I must say GTA Australia is much better than I expected.
I must say GTA Australia is much better than I expected
Yeah, I've been playing this game for the last few days myself.
Very enjoyable.
I bought it for like 4 euro on steam sale and i gotta say it was the best 4 euro's i've ever spent.
I thoroughly enjoyed it
people claimed it was repetitive, but desu I don't know what they were expecting; it's a mad max game, naturally you drive around wastelands and look for supplies
my only gripe was that I wish there were more convoys to attacks, post-game can feel quite empty if you were diligent about upgrading your car before they story's end
what is this? every non-Nintendo game?
Where were the bikes? They're the bread and butter of Mad Max
Combat was so boring, and they force you to do it constantly.
>Mash x
>Big yellow indicator tells you to hit Y
>Go back to mashing x
I'd like to see you ram an armored car with your shitty bike, brothero.
Who'd do that? Shoot out the tyres, you drongo
This. It's basically Mad Max: Arkham Australia. Also this game is responsible for Just Cause 3 being shit.
Why would Australians have American football pads?
Why would Lord Humungus have a Prussian totenkopf?
fun, but my dream would be a mad max game really focused on car combat.
play GTA hong kong after that, i think the combat feels better
>mfw amerifats don't realise Mad Max is documentary
Australia is a land of multiculturalism
Their orders got mixed up somehow. The football team has a whole box full of boomerangs.
Gun collector, or museum had one. It seems more likely than Australians choosing handegg after realising they'll never be good at real sports.
Buzzards are Russian, maybe a fight between a leader who got it from a closed area dno you're gay anyway desu
The shoulderpads are probably just the closest they can get to armor. Keep in mind the costume designer just went to a bunch of sporting goods stores, fetish wear places and junk shops and got everything there.