How come this board never gets fixed? all they need to do is add an e-celeb board

How come this board never gets fixed? all they need to do is add an e-celeb board.

but /trash/ exists

We need to ban Sup Forumstards. Only 7% of Americans are against diversity so we shouldn't tolerate blatant racism. It's against global rule 3 anyway.

>add e-celeb board
and add an srs board. We've got an infestation of feminists, sjws, and generally speaking very unpleasant landwhales, so might as well give them their own board

i have no idea why 3dpd morons even come here


Why are Americans so cucked ?
There's no better word to describe the people

You have to go back

Black people. That's literally the only reason.


no user, you are the memespouter

>Sup Forums is USA
remove thyself, wiseass


we need to kick out the normalfags that claim to be oldfags while they tell everyone to stop posing anime and furries.
So, this board never gets fixed because it never can be fixed.

>all they need to do is add a place for cancer to properly manifest itself
No, it needs to be purged.

>why is the most diverse country in the world so pro diversity

Gee, I wonder

>No, it needs to be purged.
there aren't enough moderators and there never will be
the process just takes way too long. what we need is a containment board

>muh sjws

>muh Sup Forums

>he doesn't think >>>reddit is a meme

You have to go back.

If we ban the people that do this, phoneposters and enforced Sup Forums rules 2+3 then this board would have a sharp increase in quality.

Phoneposters are the problem. We've been over this a million times. Banning phoneposting is the first step to improving not just the board, but the site as a whole.

>White women are breeding with nonwhite men
>White men are becoming delicious traps

It's over.


>defending reddit

Who's the meme now?

Redditor here. I'm a mod on r/NFL which is a board with 600k subscribers. We have a mod team of 32. Sup Forums as a whole has about a dozen mods. You can't properly moderate let alone fix the site until you have proper mod coverage. 1-8AM eastern time is basically a shitposting free for all since mods are literally asleep.


Based Greeks
Based Italians

We need to ban people who think that lighthearted/shitposting racism is the problem and not Sup Forumstards who are just generally idiots

>muh Sup Forums

We already have one, it's called /trash/.

>another meta thread that will lead to nothing

How many of these pointless threads is it going to take for you people to realize? The mods and the site isn't the problem, it's the users. They're the ones posting the shit content all day, and there is no way to police them.

Network admin and in website security and logistics

You realize there's literally no way to find out if someone is visiting a website from a phone or not right? What you both are suggesting is not possible with modern phones.

I don't understand what you mean by this image. Please explain.

Wait, does Jackie Sup Forums steam vidya?

It's just neofags that make these threads to try and influence the mods and hiro, they don't seem to realize that Hiro nor the mods care about this site.

>muh Sup Forums

>Needing MORE boards
do more public bans

You literally can't ban phoneposters you underage fuck. Mobile ip addresses don't have a magical signifier saying they're a mobile ip and the wireless carriers aren't going to give Sup Forums a giant list of all their mobile ip's.


>and there is no way to police them.

and yet there is boards dedicated to their interests. just need hiromoot to add a fucking e-celeb board

they already have lgbt though, and there's never even any sjw posts on Sup Forums. I think you're retarded

>all they need to do to fix Sup Forums, a containment board, is to add the 4th containment board
At some point, you have to realize there's no fixing something.

>banning racism

>mfw I literally had that exact same pose at the time of opening the pic

redditors are shitty people with no sense of humor trying so hard to be like Sup Forums but they still want to be considered normal people. Fuck reddito

I bet your A Jets fan.

Sup Forums isn't a containment board

Me on the right

At least they learn from their history.

Oh boy it's ANOTHER thread using the stupid post as an excuse to make a useless thread full of idea guys who don't know how websites and networking works.

>trying so hard to be like Sup Forums
How? I'm genuinely curious.

>Redditor here.
burn in hell you piece of shit



No, I'm a Jags fan

>it's an animeposter trying to scold people episode

e-celebs are barely a problem on this board

>Sup Forums isn't a containment board

When did I say anything about banning racism? I just want people to stop having consolewars and shitposting non-stop.

>TFW I'm the one who posted ash crimson

What can I say? He's a cute trap

Nah. All they need to do is add an id system to reduce samefaggotry to a minimum. We'd be able to finally have proper discussions without console war shitposting

>ban e-celebs
>board is still shit anyway because of all the normalfags and retards who ban evade evade to make 3DPD porn threads

post the source to it fagboy

>it's another user screams into the void thread

>Sup Forums isn't a containment board

Fuck off weeb

>rule 3

Racism is never gonna be gone from this site, neonigger.

Allow loli daily threads.

You keep sending Sup Forumstards to my board I'll start sending ponyfags to yours, stay out of /trash/, fucko.

>falling this hard for a blatant falseflag

>People don't realize that every board is literally a containment board

and the US is the most powerful country on that list
what wrong with diversity again lads ?

these are such shit burgers what a retard honestly. They're all different thicknesses so they wont cook properly, and they're boring as hell, like what the fuck, ice water?

Everyone who post in these 3DPD porn threads should be banned.

So fucking obvious he does this shit just to troll.

It's always a false flag when it paints you and your ilk in a bad light isn't it neofaggot.

end yourself degenerated pedoshit

Does /trash/ have drawn bestiality threads?

The problem with Sup Forums is that 99% of people come here to shitpost, not to discuss vidya. There's no way to fix this.

Your opinion is worth nothing weeb faggot


lmao they're just mad crow bat didn't use one of their meme

The best way for Sup Forums to improve is to get rid of politicsbait and kick out Sup Forumslack, tumblard, and whatever flavor of the month virtue signaling attention whores are.

I say make it so that buzzwords like "sjw" or "alt-right" or shits along that line are considered spam.

Sup Forums rule 3 is:
Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
I wish you would read a whole 1 sentence to completion before replying.


>Sup Forums isn't a containment board

>on topic vidya thread
>5 replies
>404's in 15 minutes
>Sup Forums thread
>Twitter screen cap thread
>bitching about sjw's thread
>eceleb thread
>furry thread
>trap thread
>consolewar thread
>that kid thread
>porn dump thread
>LOL thread
>other blatantly off topic thread
>550 replies

Sup Forums will never be fixed because the majority of posters want to shitpost and discuss off topic things.

Americans have been utterly indoctrinated by Jew interracial cuckold pornography. It's essentially a a part of their culture now, just look at the Doomfist announcement for Overwatch. It's fucking disgusting.

Does Sup Forums even put their shit in /trash/? All of the shitty cartoon threads are Sup Forums garbage.

second this

>defending not video games threads

and this is why you can't fix Sup Forums because of kids like this guy who need his daily garbage porn threads.

it's not like there was any board that was flooded with videogame threads that required Sup Forums to be made
/vg/, /vr/ and /vp/ are containment boards

just go on Sup Forums then

We seriously just need an e-celeb board, it's the one obvious board that hasn't been made yet. It would free up Sup Forums and Sup Forums of so many retarded e-celeb threads and derailments, it would be beneficial for both boards.




We get it you like that one trap. No need to keep posting it. Trying to turn every thread into a trap thread, you're just giving people more reason to completely ban them. We used to have regular husbando threads now it's rare.

I just want you weeb faggots to fuck off already

Im not interested in 3D kids and movies.