does anyone really prefer the one on the left?
Does anyone really prefer the one on the left?
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why is her neck so short?
I'd fuck both
>shitposting clickbait for (You)s
Watch and see if this thread doesn't hit the fucking post limit too.
>sticc with enhanced boobs vs thicc
Is this even a question? Right is how women are supposed to look.
I do
I'd rather die a virgin than fuck right
The right one is just overweight, but they didn't bother making her face fat too.
where are all the hideous stretch marks?
women are a meme
thx for this delicious (You)
>characters spend their whole life practicing martial arts and sports
>still look like right
are americunts really this stupid?
Why do real life women get so affected by attractive women in video games? They're not real, but they treat them like the new hot girl in class.
Right isn't even that bad. It would give the samebody and sameface game more variation.
Not sure if feminist or low standards
Yes, faggot.
They're both good
Only self-respecting well adjusted straight males prefer the left
>spends her time in shape
how can you be so insecure?
oh okay
They're terrified of losing their sexual hold on men as we get closer and closer to sex robots.
Bodies they should have.
In America.
her neck isn't short its just thicc
Yes. The right one is disgusting. Guess that is why I'm a virgin.
the difference from left to right is 30 minutes of cardio every day
>Feminists are trying to sex androids banned because they "objectify" women
>Men are dropping out of society and playing games
Has the fire started ready? Why aren't these women analysing what's wrong and fixing things to encourage men to prefer real women again?
They really don't like competition. There's a sizeable group of feminists even protesting against sex dolls/toys for men simply because they see fake pussies as competing with them. It's quite insane.
The right is fucking disgusting. Who in the hell think video games should have american body sizes?
The one on the left is ugly
>all women should be fat, disgusting cunts because some women are too lazy to keep in shape.
people have forgotten what a woman looks like I guess. I know I sure have. pretty sure they shouldn't be rotund though.
you mean the one on the right is ugly.
>women are dictating what bodies women should have
>in video games
Are they even trying
>Video game character is modelled off a real person
What's their excuse then? Pic related, Okatsu is modelled off the actress that voices her.
why'd you put a picture of a cow on the right
Actual women fighters don't look like the left either
>let's forget about whatsapp, the instagram culture, and preferring uploading a picture of an ice-cream from a new city every week than having to change diapers and being fat
Western female body standards should be imposed on Eastern women.
It's not even hard to keep in shape:
>Be a few kilograms overweight
>Don't like it
>Stop eating so much
>Don't even need to exercise to lose weight if I control what I eat
>athletes should be overweight
Have these delusional cunts never even been around people who play sports and do physical activities?
and only beta cucks prefer the fat ugly one
Its kinda like when we shopped fatasses to be thin.
yes all the way, fuck off land whales!
Why dont you show a picture of her juiced up, thats not what she looks like on actual fight day.
Actual women fighters are a sad sight.
I think they stay as far away from athletics as they possibly can.
every woman hates every woman
same goes for animals
females just can't stand the prospect of competition
>The body they should have
>Everyone in the world is obese
I wonder what kind of person made this image
Right is leftist propaganda.
pic related what a female fighter body looks like. Lazy cows should just loose weight and dont look for excuses. No one likes fat man for example. Why would one.
>used to laugh at fat feminists who wanted all the characters fat
>thanks to THICCfags now there's a large part of Sup Forums that actually agrees
No way this shit isn't orchestrated somewhere, it came in too abruptly and fast not to be. Wish we could see flags, I'm positive 99% of this shit comes from Canadians or Burgers.
a fighter fat
I havent even read this thread yet but my main issue with these dumb "this is how women should look" BS is that spoiler there are sexy women on the planet and ya most swimsuit models are ya know sexy. Same thing goes with action hero chicks if your kicking ass and what not odds are you have a well built body.
I prefer this version
This doesn't deserve a thread.
Not everyone has cheatcodes for life like you do, you fucking white male.
