Why did WoW go to shit?

Why did WoW go to shit?

It's mostly the same game, it's just 13 years old.

same reason the entire industry did. the massive influx of normalfags around 2007 and onward, causing them to become the largest demographic instantly. A company would be retarded not to go for them so they did.

It was always shit, wowtard.

Pandaering to women and casuals

take a look at your picture


Bunch of really bad design decisions. They removed flying to maximise the amount of running around everyone did. They removed ten man raiding, which was the preferred choice for like 85% of all raiders, to give the 0.001 of top raiders a perfect experience. etc. etc.

A cute panda?

Cause they never fail to cater to the worse part of the playerbase.

Enjoy your glorified slot machine with integrated Facebook games. Better logon and do some more WQs, never know when that item might TF!

it was already ruined nu-wow by the end of wrath

Wrath > MoP > BC > Legion > WoD > Cata > Vanilla

Prove it wrong.

I started in 2005, I know the Nostfags or w/e they are called now are gonna start screeching that I am a wrathbaby, but I started just after WSG and AV were added to the game, in the Summer I believe.

I want to fuck a gnome

I would swap Vanilla and WoD but you're otherwise right, maybe I'd bump BC before MoP though

Not enough Pandaren

Balance changes and content updates where left to people who where inexperienced and where rushed beyond belief.

Too much Orcs

>spend all your time leveling up a specific spec
>spec gets nerfed into the ground and you have to start all over again
This is why wow is shit. Why bother playing when they nerf your class for no reason and let some other class be the op king?

>multiplayer games ever being not-shit

If you're implying that Pandaria was when it turned to shit then you're dreadfully mistaken OP
MoP was top tier as fuck
>comfy as hell
>classes were fun
>Raids/Bosses were great
>thick panda thighs
>Motherfucking Throne of Thunder
Neck yourself

Post pandas

In terms of gameplay? WoD was the enormous turning point. The game got cut to pieces because Blizzard was constantly moving people and funds from development over to Overwatch, which gave us the extremely disappointing expansion that was WoD that had absolutely zero content that wasn't related to garrison shit. Legion is a slight step in the right direction, but the class hall shit is still very prevalent, and the fact that they need to literally timegate content just so people don't run out of things to do doesn't help.

In terms of story? When literally no race other than the Orcs, Humans, and Elves matter. WoW has the opportunity to have such a good story, but it's completely fucking ruined by incompetent writers that are so fucking biased in what exactly they write. Not to mention repeatedly killing off and bringing back characters as a form of baiting to try and get people interested again. It really doesn't help that the writers have completely stopped caring about the Horde this expansion either.

WoD was garbage and deserves to be in last place, no matter how bad Cata and Vanilla were

>It's mostly the same game
Except it's not.

>actually obese
yeah bro, the other user is the one that needs to end their life

human standards of obesity don't apply to bears

What WoW needs is more Pandaren girls

>less utility abilities
>more restrictive talent trees/ specs
>gear is given for trying now
>no reason to attempt raids with poorly geared players
>min-maxing made easy for everyone
>game masters don't exist
>usable classes in pvp and pve rotate
gee i wonder why

MoP was good

Hate vanilla all you want, but nothing was shittier than WoD


Flying should have never been added.

Dungeon finder and cross realm zoning did wonders at killing community and life in the game world. Being able to do everything from sitting in Dalaran/Org/Stormwind with no reason to ever leave the city and interact with other players pretty much excised any reason to call the game an MMO. Garrisons were another big nail in the coffin when they raped professions by letting everyone just get free shit while AFKing in their private base. Carrying this concept over to Legion in the class hall crap was a mistake. Moving pvp to instances was a mistake.

It didn't, you just got tired of it.
If you don't burn out around lvl 38 on vanilla 1x servers, you genuinely have autism and enjoy grinding and counting numbers and should play Disgaea or some shit because you might like that too. WoW is a fucking grind and it still is.

I enjoy playing each expansion for 2 months and then dropping the game until the next one comes out.

Cross realm is to cure stated problems, not cause them. Only negative part is - you are no longer solo in empty regions and cant farm alone.

>irl friend resubs after first quitting in s1 tbc
>meet up ingame since cross-realm is a thing
>fly him around on RAF-mount, give him a quick rundown on the state of the game while he tells me about his irl problems and that he needs some distraction hence the resub
>show him transmogging, he's now running around in his original T3+AQ40 gear

Maximum comfy and nostalgia for like 2 hours

mop was great but it was not top tier, the forced legendary questline alone shits on that potential

Cross Realm has been shit from the beginning and ruined the communities that servers used to have. There's no reason to make friends on your server if everyone you group up with is from another server.

Because they stopped designing an open world MMORPG with sprawling zones and deep dungeons to explore.

And instead focused entirely on end game boss fights and recycled, repetitive filler content.

Say what you want about vanilla, you progressed your character, got to see new zones, new quests, new dungeons, new gear, new talents, new spells, ect.

Modern WOW is designed entirely around the end game, which is why new players are given character boosts to 100, and once you get to 110 you've pretty much seen the entire game and are forced onto Mr Watcher's Wild Ride of never ending ilvl grind and repetitive, 10 minute long dungeons

Cross Realm was a bandaid applied to something that needed stitches.

>being able to do everything from sitting in
I remember sitting in shattrath doing /2 lfg/ lfm and whispering with people to get a group going, also most of the communication was done there, sitting in IF, getting inspected and "talking" to people. With Lfr/ lfg/ bg-queueing I can be outside and farm/ quest/ wpvp while waiting.
I think player-mentality changed with GS from "oh I know this guy, he's good" to "if gs>x then invite; else decline"

>meet nice player from other realm
>"hey add me in btag!"
>meet shitter from other realm
Why does it matter if someone is on your server besides trading?

It was always shit because MMOs have always been shit.

All you do these days is log in twice a week for 3 hours to raid and do 5 or 6 worlds quests a day then log out. All group content is like using a urinal next to five people, it's eyes up, no talking, and get out as quick as possible.

It's a pretty shit game right now.

I blame the retard finder
(Looking for dungeon / looking for raid tool)

It's a what now?
I stopped playing in WotLK since WotLK sucked compared to BC and classic.

There's skinnerboxing and pay 10 gems or wait 8 hours type bullshit now?

they turned the game into a solo adventure with an automatic group lobby.

Why play to the genre's strength when you can sacrifice everything to make the weaknesses more tolerable.

OwO what's this?
