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Video Games #3835
Video Games
Grown men play this game
ITT: Games that made you wish that you had friends
Tfw you are ready for Crash 3
EVO 2017
Mfw jive turkeys say that Pong isn't the most revolutionary game of all time
What is the worst betrayal in gaming?
Yoko taro tells us about his favorite PS4 games
How has Horizon's free patch with NG+ and Ultra Hard been treating you so far?
90's FPS
What are some video games with playable animal races?
What are some good RPG's Sup Forums?
What videogames allow me to celebrate being a homosexual?
Was it ratkino?
Is there any game that let's me be castaway? Shipwreck on some island, gather resources, build a shelter, hunt animals?
Kiseki/Cold Steel III
Tfw you get excited at the sex scene with her until you realise her inner vaginal cavity is filled with necrotic tissue...
Yoko Taro favorites PS4 games
Rin is best senran
Wtf I hate Ellis now
What are some games where you have levels that flood/drain and thus change how you navigate them...
How do you feel About this
Explain again how PC gaming is suppose to be cheaper than a console
Post your Sup Forumsattlestations
XIV Stormblood
Name a better ass from a modern western video game. It's so good, and Lara looks great too
Serious thread
Make a F1 racing simulator
3 squad wins tonight
What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?
ITT post vidya where Christkeks get utterly B T F O
When is the next Illusion game? I can't wait no more for the disappointment that their next project is going to be
What went right?
He's back at it again!
Which civilization has the best trash units?
Finally cleaning my shit up and reorganizing my games, rate me game collection and post yours done be afraid
Why do PCbros act like miniscule multiplat differences are a big deal?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Was summoned 6 times for the fume knight today because I didn't wanted to waste effigy to restore human form
Shiki is a horrible manipulative person and anyone that tries to defend her should be gunned down
ITT: Trigger Sup Forums, the worst board on Sup Forums
Oculus for $300
Tfw Breath of the Wild will come out and everything will be alright in life
How do you fuck up a remake so bad?
Name 4 (four) PS4 games
Tell me Sup Forums, what JRPG has the best character progression/customization system?
Recommend a game for me Sup Forums
Cash scam thread #4865465465
You are forced to push one button
Is this accurate?
Stop getting shitty about her Breath of the Wild run you transphobes
TF2 Party Van
If it's not fun, why bother?
Redpill me on ultrawide monitors
Tank, Heals, or DPS?
MFW a company can downgrade the game and lie about it until 2 days after release date and are still praised as the best...
I'm about to resub to WoW, haven't played since Cata, what am I in for lads?
ITT shit in videogames that instantly tell other people you are a tryhard tierwhore
Anyone else here agree that pic related is superior to Witcher 3 gameplay in basically every way?
Confirmed for PC
Warframe is going open-world
Can someone tell me what's the point of them if we have the Koopalings?
Anime souls
Is "Life is Feudal - Forest Village" made by the same guy that made Banished?
300,000 players currently
I just picked this up. Redpill on TF2, Sup Forumsatos
Between Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne. Which did you enjoy more? Tough one for me but pic related...
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Breath of the Wild's new Master Mode?
Why do people pretend a series with 3 good games out of dozens is good again?
Aldmeri Dominion
So it's gonna suck right?
What is the best and richest vidya strategic board game...
Here's your controller bro
Is Sup Forums excited for Maitetsu in English?
What's your favorite vidya skeleton?
Videogames will never be ar-
Criminally underrated games
Has there literally EVER been a game with a good "crafting" mechanic?
I don't get it. Why would the player still be after this car even if the current one he has can easily beat it?
Worst character of the game becomes best character
Good bye 4chins
Girl gamer joins the guild
Can JRPGs even compete?
No replays
What's a good comfy game to just sink in and start playing...
ITT: We guess the Metacritic score for Sonic Nostalgia Milking
Semen demon
Isolated thunder showers and a Risk of Rain
Don't worry about it
Defend this Sup Forums
Big In Japan sale
Why do people like this Persona shit? It''s just constant fucking constant always fucking CONSTANT dialog texts...
How did some slav in his potato vodka shack create a more interesting cRPG than multi million dollar backed "veterans"?
Castlevania Thread
Protagonist appears as a side character in the sequel
FFXII Zodiac Age discussion thread
Do people really hate Witcher 3 that much for the combat?
Whelp. That didn't work out. How do we salvage this shitfest?