Some of us have to deal with genetics that turn 1 calorie into 100. I eat nothing but two salads and a bottle of diet Coke every day and I still gain weight.
Petite girls are the best. Muscular women look too manly and fat girls are fat.
looks alright to me
Of course it's orchestrated. It's the most obvious thing in the world, just like the sexualisation of dark-skinned characters in media, with numerous people pushing it as a fetish in communities like Sup Forums.
>amerilards think that they are the standard of beauty now
I would take a twink or an asian twig before a fat person.
>women fighters
That's only impressive in fiction.
I deserve a thread.
does she do porn
if not who are some pornstars with some similar bodies
i like mandy "what's my favorite type of music" muse
We need to make petite and slim girls the ideal weight again. "Thicc" is rarely appealing. Unless they look like pic related.
>bodies they should have
>clapping in the distance
this is bob.
As a high test male, right is better, but I don't mind one or two characters with the unrealistic body on the left.
Problem is that all DOA girls have the same bodytype, it's lazy as fuck.
The difference is thick can be appealing. Obesity is not. Thick = Assets, not chunk
Bob is a joke character.
>Should have
I dig fat chicks but I never get this, if you're a dedicated martial artist you're very unlikely to have much fat on your body.
>making her chunkier but decreasing the size of her breasts
Why the fuck would you do this? Fucking tumblr
Right still does more for my penor tho
is this all bait or just the first part
>one on the left is overweight, but not entirely unpleasant to look at
>one on the right is anorexic and in extreme risk of death due to her condition.
>Honest, guys! I've tried dieting! It doesn't work. I can't lose the weight by dieting.
>My doctor said I need to lose at least 30lbs before the surgery, but despite trying soooo hard, it didn't work. My body defies the laws of physics.
>Oh well, he said he'll do the operation anyway
They already lost me and i'm guessing the numbers are growing.
when will feminism meme futas into reality
it's called middle ground retard.
>analysing what's wrong and fixing things
Because just like in medecine, or government or anywhere now, the "symptomatic treatment" is in.
As in - dont fix anything, just pull wool over the eyes and apply band-aid.
thick =/= feminist ideas on bodyshapes.
Angry dykes are only happy when all sexappeal is gone. If even one man is happy then the feminists aren't
They probably try to ride thick as a means of looking like they've got support, but that gets dropped quickly as soon as they got the attention they want
Also, thick is still a meme. a fad. it'll blow over. Already it used to be bigger than it is now
You're a joke character.
He's not wrong. I can eat whatever I want however much I want and I never gain weight.
>don't look at these virtual beauties
>look at me REEEEE
When will we get a video game that portrays women realistically?
It's not even that, at all.
Most women I know that don't have children, simply don't want to have children because it took them years, and years of education and then some other years to get their careers going, and a kid NEEDS attention, it's outright irrespnsible to have chilren just to leave them at a daycare to keep working
Only a small porting of women nowsdays that have children in their early 20's are able to support them, or even take care of them. Heck even with both parents it's just blackhole of money. Ever wondered why parents demand censorship from media? because they don't want to take care of them, or simply can't and need others stuff to keep them occupied
the one on the left isn't unrealistic at all. just how delusional are you
>Also, thick is still a meme.
Thicc is for life. Get your scrawny skeleton ass outta here.
Frankly, DoA girls are boring as fuck. Doll looking freaks with average plain bodies.
If anything it's an ideal.
who would have thought that there will be a time, where you can get famous by being a fat, lazy fuck whoring for pity.
>this stupid photoshop campaign was for bulimia and was actually posted on the bulimia website
>by doing this they're implying any woman who is a normal, healthy weight and not a hambeast must have bulimia or some type of body image issue
What a strange world we live in.
>shoulders that fucking broad
Why and how the fuck?
there's nothing wrong with whatsapp
or there was, rather, before it became snapchat lite
This, never got the appeal.