"I'll be on at 5 tomorrow"

>"I'll be on at 5 tomorrow"

Other urls found in this thread:


Give the dude a break, he's just really busy with life.

>log in
>everyone starts sending me "wanna play" messages
Fuck off man, i'm browsing shitty threads on Sup Forums.

>friend committed suicide last autumn
>check steam friends list
>last online 1 minute ago

He's probably dead.


getting disconnected and reconnecting to steam resets the timers
completely close steam and open it back up to fix it

>steam friend started feeling sick a week ago
>yesterday he went to pay a visit to the hospital because his throat was not feeling good
>last online: 1 day ago

You were blocked.

Blocking people is the best mind games.

>steam friend finds credit card on the ground
>friend uses it to buy literal hundreds in TF2 and CS:GO keys
>card holder cancels the card and refunds all the purchases
>Steam account of friend's gets suspended
What did you expect to happen, get free shit and get away with it?

At least you have friends.

>being so unlikable that someone has to fake their own suicide to get away from you

Fuck. That want supposed to happen.

I have _7 steam friends


Is this the thread where people post pictures of spiders and sexually prey upon sissy white boys?

>Friend comes online after 532 days
>"Hey what's up?"

charge your phone faggot

Why would he be up so early, he was probably lying to you and blocked you

>tfw you got into a relationship and inadvertently did what you always hated about friends who got into relationships
>contact slipped with everybody but your partner because it's so fucking exhausting to dedicate yourself to one person like that



Fuck off

>tfw brother last online 3000 days ago
Because he just makes a new Steam account every time he loses the password

I'm all for turning this into an insect fight webm thread.

>haven't talked to IRL friend in years
>figure you never will again
>they're still on your Steam and they come online out of nowhere

I hate this, I just want to be able to play my games alone without being spammed "play with me" "help me with this" "wanna do some pvp ?"

>friend starts erping you via steam chat
>accidentally post a line into in-game chat and not steam chat

this happened to me, nobody noticed and I couldn't stop laughing. last time I ever erped

Does he bang his head into his keyboard when he creates a password or is he naturally challenged?

it's ebola

>boo hoo I have too many friends that all want to spend time with me

Sounds real fucking rough user

Go tell your friends on Reddit, I'm sure they will understand

>erping with steam friends

He plays games in waves. He'll get into some game and play it for months, and then not play anything for years. I understand him losing the passwords, the annoying part is that he never even attempts to recover them or asks me if I can help him, he'll just make a new one and buy those $40 worth of games again. I think he's up to three now while I've had the same one since 2004. But I also play games 100 times more than him.

>accidentally finding friend erp logs on pastebin

>meet someone
>have shitloads in common and chat all the time
>they delete their profile and vanish for a year or so
>add you again out of nowhere
>excited as fuck to see them again
>any attempt at talking just feels stilted
>completely drift away after a few days

>that friend that used to be chill, but then he went full Sup Forums and was completely unbearable to be around

>robi roten


Post link

I wish your post made me angry, but it just makes me sad


A few months ago I went full faggot and made my profile into one of those cringey rp ones that you see in those huge rp groups. Then a month ago I realized how fucking stupid it was and how my steam looked so I switched my shit back to how it was originally.
After that I slowly took off friends one by one by making them want to remove me because I didn't rp. Everyday my Steam list grows smaller.

>Be in irc
>"Wow brb someone is banging at my fucking door at 2am"
>He never comes back
>Is gone for weeks
>Everyone thinks he got stabbed to death
>Turns out while he was getting up to answer the door he knocked his computer over and broke it and had to get it repaired

Everything turned out better than expected

This is better than being a friendcollector
Why would you even need more than this?

For the record, he talks like a human bean to me, not like a faggot.


