>build an android
>give her meaty breasts for shock absorbers
I don't know Sup Forums, why not just have a thicker layer of skin instead of concentrated shock absorbers for the chest?
>build an android
>give her meaty breasts for shock absorbers
I don't know Sup Forums, why not just have a thicker layer of skin instead of concentrated shock absorbers for the chest?
le berserk 2017 is some damn good anime grrl
because the inventor is entitled to make his invention look like whatever the fuck he wants, that's why
>reading Kotaku in current year
>Build a female looking android
>Give her female looking parts
What is wrong with this?
Behold, the perfect android physique
guys, you're building a fighting robot. function over form. you're telling me shock absorbers beat titanium plating? in what universe?
it's form follows function, they can still make it look aesthetically pleasing
How to spot a SJW 101
>is careful to only mention that Alisa appears in Tekken 7, because she has no idea if she has appeared in previous entires
Whats the point of a robot if you cant fuck it
Aesthetics my nigga. After you got function, make your shit look good.
>function over form.
No. The robot is built in the creator's daughter's image. Form was priority.
>It's a little weird because Alisa's creator, um, designed her in his daughter's likeness.
How is that weird? If his daughter had breasts, why wouldn't he give her breasts?
Video games are supposed to be fun and silly. Designs then, are allowed to be fun, silly, and impractical.
A completely rigid shell increase the internal damage when inflicted with blunt damage, you need multiple kind of layers to increase resilience against multiple sources of damage. Just look at full plate armor, it was far from being only plate, it was a mix of plate, mail, leather and quilted armor on multiple layers with each being specialized against a specific kind of weapon.
why bother making a female android if it isn't the peak of sexuality and feminine beauty?
In the tekken universe, now shut up.
beat your opponents into submission
how is it going to be any different looking than a titanium plating boob?
>...Tekken 7's Andriod
So essentially, she didn't play the other iterations and for some reason doesn't question a fucking bear/panda fighting in a tournament.
If you are going to build a life-like robot, wouldn't you want them to be, you know, life-like down to the smallest detail?
>shock absorbers
How do the Japs get away with this?
because 2B is copyrighted
How do I play Tekken 7 without getting a massive boner and jerking off to the girls?
>Fan asks an unimportant question
>Harada makes up a silly answer, like he does with every dumb question he gets asked
>"""Journalist""" actually thinks this is worth writing an article about
>pulling a Hideo Kojima
What did she mean by this?
Tekken's designs and writing follow only rule of cool, then if someone asks Harada makes up something on the spot. just like anime
Does that author seriously think Kojima actually shamed anyone for their words and deeds?
aren't there more important things to worry about than whether a fictional robot girl's tits should bounce or not in a video game?
Kojima shamed everyone with MGS V
Then you wouldn't make your robot humanoid if you just need it to be combat ready.
>muh feminism
>why not just have a thicker layer of skin instead of concentrated shock absorbers for the chest?
Because fuck you that's why
being humanoid gives it the functionality of stealth.
Or a cloaking device
Like that would help when you're getting punched in the gut by superhumans like Paul
is there a way to describe this kind of writing, where rather than get to the fucking point by stating things plainly, you write as if you were speaking or how you'd inject personality into reading a screenplay?
because all modern cuck writers on clickbait sites write like that and um... it's really fucking annoying.
>is there a way to describe this kind of writing
yeah, it's called a blog
>tungsten carbide bones
that actually triggers me more than the titty shock absorbers
how so?
Being insect-sized gives it functionality of stealth.
>in what universe?
the one with demons, tiger lutchadores and people surviving being trow outside of the planet
Nu-male/female writing
I got one question about this. All these people getting perplexed and angry about breasts, like feminists, soccer moms, whatever - how do they go outside? When they go to the beach, do they sit in a neck-high shirt and pants and shout at everyone who's wearing a bikini or something?
Based James Woods
Yes, the word you are looking for is trash.
