
Just got through most of this and it's disappointing as hell that they passed up on what happened between Joel and Tommy for a really forced inter racial lesbian love story. Am I the only one who feels that way?

There is always potential for that to come along later on.
Honestly i would much rather want that in glorious PS4 graphics and then leave the "Lesbian knight: Ellie begins" for the end of PS3 life cycle.

You know it's possible to build a relationship with someone without it being sexual, right?

Yeah I agree it was trash. Exploring literally any of the other unknown parts of the plot would've been better than this boring shit. I get the feeling that it was supposed to be part of the game but they didn't finish it in time

It's not.

It's been like 4years though will they ever tie that loose end up
They kiss and the whole undertone of it is of a lesbian lovers quarrel did you even play it?

Can't say that I have.

We can only hope they tie that "loose" end up.
Honestly just going further on is also rather interesting.

The whole mall thing seems like it was cut but the Riley parts seem like they were actually new. I wonder how much of it was full blown new stuff

I'd like to the see what happened between the death of Sarah and Joel meeting up with Ellie. Honestly it could've been a pretty short story overall but to leave the whole Tommy Joel break up in the dark to expand on Ellie was fucking dumb

t. incel

I think the worst part is that this was really not needed.

When I played the DLC, I was really happy that I got to see what happened between Fall and Winter, since it badly needed an explanation. So when I was sneaking around as Ellie trying to find a health kit (on Grounded no less) I was really having fun.

Then it jumped to this random girl called Riley who was only mentioned like 3 times in the game but was apparently very important to Ellie and then I spent 50% of my time being a cute girl doing cute things.

It wouldn't have been too bad if there was some combat or sneaking around zombies or something, but no. It was just walking around, occasionally interacting with something, and talking with a character I didn't care about, then she died.

At least it had a fun ending segment, shame mine had some really stupid AI.

Nah i would rather like the developer to make what they want to make than another MGS4 tier plot.

I do agree that being a cute girl doing cute things is rather boring after the first 2 minutes.

In this day and age where gay romances are used to sales, attention and going viral and not actual depth and development. I fear that Part 2 in going to dive right into the former.

can anyone itt try to cogently explain why the interracial lesbian thing was 'forced'?

i'll wait.

For me the in between Joel being injured and Ellie getting the antibiotics didn't need more exposition. And the whole point of Joel being injured was to show Ellie coming into her own and being able to handle things without Joel but this dlc shits all over that part by having her already do that prior to it.
Then you have what happened between Ellie and Riley which is mentioned at the end of the game. We know Riley died and Ellie lived it really didn't need much more than that because Ellie states Riley was her best friend so them kissing is pointless does Riley get bonus friend points because of it?
There was so much more they could've went into but they opted for a political statement instead of good story telling

Sure you can reference my point above but essentially this

Ellie says at the end of the game her bestfriend Riley died in the mall with her after they were both bitten they were gonna just die together but Ellie ended up immune by sheer luck. Riley's death fucked with Ellie it was her best friend and Ellie lived so she feels guilty. Essentially that plot point is closed and doesn't need more expansion but the dlc expands anyway with the biggest "reveal" being that they kissed and may have been more than just friends. It was pointless especially when there were better plot points that could've been covered

>make a character that looks like Ellen Page
>make her lesbian

Ok so for the thread if you could pick a story for expansion on the last of us what would it be or are you happy with the expansion that exist?

t. 90 year old

>Making a lesbian character while mankind is on the brink of destruction

Also just to self bump this fucks with continuity of the main game. David and his boys want revenge for the University incident but apparently all the guys killed in the mall we're just faggots they didn't care about.

She was actually a lesbian before Ellen Page came out.

Is there a hypothetical interracial lesbian love story you would not consider really forced?

I wonder how much less Sup Forums would complain about video game stories if they were all just a little less autistic and more capable of human empathy.

You've got some wires crossed

they're not designing characters with the goal of providing a workable solution to depopulation user.