PS1 killed Nintendo
So, how was your Omega raid this week?
Join my Sup Forums guild on maplelegends its called retards
I've been thinking about this for a while now and...
Name 1 (one) game with better toon creation
The final boss is a GOD
You just got the high score, Sup Forums
Infinite Warfare is the best COD ever made
I don't care what anyone says, this here alone is why NieR: Automata is a much better game than BotW:
How do you prevent yourself from getting on the slippery slope of cheating and dropping the game?
Star wars KOTOR
Google your name plus hedgehog, post what you get
You have 30 seconds to fix Eredin
Enrich your life!
Girl wants to see me tomorrow after work
How are you guys handling King Fleshpound? Pic semi-related
Who was in the right?
Crypt of the Necrodancer: Amplified launches tomorrow
Let's have a Dying Light thread. Just finished up the story for this game and I actually really liked it...
Who /reefer/ here?
What are your top 3 Kirby games, Sup Forums?
Alright guys we need an emergency brainstorming thread
Who's the video game equivalent of Ryuko?
What are some fun builds for this?
Hello general. It came to my attention that another edition of The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ needs your pre-order
Is the Gamecube the most overrated console (technical speaking) of all time?
Now that the dust has settled. Is 1030 worth it for playing games these days?
ITT: Times a game brought a tear to your eyes
How was Nintendo able to make a better open world game than the competition?
Game has a cowboy character
Dead or Alive
This edgy weeb bait *teleports behind you* heh nothing personal kid, shit is on sale for $30 on Amazon...
Webm thread
R.I.P. Nintendo
Literally Sup Forums
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen thread
Post good character design
Who is your vidya husbear Sup Forums?
ITT: "Villains" that did nothing wrong
What a disappointment this turned out to be
Cousin, you wanna go bowling?
Castlevania thread
What are some games where the protagonist and primary love interest settle down, get married, and raise a family?
Prime Day
Subnautica thread
Should I play this game?
Why are orcs and trolls always portrayed as the ultimate dindus in every single video game?
This is Aerie. Say something nice about her
Inklings are cute. Octarians are sexy
Which were the most fun runs this SGDQ?
Tfw no gf
What game has the most realistic human models?
Will there ever be another 007 game? Also, what's your favourite 007 game? Mine is Nightfire
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Why all the confusion over "dark souls" being a genre?
Graphics thread?
ITT "villians" who did nothing wrong
Super Meat Boy 2 comes out tomorrow
Anyone else starting to support all the recent sjw faggotry in vidya because it makes Sup Forums and Sup Forums so...
So I was reluctant about trying this game because, let's be honest here...
Tifa thread?
ITT: the best games of their respective series
What's the best tactical shooter? Everything from Sim to semi-realistic
Did anyone actually use him? I mean, he's a dog
Zelda BoTW run
Now, you have all three of "One-Third of Umbilical Cord"...
Just bought the GOTY edition. What am I in for?
Spend hours grinding to shrink your massive demon cock with reducto
It's not a handheld
Played it back in the day, enjoyed it but stopped for some reason. Never finished it or got very far...
So does everyone just pretend to like this game because it's the cool thing to do?
I have played The Sims 4 many times and it's awesome
Arma 3 looks ba-
Should I do it Sup Forums?
This is Rosalina, mother of the Lumas. Would you make her a real mother?
ITT games with godly soundtracks
What do you think of dead cells?
Shhh...Todds asleep
What are some games to play to keep you distracted when someone dies in your family...
Are you able to legitimately enjoy video games, or do you just play out of habit to alleviate your depression?
Is there an RPG that treats your alignment like a background and reflects how some characters treat you?
Game critics don't like being criticized
What went so WRONG with Final Fantasy XV
Is sex better than video games?
ITT: games only you haven't played
Now that the dust has settled
Why is he so hated again?
What features do you want to see in the third game?
ITT vidya mispronunciations that piss you off
Fantasy or Science Fiction?
Woah haha
Can live in an area uninhabitable to other races
Enemy has a .1% chance to drop something rare
Alright, I think this game is old enough that we can all look at it objectively
Stop following the herd of sheep and get your facts right
How about them deals lads?
GB General
He died 2 years ago today :'(
Castlevania netflix show
At first I was a bit skeptical about the whole Creation Club announcement but when I read through their official...
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Post yfw it's a podcast without Pat
Buy pic related from store
How does it feel knowing that chibi has more game than you?
