Where is RE2make?
No announcements, only hints, can we expect an official announcement this year? We still got Gamescom and TGS.
I guess it's RE2's 20th Anniversary next year.
Where is RE2make?
No announcements, only hints, can we expect an official announcement this year? We still got Gamescom and TGS.
I guess it's RE2's 20th Anniversary next year.
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Claire best girl.
RIP us
RE2MAKE never
>yfw RE2 was 20 years ago
I never played the early RE games, but I'm interested in doing so
for the first game, should I go with the original or the remake? any major differences between them other than the updated visuals?
I'd play 1-3 and then REmake. If you can't get into 1, then try REmake instead.
>I was 8 when I played RE2
Well fuck I'm old.
I just want to see Claire's ass in full HD.
lol pls nigga. look at jill's fantastic ballistics. claire has NO CHANCE
They might actually not be rushing it compared to say things like sf5 and marvel infinite.
People have been on the fence with sf5, people are divided on marvel, if they let another liked franchises follow suit they'll be in trouble.
But if I had to guess we might see something at TGS. Sony ceo claimed they held stuff back at e3 so they might be preparing some big stuff at TGS instead
There's apparently an unannounced RE title in the works too. Maybe we'll get lucky and get Umbrella Corps 2?
>Claire is 38
>Jill is 47
>Rebecca is 37
>Chris is 47
>Leon is 40
>Barry is 57
Either we need some fucking young blood in the series now or there's a sliding timescale. I'd say the latter since Rebecca is looking barely any older than she did in RE1 in Vendetta.
>Dat twin snakes-esque action
When did RE go so wrong?
>Jill is 47
Oh dear god yes
>When did RE go so wrong?
RE4 changed the formula, it was successful which in-turn triggered a ton of spin-offs with wild action, and RE5 and 6 co-op games etc.
It's probably the real RE7 (not VII).
Imagine the backlash from all the people who have been praising RE7 as the change the series needed if they go back to RE5/6 style.
Well since both those games sold way more than VII did that wouldn't be surprising.
All the 'fans' want now is waifu-tier fanservice, action, and co-op.
I don't really see a problem with the RE4 control scheme, they just need to put actual effort into making the game atmosphere truly eerie instead of just jumpscares or "travel along hallway, kill a few zombies, the move on." They really need to decide whether or not they want to make these games horror games or action games.
>RE2 remake
>not using the original actors
>probably won't use the other voice actors for the characters (so no RE4 leon)
>will probably feature some literally who fucks
>mfw 5, 6, Revelations are my favourite in the series after REmake
Damn straight I mainly follow the series for the characters I haven't cared about it being horror since CV.
>original voice actors won't be returning
>the game itself will most likely be altered to hell and back
>no fixed camera angles
I care as much about this now as I do about the Final Fantasy 7 "remake". Both are going to be shit, and the originals will remain superior.
Revelations is darn good. Haven't played Revelations 2.
Both Rev games are shit, but Rev 2 is a big step up from the first, in terms of everything. Also Raid mode is fun, but dead.
>>no fixed camera angles
you mean not like 100% static pre rendered but still like code veronica or outbreak, right? RIGHT?
this is not confirmed is it?
>not using the original actors
I think Alyson Court put up a video on what happened when they reached out to her. Apparently she was offered the part but then some issue down the line with the bidding publisher or something meant them looking to non-union actors instead.
Ignore anime poster. VA aren't originals is confirmed, but the camera angles hasn't even been discussed or shown yet.
>Also Raid mode is fun, but dead.
Mercenaries and Raid Mode kept RE5/6/Revelations alive for so long, also meant a huge replayability to the games. I can honestly say I've played RE5 and 6 more than the rest of the entire series in game hours purely because of co-op online and mercenaries.
Raid Mode was a nice step-up from Mercenaries too, to be honest Umbrella Corps should have been a Raid Mode/Mercenaries standalone game, with the full RE cast and it would have sold a shit ton.
No-brainer from Capcom, it would do well especially with the success of their other remasters.
Girl is right. What did all of you achieve by the time you were 19 years old?
>Jill is 47
>Rebecca is 37
In 1998 Rebecca was 18 when Jill was 23, what are you talking about?
And the only thing that will come of this are updated models for SFM.
The remake is taking so long because they're bundling Outbreak and it's online mode with it. RE3 remake will include Outbreak File#2.
source: I blackmailed GabeN by stealing his nachos
>RE2 remake
>updated young Sherry model ready to be ripped
Whens the info
no i'm positive that Rebecca was 13.
The thing was 'announced' when the project got greenlit back in the tail end of 2015. This was to seek input based on fan reaction so they knew they had a market and direction. Despite Capcom saying they'd never do that again 3 years before it.
But what that means is the concept stage started when we first heard of it. meaning we're looking at actual builds being ready in 2018 at the earliest.
If they actually did this, it would sell like fucking hotcakes. Capcom aren't that smart though.