>t. autist who doesn't understand design
You should write for one of these game journo websites. You're dumb enough.
tungsten carbide is a hard but brittle material, the bones would shatter easily
it makes sense to make claws tipped with tungsten carbide, but not bones
you don't understand. its the portrayal of woman they can't stand. men can't portray woman in a negative way but woman can.
Some good old legal child abuse right there. Damn these people.
Is children identity politics the XXI century equivalent of children learning piano/languages/whatever at young age because of their parents unfulfilled dreams?
Can you fucking read?
>the outer skin armor consists of titanium & depleted uranium.
The skin is there for aesthetic reasons and to in somewhat way blend into her surroundings. You gonna complain the skynet added skin to their infiltration terminators too?
those pretty small and under-sexualized, but modern journos (not only vidya) making news out of any tweet.
damn you Harada, you're always the best
>weebshit is popular now, so everything else that exists needs to be SJW to counterbalance it
i want it all to fucking burn
depleted uranium would make her heavy as fuck
There's no equivalent there, because learning languages is a good and healthy thing. This however is not much different from arguing that since your kid wants to eat cake everyday, he should have it. Which is sick and reprehensible.
Vicarious living, yeah.
Except this is closer to child beauty pageants.
"Weebshit" is untouched,its western games that are completely in the hands of SJW,
the fire emblems games were touched by SJWs
i know but its all garbage to me
i never imagined humanity becoming so fucking autistic
This is a copy/paste from a Kotaku article.
You're being trolled.
by your reasoning it would just look like the terminators skeleton but thats boring as fuck
tungsten carbide scores very high on the hardness scale, but it doesn't mean it's super hard in every setting. Diamons are the hardest metal known to man, but you can shatter one with a hammer easily - similar with tungsten carbide. What is it good for is stuff like drill bits or cutting tools, because (apart from the hardness)it has a really high melting point, or ammunition. If you got a bone made of the stuff, it would probably be easier to snap it than a regular bone.
And she is.
beat my dick into submission
>bouncy boobs for aesthetics
you can accomplish the same job by making it firmer with plating. its would still look the same.
Alisa a shit
Maybe he just wanted to give the android huge tits because he likes them?????????
Nintendo has aways censored games at least a little
I dislike tekken games, but this man deserves praise and happiness.
He's an Iori fan, so no, he doesn't.
Not really since those things actually require discipline and have some payoff in the form of a skill. Wearing clothing different from your peers takes no effort and has no long-term reward.
>everything has to be hyper realistic in videogames
worst timeline
Yep. Not in the same ways though. They used to be much more bothered about religious shit, now they move along with this. I think what hasn't changed is "what is not acceptable in the mainstream" and they follow suit because this type of social antics is pretty mainstream just like religious concerned people were a few decades ago.
>Jack built for combat
>Alisa built for ????
what good is she for?
They just wanted to give her big fucking tits.
He pulled an excuse out of his ass to please retarded autistic faggot cunts like you
>Random twitter faggot: "Umm, why do the robot girl's breasts jiggle?"
>Harada: "Because I want them to."
That's all you have to do. Why do developers have to overcomplicate it in some misguided attempt to please the unpleasable?
thats why we must secure financial success of japanese games.
Harada is the king of asspulls and he's been ruining Tekken for years with his asspulls to explain his incessant additions of shitty anime girl characters. The story is complete ass hattery at this point.
>tfw redditors try to attack kotaku aka /ourguys/ butt fail miserably
Isn't this the same character that can blow herself up, and people point out it is a robot with boobs being a problem?
Can't she ever take covert missions disguised as a human?
What a waste if not
At least he is having fun and that directly translates into his products.
>playing fighting games for anything other than mechanics and cute girls
The jews fear the samurai
The story in Tekken has always been stupid shit.
absolutely nothing!
>can blow herself up
self destruct is a standard feature for sci fi robots
Not gay but jerking off to the boys is a valid answer to your question
Has there ever been a fighting game with a good story?
Play as Leo. It still won't work