Reminder that Vivian is the best partner
Did open world waste the potential of this game?
What are some games that reward the player with sex, or fap breaks for performing well?
Getting the "best" ending requires to do lots of obscure and hidden shit through the whole game that you would never...
Post amazing video game related videos
This is for you, user
Name me a company thats more jewish with dlc thats pretty much essential for any fun ingame
This is the worst character in the game
I don't really get all the hype in this game. You might mobs of baddies and get randomly generated loot from chests...
Maybe you should try getting a job
Is there a """good guy""" in vidya who has murdered more people? hard mode no Hitler
ITT unpopular opinions
A reminder that Marina will be the least liked by the time the last splatfest comes around
Cosmetic only Mods
Post an image of the last boss you defeated
Late Night Digimon Thread
Why hasn't anyone built a proper competitor?
Why are people so obsessed with making their games ethnically diverse but they don't even consider Filipinos...
Babies are sleeping, time for a fucking jrpg thread
Is Dark souls 2 SOTFS hard compared to 1? Or easier...
Hey Sup Forums, FromSoft insider here. I'll answer any questions about Dark Souls 4, which is currently in development...
Prey will be GOTY. name one thing about this game that makes it worse than its competitors
What went extremely right?
What went so wrong?
Let's talk about Kingdom Hearts, Sup Forums. There's supposed to be new info this weekend at D23. Any hopes? Dreams...
Do you use subtitles in games with English voice acting?
Has there ever been a harder fall from grace?
Comfy maps thread
Why does teabagging trigger FGC autists so much? its just pressing down really fast on your controller...
The La Li Lu Le Lo
What games do white girls play?
How long has Sup Forums been compromised for?
Korra is sad. Say something to cheer her up
Are you going to get these?
Would you play a Hitman-type game where you play as a female Hitman?
Mario + Rabbids
What kind of games do black weeb girls like?
Is it possible to make a __good__ game without coding knowledge?
He was such a great character. He deserved to be in such a better game
Enemies can open doors
I loved him when I was 3
RWBY might finally get a good game thanks to arc system works
Gamer cloths you can wear in public
Do you think video games should be allowed to encourage violence against sex workers?
If Resident Evil 6 is so bad, why is it the most popular game in the series, player-number-wise?
Thank you for saving me Link
So how is Escape From Tarkov? Any alpha players?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Bully?
Canonically 24 years old
It's coming to pc, r-right?
Dragon's Dogma
Boss has a nice meaty tail
P5 Holy Shit
What other movie franchise, book series...
Your honest opinion this game
Is Toby Fox autistic?
Game has cute girl
SC2 is dumbed down compared to BW
Choose your main
Have you the watched mass effect movie in theaters yet Sup Forums? It's good
Is it just me or did everything past the WWII portion feel really weak? Like...
Well if it isn't user the peasant, oh you brought me my skyrim money...
Why do you still deny the truth of her name being Aerith and not Aeris?
Vidya react images
Remember PS2?
Just fuck shit up fam
Wurm UNLIMITED FREE 4cucks vs 8lands vs braintumors
My vision is augmented
Monster Hunter Lore Thread
I honestly don't understand the love for this system. It is complete trash. I've played all of the "good" games...
Tfw no mgr2 ever
We're closing in on the one month mark. This is the game I've been waiting my whole life for
Who was the worse one?
What's the comfiest graphics engine and why is it GoldSrc?
Whitch are the games that Sup Forums have a consense of liking it?
What makes a good Dragon Ball game?
What video game is
ITT: vidya remakes you desperately want to see
A third of the game is a swamp
Should i forgive bungie and buy destiny 2
Transformation power up
How the hell do you cast spells in this shitty game?
Spend forever typing out snarky comeback to some dickhead on Sup Forums
What chair does Sup Forums use?
Winston is OP now
Name a non-Square JRPG that is better than any JRPG Square has done
The last two games you played have merged into one, describe it!
Lose vidya argument
These are two of the best games ever created
Post a screenshot & others guess what game it is
Why didn't they add an ending where Coco rescue Tawna at the end of Crash Bandicoot 1?
So how about it? you promote my videos on camera
What you want to see?
Holy shit, how can a preteen look this fucking sexy?
Why aren't you playing jewpuncher's game?
How about them deals lad?
Top 10 Steam Games:
Why did peach have blue fire in her basement?