>That girl who was the best friend of the girl you was dating and you never got along with but about a year after you broke up with her best friend you quickly became great friends and spent many hours a night just texting each other until you ended up dating and it lasted a while and was great but eventually came to an end but then months later you reconnected and became good friends with her again but you still were in love with her and she had moved on and you spent months being unable to get over her until all contact was cut and you got over her and it's been two years now since you last spoke and you feel much better but sometimes think how things could've been.


>Make online pals with an Austrailian teen girl while visiting Sup Forums
>Talk with her often over chat
>She had just turned 16 and had no friends at school, was shy, and had somewhat abusive parents
>Tells me one day she finally got a good looking boyfriend from school
>Practically ecstatic about it
>Two weeks later, confesses that she had finally lost her virginity
>Happy for her
>Two days later, comes in crying
>Her boyfriend had gotten real cold towards her and basically admitted to her that he was only dating her to fuck her
>She logs off suddenly
>That was 9 years ago
>She has never come back online, and she never responds to any email I send her.

No worries, user. All of my Steam friends are people I know or knew in person so my list is tiny too.

good night man
miss you

he was my best friend for around 7-8 years
never met him rl, always knew we were gonna meet up some time, it was a no brainer

then he got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, made it 10 months after the diagnosis

first time i met him in person was his funeral, life passes so quick

I don't judge, I just want to fap

>she realised you just wanted to fuck her just as her bf

Everytime I see her online it hurts in my chest.


>Playing tf2
>talking about how i barely have any hats n shit since i don't spend money on tf2
>some girl friends me and immediately offers to buy me something
>"you don't really gotta do that for some stranger"
>starts talking about how she hates herself and how it makes hers feel good about herself
>start trying to cheer her up because im a sap, but at the same time i don't want to even associate with her
>she promises to buy me shit like next week, don't talk to her ever again and she unfriends me 2 weeks later
she was also a mega weeb it looks like. i still feel like a dick kind of, but it's probably best that it ended that way, i don't want any fucking drama or the baggage that comes with having friends.

It fucking suck. I feel bad because I showed him Sup Forums in the first place.

I'm sorry for your loss, user. It's always sad to read those stories.

do they not know what refractory periods are


>not taking the red pill for yourself

>living in Sweden, playing wow on the regular. Meet this dude who's username is Carlos, he's from Norway.
>play pretty much everyday, get achievements and mounts together. Spent like 400 hours in total waiting for the TLPD while watching shows and movies together.
>says he'll be away for a couple days, going to some political meeting thing for young people
>couple days after he logged off I see on the news that Anders Brejvik killed a fuckton of young adults on Utoya during the event there.
>Carlos never logs back on.

I keep thinking of the news footage of the bodies jn the water as they tried to escape as he mowed them down, that he was probably one of them.

I have a friend who committed suicide a few years ago. He loved trivia games and flash games and shit and so every time You Don't Know Jack or Super Meat Boy or whatever is on sale, I wish I could tell him about it.

I ended up roving him because seeing him signed out made me depressed. Anyway, I'm sorry for your lost, user. It sucks losing someone like that, especially unexpectedly.

>be part of a good steam friend circle (Me and other guy are the only ones far away, rest of others know each other irl)
>talk on teamspeak a lot
>Drift away in late 2015 since they only play Dota 2
>stopped coming on ts
>went back on ts yesterday to check up on them and see if I could join back since I've been pretty lonely lately
>teamspeak server is gone since the gaming community responsible for it died out
>can't talk to them again unless it's on Steam
>still busy playing Dota and probably ignoring my messages
feels great right

*Removing him

Fucking autocorrect.

Are you sure?

You are a real scumbag cuck, you know? Let the man die already and delete him from your Steam just like he tried to delete himself from existence.

this is my total after 6 years. my first 3 steam friends and I all still talk virtually daily together

Why'd you break up?

I wish I knew, I guess the excitement was gone on her end. I still felt exactly as I did at the start, I liked her more even.

Wow, man they both just wanna leave.

