me

Fuck me.
I chose to keep Wyatt alive because he was the younger one and Fergus looked like he had a fun and eventful life already by that time.
My reward was being stuck with an insufferable permadepressed cunt.

>decent gameplay
>less cutscenes
that's it

>no political posts itt
way to ruin a thread faggot

>every sick, depraved act
Go the fuck to bed, Thompson. You should be focused on drinking and remembering how you got disbarred.

Everyone is such a censorship hungry faggot the moment they get on their soapbox around here. Assholes pretending they never hit a videogame character with a fucking videogame hatchet before.

>wanting to (((make america great again)))

lied about Tea Party on almost every episode they come up, lie about republican agenda daily and basicaly just sum it up with "they hate wyman and blacks", try to hype up that bullshit russia narrative, all written and acted by people that openly support hilary, have donated thousands of dollars to the democartic party and openly stated that Trump is hitler

If they take TNO and add more weapons and enemy types I'm fine with it.

That being said it better fucking have Mick Gordon doing the OST again holy shit.

I'd agree with you if it portrayed the Democrats as some sort of angels but the point of the show is that everyone in Washington is corrupt and prone to bad behavior

Ben Shapiro

and there is so much more.
can´t even invite a republican speaker to my university without getting shut down by violent protest
but yeah just try to deny it. shit like that just helps right leaning people getting elected

>try to hype up that bullshit russia narrative
Nigga, don't be fucking retarded. Vidya isn't the place for you to LIE and say Russia didn't mess with America's (and other countries) elections. The fact that you try to shove that under the carpet makes you a huge fucking cuck.

I wish when "nationalist" had actual pride in their country. Instead we only have these limpdicks that call themselves "conservative". Pathetic.

more stealth levels

not because they were good, but because fucking with the retarded AI was the only fun thing in the first game

oh and all the threads to turn into Sup Forums spergfests

>call user out on his cries for victimhood
>faggot user doubles down on victimhood
Holy shit, that's pathetic. I'm glad you'll never even get the mild amount of power the old SJWs got.

I'm sure you've been the victim of multiple assaults right? Fucking pussy.

When it's not about killing Nazis, these hipster developers are finickier about vido game violence than Jack Thompson himself.

>Vidya isn't the place for you to LIE and say Russia didn't mess with America's (and other countries) elections.
Never thought I'd see someone say this unironically outside of reddit

So you'll get to blow up the commies in the trailer too right?

Fergus gets upset with BJ over Wyatt too, but he's more enjoyable to be around. You miss out on Jimmie Hendrix but get a really cool brain damaged chick. Honestly worth a second playthrough.

unless you are jack thompson you don't give a shit about violence in video games or think it's bad until it's done to nazis lmao

I hated stealth stuff, but mostly cause I suck at it. I would love more big, open fights.

the narrative is that the current president coludet with russia to hack the election.
daily reminder that russia also tried to hack the gop but failed since they apparently put more effort into it and where used to getting hacked by the democrats but we never hear about that in the media. it´s all about "Impeach Trump for being a Russian puppet" a bullishit narrative made by the Clinton campaign on the day she lost.
you liberals are just traitors that will lie, bully, blackmail and use anything you have to change elections that you don´t like.
don´t have any arguments? just call the other site racist and nazis.
lost the election? just make up conspiracy theories to undermine the democratic progress

But you also got J.

The complete lack of any recoil on the guns, it makes it super to fun when it takes zero skill to aim and shoot. Also the weird OpenGL engine that Zenimax uses has weird built in cut scenes where the framerate locks in the middle of the game and it triggers the hell out of my autism.