Coworker starts talking about vidya
Find a flaw
That one guy who always played as a monkey or handyman
Mfw I can't find an iso of GTA 3 and VC for ps2 on emuparadise or isozone anymore
Game 1
Why does no one play the indefinitely superior Star Wars game anymore?
Be Sup Forums
I bought me this game today for 10 bucks, I'm about to play it on my vita
What did he mean by this?
I dunno about the rest of you wonderful sons of bitches, but Lunar is possibly the most timeless RPG ever created...
E3 2018
ITT: Sup Forums-approved games
So I JUST finished Ori...
Game has cute girl
ITT: God tier open world games
ITT buyer's remorse
Die in a videogame
FUCK the demons in this game
What kind of content do you want to see in Xenoverse 3?
Why did twisted metal have to die?
Only the best battle themes allowed
He thinks story in video games isn't important
How do we get Marxist shit out of our games?
Why haven't you sold your amiibo yet user? You know the value is going down now right?
Name a more loyal woman in any video game than Tifa
Will you be playing Reimu's game on Nintendo Switch when it releases October 10th, Sup Forums?
Would you a 1000 year old dragon?
Why are most protagonists either chaosfag or neutral? Where the lawfags at?
Decided to go ahead and try this out. I couldn't really get into Skyrim, but this game looks promising...
Stay jelly
Dunkeys new video has got all the video game reviewers up in a tizzy...
This game is too fucking long
Playing Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
The RPS Community has finally released a tier list. Thoughts?
Game has Dragons
All memes aside, what is your actual, genuine opinion of Monster Hunter World + the gameplay we've been shown so far?
Jesus Europe
Things that make you drop or lose interest in a game
What games give you this feeling?
So, Sup Forums... Is AM2R the best side-scrolling Metroid? Will the official remake be better?
Is there a video game that we can all agree is good WITH NO EXCEPTIONS?
Why are people praising this game to high heaven...
Beware, theres a new one!
Which castlevania game is worth playing and hasn't aged like shit?
Here's how to make Winston viable:
Should I play this?
What games focus on non melee combat?
Is there a worse vidya youtuber than this guy
Read Dead Revolver
Twinsanity Remaster
SMT is dead
GALAGA THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is this allowed
Two years ago
Mfw the Overwatch pro scene is dying and pro players and regular players are threatening to quit playing Overwatch...
What exactly is she trying to accomplish by stalking and potentially harassing the MU?
ITT fuck you I liked it childhood edition
Is upgrading to Ryzen worth it for gaming?
"Anoooon~... You've been playing games all day... Why don't you play with me instead?~"
Game Physics
Final fantasy series?
Hello I'm the best menu in a video game
You groove, you lose
Did people on Sup Forums even enjoyed this game?
Who do you play as in Mario Kart?
Post the best and worst entries in a series
Games only you played
Game let's you eat sugar
What are some video games that are pure ideology?
Finish Liberty Island
Why does Sup Forums hate the "open-world" meme do much? Do you honestly prefer "level 2, level 3, level 4, etc."?
Retcon one video game from existence
Help Plz
Why did Kojima ruin Big Boss by turning him into some Che Guevara character in Peace Walker?
VtMB 2 thread
Name one good game under 10 dollars
He still needs more recognizement and love. Can we appreciate him for a moment again?
Terraria Thread
Why is this seriously coming out?
Could they have designed a more obnoxious character...
ITT: objectively 10/10 games only
PS4 Pro Owners Cool Club
No vertical aiming. Do they think I'm too stupid to figure out how to do that?
Really makes you think, huh?
Name 1, ONE, thing wrong with Mr. House's plans for New Vegas
TFW you realize the "2 number 9's" order wasn't him being fat or for a joke but him stalling until the ballas got there...
ITT: ruin your favorite game
What does Sup Forums think about Skyrim mods?
Switch Deal
FONV looks amazing with a few mods (around 40)
Is this the best music track in the history of vidya?
Defend this
What happened? Are we never getting another SC?
This image is funny, there's a lot of truth to it. However, what about the most based group of people...
One-Punch Man Game?
ITT: Villains that couldn't conquer their own backyard if they wanted to
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums? Made any progress lately?
Good gameplay can remove the need for a good story
Why are its bosses and levels so much better than 2's?
Is this the best Dragon boss fight thats ever been done in a Video Game?
