You must choose

You must choose.

>Not wanting Gregor to be on the other team so that you both end up battling it out against eachother while the rest of your respective teams have their idiot fest somewhere irrelevant

Not a real gamer.

Blue team.
I don't ever want to be affiliated with bronyfaggots in any way.

Why the fuck would Gregor team stack you stupid shit

Blue seems to be the better one, provided that they take the game seriously and don't try to constantly beta orbit around the girl.


Tbh Blue team sound like a bunch of people with 'ironic' names that are probably halfway good at vidya anyway.


Blue team to see if Lister and Jessicakes are actually related, and to see what I can get out of them.

Fuck Bronies.

>Mister Lister the Sister Fister
Easy answer

>fucking atrocious but ripnroarin is a saving grace
>all moderately horrible but no sane man

Shit man why you do this

Red team

People who Ive played with that are high are good
MLG, probably very good
MLP, faggot but they have no lives and dedicate themselves to 1 game
Splitscreen fags are always bad
Comedic name so he's probably good

Blue team easy.

>not teaming with Mister Lister the Sister Fister

>choosing 9gagers and furries over bronies
dude kys

Blue team is just a worse version of the red one.

I choose to leave the server

Actually the real question is what we're playing? A FPS, MOBA, MMORPG, c'mon dude tell me what we're doing.

>Delete Local Content

>Red team has someone playing split-screen at a friends place
Odds are they blow, and I don't need two people handicapped for vision. Blue it is.

Red is probably the better team if the console fucks aren't complete dead weight, but Lister is the coolest guy on either team

>thinking this is even a choice
back to

Blue team.

The BR might have terrible ping but let's not forget that a BR did help Sup Forums beat R*ddit in Tribes.

Mister Lister is an average player

The Gaia guy must be seasoned. Because who uses Gaia anymore?

Furries are autisticly good.

The 9GAG player is probably someone being ironic.

>implying people on Sup Forums wouldn't set their name as 9gag anyway

>Mister Lister
The man is a god

Pick random, win first round, bro it out with Gregor.

Red team, brony autists are always top leader.

>red team has a smoker, a brony, and two guys playing on split screen
I'll take blue, thanks. Furries are pretty good at video games when they're not with other furries, I think.

>Mister Lister the Sister Fister
My sides ------------------------->
Blue team all the way

Obviously blue.

What kind of retard do you have to be to not pick blue?

t. bronyfaggot

[FUR] Wolfpack92 has a chance of just being an edgelord guy who thinks wolves are cool. His tag has a 1% chance of standing for FURIOUS or FURNITURE ENTHUSIAST, whilst [MLP] Fluttershy can't be anything but a furfaggothorsefucker. Wolfpack92 is also guaranteed not to be a teenager unlike [MLG] Jordan99 on the other team.

w33dw4rrior probably will carry the team

>not using the term horsefucker

Go back to your autism hole


How could you go wrong

I used to play a lot of console games, guests were never good but their host was always on the top shit.

I choose death

Strenghts of the red team:

Strengths of the blue team:

Overall I think Red takes it.

>riproarin boogerpenis

now that's a meme i haven't heard in quite some time.

Blue team easy

Blue team because it's been scientifically proven that furries and BRs are rebbit's weakness

Blue team

I'm not going to play against a laggy Brazilian fucker

>Ever choosing the Blue Team

>red team

>first guy thinks he's good, is 12 and what is this
>says stupid shit in chat instead of playing the game
>Couldn't think of a name so used his actual name and his favorite number lol! He is average skill level
>these 2 may actually be good
>probably gregor in disguise

Eh, blue team I guess.

weed smokers and atleast one of the console duos ALWAYS perform bad so i'll take blue

/blue/ here

>a 17 year old still using the mlg tag
>split screen fags


could also be a NCSU student

>a furry
Fuck, I'll take the bronies over that
At least booger_penis seems alright

>red team
BLUE. or more realistically, disconnect. or more-more realistically,
ban horsefuckers, furfags and 9faggots for not reading the fucking rules when they joined my server

I want to see the amazing battle between Boogerpenis and Sister Fister.

blue team.

bearable tier :

cringe, but might be good at the game tier :

confirmed shitter tier :

Blue team is better

Lister is literal GOAT-tier, redfags getting blown out.

100% real talk. Depending on the game, narutokitsune is probably going to carry.

Possibly, normies on this campus really like putting wolfpack on everything so their steam names would be included


Not a chance. Lister is most likely Russian.

Those matches are the fucking best, when you both enter The Zone and the rest of the players just feel like bots you're swatting away without a thought.