>have online friends from years ago
>go online after about 6 months and we sperg out and have fun for a week
>then I inexplicably get the urge to disconnect from them again and log off for half a year
>except this time it's been a year and a half
>all the while I'm off the grid, I miss them, but never get on
>feel lonely
I've done this like 5 times now. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Why do people use that fucking font?

>That guy who always calls you to play the same game
Love you, buddy.

Better keep it down. Breivik is a saint on Sup Forums.

>Last online: 368 days ago

I'm sure you can tell me why that is

please die

After you

you rove him rong time?

aww he needed shade

>that was my Steam profile pic for a long time

Yall aint shit

>Used to add people randomly when I first got Steam
>Never actually talk to any of them
>Used to talk to one guy, only true "internet friend" I've ever had
>At some point, just stops responding to my messages, only comes online about an hour a month
>Last online 389 days ago
>tfw too autistic to even make friends over the internet

fuck off Sup Forumstard

What a colossal retard

>think everyone should have the right to try to use extreme humor to be funny without huge social rammification
>most autists I meet online just repeat cuck and nigger in replace of any real humor or just in every day conversation and don't understand why that's annoying.

>that friend that used to be chill, but then he turned into a nigger loving cuck fag


>recently signed into steam for the first time in about 1-2 years
>friend starts asking me where i was and talking to me about video games
>can't remember who the fuck they are but i think they're from Sup Forums
>start making progress in remembering who he was
>was in fact a guy from Sup Forums who would awkwardly send me lewd loli pictures at random

Why is this the only person that wants to talk to me? Fuck my life

>When you used to be a jon stewart daily show level leftist but now you have been soft redpilled but if you speak out of line the only friends you know start to yell at you.

>nigger loving cuck fag
Could you imagine saying this unironically and think you've said anything of substance, or worse yet amusing.

>that friend who insisted on being contrarian while posting anime images

>have 8 friends on my list and none of them wants to talk to me
I should just remove them all, they fucking keep me as to make their 250 "friends" list bigger

>Play wow with rp guild.
>One girl in the guild is really intense and loves erping.
>ERPs with all the top guys in the guild in order to get a good position.
>She really loved being centre of attention
>One day we are all chit chatting on skype
>She is the only one with her camera on
>Have two screens so have one screen on game and other on skype
>She goes quiet for a while and is concentrating on the game
>She seems to forget she is on skype and is on cam
>Her two year old son walks in and starts crying
>Holy fuck she a mother
>She just walks up to her son
>Slaps him across the face
>Picks him up by the scruff and throws him out of the room and closes the door
>Everyone is deathly silent
>Everyone goes afk in the middle of event and most seem to alt f4 out of wow and skype
>GM cancels the event
>She gets kicked from the guild

I kept her on my friendslist and she was on my blizzard friends list so I could see if she was on any other charaters.
She never came back online, GM said she begged to be let back in but he was a loving father and called the cops on her.

After having been the kind of person who had friends that regularly them to play L4D or TF2 and shit with them, seriously, it's better to not have any friends. I feel so much better now that I've cut everyone out of my life.

I fucking hate people so much.


>Use to game with friend, talked about pathfinder/D&D/40k and shit
>He logs out one day, doesn't log in ever again
>His birthday passes, picked up Total warhammer for him and sent to him as a gift just in case since he really wanted it
>Months pass
>Eventually stalk him down on facebook thanks to max autism
>He died two weeks before his birthday

It just really hurt. I'd known him since 2007. We were really good friends. I wish I could have said bye. That's all I want.

>those two friends who got into pop-politics and had their minds destroyed by memes

>stay at shitty hos house
>she doesn't take care of her kids
>usually tries to be away from them as much as possible
>sometimes manages this for up to five days
>shitty mothers have shit in their brains.

Also, her daughter grew super attached to me since she didn't have a father figure. It was super weird, she'd INSIST on bothering me and sitting next to me all the time.

After all I was feeding her more than her mom. She made me definitely not want kids.