>Jill is 47
By my maths she is 42. She was 23 in 1998.
I sure hope Sherry has an alt outfit where she's wearing her coat and boots from RE6 baggy and oversized on her.
keep those censored please
I bet they are too coward to render her like they did in 1998. Holy shit.
What's wrong with it?
Yeah this render doesn't jive with my memory at all.
Maybe that's just the PS1 PS1ing though.
Small staff
>first Remake started with a team of four programmers and took 2 years from conception to having it available to the general public 15 years ago
>Remake 2 has had one single announcement in the same timeframe and nothing else
I would buy it
REmaster of the Outbreak games.
Better AI for computer controlled characters.
Dedicated servers for all human controlled characters.
RE4 camera style.
Would buy.
Recently watched the movie. Nearly an hour of garbage, but the battle scenes was great
there was a rumor about the dude with white hair being billy coen, is it the case?
Just like all the movies, they're a good watch but way OTT. That's why I like them.
>yfw this kind of post ain't jokes anymore
>RE5 will be 9 years old soon
I replayed it just last week and it looks better than many games released this year. So weird to think that it's been that long since I played it in the summer heat with my brother. He has a job and a girlfriend now, so I had no partner this time.
>ywn cum inside Becky
Get a job and a gf too
There are still 2 story DLCs to be released for RE7, I wouldn't expect any RE2 Remake announcements before these DLCs are out.
>There are still 2 story DLCs to be released for RE7
They're canceled at this point
>Where is RE2make?
I know a guy from Capcom USA who explained this to me. They have a skeleton crew working on all things resident evil related. You can thank the fact that the RE 7 DLC got heavily delayed for this. That is holding RE2 back which he said very little work has been done on.
> 25/04/2017
Like I said...
Well yeehaw fuckmyass youd better be country boy saying darn boy
Nigga that was 2 months ago, you do realize making content takes time, right?
>my gf wasn't born when my favourite game of all time was released.
Not sure how to feel lads.
just watched that movie, what a pile of trash
But Sup Forums told me all DLC is completed before the main game is even done
The first batch of dlc literally was since it came out like a week after the game was released.
I'm so fucking sick of the NEW WORLD ORDER MUH SELECT FEW GENIUSES TO RULEZ TEH WORLD!!!!! shit. Every since time since RE3 it's been this bullshit.
Why can't it go back to simple cautionary tales on the risks of corporate greed and governments turning a lucrative blind eye to it? I liked Umbrella better when it was a faceless corporation trying to make mad dosh cashing in on the military contracts meme.
They are working on it? if you haven't noticed capcom now dont show a new RE game until near its completion (5-6 months before release)
Not just RE games, most of their games are now announced close to release.
So his life can be bogged down too?
>skeleton crew
As in a bunch of skeletons making the game?
Funny how you people say that but spend most of the time complaining about muh virginity, being alone and poor
How mad will you be if REmake2 is full 3D with over-the-shoulder shooting
pic related is me
Man, this image brings back memories.
When I was a kid I had a N64, not a PlayStation, and this ad was in an issue of GamePro I had. I used to stare it at for ages, wondering what RE2 played like, what it was all about. It looked fucking incredible.
I never got to play it until the N64 version came out, but since then it's been one of my all time favourite games, and I think that the hype I generated for it with ads like this is a lot of the reason why.
Praise Capcom, because the survival horror of Resident Evil is no longer a thing.
They'll probably announce it alongside a demo like they did with RE7, that would explain the lack of news.
Thats like the only good thing happening with capcom right now, RE7 and MH:W came out of nowhere and they are already far in development
i wish the other companies do it too.
Worst magazine cover for RE coming through
lmao this isn't /r9k/ dumbfuck
>i wish the other companies do it too
Bethesda do the same thing, I believe that all the games they announce at E3 this year are coming out before 2018.
remember the first time you cut a zombie in half with the shotgun?
>Black PlayStation
>Just show Leon clipping through the Alligator as a promotional screenshot
So simpler back then., that would be criticised to hell and back if it was today.
sherry should be the new protag
not mad at all because i've wanted RE4/5/6-style Resi 2 remake for a while
I couldn't give a fuck about "muh virginity" it's a fucking word.
I'm not wasting my time and money on someone else just to pretend I like them to use their body.
I'm probably going to get into philosophy or psychology if I get out of this depression before I end up killing myself, and maybe try to find some answers to the questions I think about every day, rather than waste all my time pretending everything is fine until I die.
This shit is so ridiculous, its really charming.
Claire is so tight and juicy.
How do you mean?
This. You've got a few young ones in the roster now, Sherry, Jake, bring Rebecca back maybe, and not that I would want it, but Revelations had a few like Moira etc. Sherry is the best choice though.
I guess they could create spin-offs and go backwards, lose the zombies and do prequels with time in the STARS unit.
we had pierce but Capcom decide to kill him
Guys there's always Parker.