Blue Team.
Mister Lister is probably a bro. I also have a rule to avoid duo teams as well.


Jordan is old enough to post here. You think hes normal now?

>playing with splitscreeners
no fuck that

Gregor has always been a bad Sup Forums meme, he's generally the third or fourth best player in the game, nothing to be afraid of

if Mister_Lister_the_Sister_Fister doesn't use a mic, he's the top dog

>people born in 1999 are adults now

Mister Lister the Sister Fister is the kind of name an autist who spends millions of hours pubstomping would choose, so blue.

Alright then give me some perfect looking nicknames

Red has a horsefucker and 2 people playing split screen fuck that im going blue

sorry old man, ive come to take your jobs and seduce your women.

I have a good feeling about RipRoarinBoogerpenis

How about this?


Lord Salamander (note: his avatar is cropped porn)
총의 강점
리틀 페더
[MLG]xXxDu$kwÖLF3xXx (who if you join this team opens with "*raises paw and howls at you"

join red and votekick the furries

If it's a free to play game, then blue
if its a 50$ game then Red.

>red has a splitscreen

>총의 강점
>리틀 페더
I give you more realistic examples
>[KOR]Asuka(anime avatar)

Gotta go with team Lister.

>tfw my name is Gregor

>join blue
>mute everyone but mr lister
>win game together

Blue I guess

>a dirty faggot that only joins winning teams

>your team
[MLP] Woona~
happy slappy

>their team
Dick Danger
weanus peenus

what are your chances?

>총의 강점
>리틀 페더
>not ||||||||||||||||||

God and cougar would destroy the entire game

RipRoarinBoogerPenis sounds like my kinda guy, I'm sure we can carry this shitfest to a victory

if you lose enough, cougar joins your team


>QUIKSKOP : attacks by 360ing every time. 33% hit rate, but when he hits its always a headshot. Takes three seconds between shots to get his shit together.

>GAMERGURL : Slow response time, lowers overall team effectiveness due to MUHBOOBS and girlvoice, extends effect into other team with AllTalk on (off by default).

>TED : Owns the server, can turn on alltalk. Isn't very good at the game though since he just likes to watch. Issues a random ban against a high skill enemy and leaves the server himself if he gets annoyed, claiming "hacks". Can issue server commands if asked nicely but has a sense of fairness.

>gregor : A fucking legend, a god. He's pretty fuckin good, but unfortunately the rest of your group may get lazy thinking he can handle it, lowering your teams effectiveness.

>D1R3W0LF : Semi-decent player who refuses to work with the rest of your group, being a lone wolf and all that. Throws a temper tantrum if told to work together.

>Dan : An average player with a knack for strategy. He will try to unite your team and raise their overall effectiveness with his plans.

>BillyDaKiddd : Fucking autistic savant at the game and is amazing. However, he leaves halfway through the game because his mom made grilled cheese and chicken fries.

>Jerry : Piece of shit weasel who tries to be funny and grief/teamkill, and will switch to the other team if they're winning.

>DarkSydePhil : Exactly what you'd expect. Salty, a shitter, and just generally horrible to have on your team. Except, he becomes the focus fire target of the enemy team until he ragequits (after a few matches, or if he gets enough trash talk thrown his way)

>Red team
Weed warrior, Jordan, and Boogerpenis are all bros, and likely good at the game.
Fluttershy is a faggot, but we can make fun of him after we win.
I'd be shocked if either of the derpy dudes know how to use a mic. They're likely garbage.

>Blue Team
9gag is either the worst, or the best player on either team.
Jessica is likely terrible, and will distract some players on your team
>BR is too laggy to play, but is a bro
Naruto and Wolfpack are cancerous faggots
Mister Lister is likely good, but is too busy harassing Jessica to actually be good.

Red Team, now and forever.

why is it always the people with lowercase names that're dominating the game

It boils down to whether riproarin is the original riproarin or a faggot that saw the post on Sup Forums

grand dad
[BDAY IN 6 DAYS!]Rick Sanchez

The guy with a duplicate name might be a hacker so red I guess

Just how good is Gregor? Is he truly the god amongst men as foretold?


Koreans are generally good as hell at vidya

Anyone who chooses red team is objectively reddit.

Blue team

Red has the 2 people on the same system which means if they drop you loose two bodies

ship yourself to the glue factory


Perfect team.

>não com base em azul

I rather side with furries and weebs than with a brony

Quikskop will barely be affected by gregor skill, Wolf will be unfazed since he doesn't care for team, dan would be able to keep things barely united.

any team with "mister_lister_the_sister_fister" is my team