We allowed Steam to monopolise PC gaming and it's made them complacent
Counter Crap: Global Obsession
VR: It's Over
The shovelware is already beginning to emerge on Switch
Is it worth getting a Vita just for Kat's game?
>Dark Souls III producer laughs when asked about Nintendo Switch version
Crusador Kings 2
First half of 2017 is the Japs dominating the scene
Who are some vidya characters Sup Forums unanimously despises?
How low does the price have to drop before its acceptable to buy this?
Amazon Prime Day
Anybody have a toaster?
Is undertale actually fun or is it tumblr?
Rub my belly onii-chan
Is he actually one of the weakest links?
Splatoon 2 Hype thread
I'm going to pick up my Switch with Puyo Puyo Tetris tomorrow, please suggest another (1) game I should buy with it
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this game? Its one of my favorites and the soundtrack is great...
Tf2 Party van thread
Admit it: You secretly want it to happen
Early Access Shit We Wasted Money On
Why ares so many video game dwarves Scottish?
Which Original would you Generation?
What is the best way to emulate SNES games?
How can I play this on steam without any of my friends knowing I own it?
It's been four and a half years
Remember when Gabe was some sort of hero for the industry?
Walk into Gamestop to buy a new game
6th gen would have been perfect if sega survived
Buying games based on anything other than their Morality Score
Ohoho you missed that one!
What's this?
Fighting monster
How Dare They
Who do you want in the next Dragon Ball game?
Oh shit Sup Forums, It's time for an all out attack!
What's Sup Forums's opinion on this game...
Name your favourite game from every single CONSOLE you own
Lets have a fun thread Sup Forums. Where do you rank? Note: This is for FINISHED games, Not games you've played...
Risk Of Rain
Final boss is impossible
Mods now deleting perfectly good vidya threads
Pitch a Samurai Jack game that has a limitless budget
Sup Forums has been purged. Threads are nice and slow
I was bored so I downloaded this free game
What was it about Cataclysm that caused so many people to begin unsubscribing from WoW?
Castlevania Netflix series
How did civ 6 shit the bed so hard? Can we all agree to not buy upcoming dlc even if it makes the game better...
What games are you currently playing?
SGDQ aftermath
Vr is ded
What video game does it happen that a classless character is better than a specific class like "Thief, Warrior, Mage"?
I hope it isn't poorly timing to ask what people think should be done with STAR FOX
TF2 Pyro/Jungle/Competitive improvement/whatever update
Are you hype?
How the hell do you beat the Pool minigame? the AI is literally cheating
Oh fuck, the dragonborn just defeated me in the realm where I can't be killed...
A Nintendo Switch is around 2500 R$ in Brazil
Mods are kill post your computer guts
What the fuck happened to cheat codes...
What just happened in here and why all of the sudden everything is just gone
Guys, I think she's broken
Is Minecraft still a big deal?
ITT: autistic things you do in vidya
Now that the great purge has happened will we be able to have a Metroid thread with no shitposting?
Heresy grows from idleness
Fuck you! FFXII out tomorrow, we weren't done talking!
Vtmb thread
Fuck it, lets get a Pac-Man thread going
ITT: subtle vidya clothing
GTA thread
ITT: pretentious numale core
Etrian odyssey untold the millennium girl
Kotor 2 thread
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Let's have a Super Mario Odyssey thread
Splatoon 2
Post pure girls who you love
Video game youtube channels
Rune Factory Thread
Graphics thread?
This board is being spammed so much nobody will notice this Ace Combat thread
The creator of Mega man
Grimiore Heralds of the Winged Exemplar!?
So when is the remaster coming?
This is justice
Comfy Senran Thread while it all blows over
I'm 20 hours in and I absolutely love every second of this shit
Discussing FFXII
What is this look trying to convey?
Gran Turismo thread
Game reminds you of your real life
So who sent out the letter? The Ancestor, to lure you in, or some other descendant of his? And speaking of which...
Does anyone really find this attractive...
What's so cool about this guy?
ITT smiles we failed to protect
Are there any genuinely good games out there?
Games that are too patrician for Sup Forums
Console war has changed
How do we fix video game journalism?
Kingdom hearts has one of the worst narratives in the history of fiction...
Castlevania Anime Series
So i wont be using my nintendo switch till oct now
ITT: Combine games to make better games
Besides Skyrim 2, where do you realistically think Bethesda is planning to set TES:VI?
There are people here that are going to buy and play a Rabbids game. Explain yourself!
THAT video game song starts playing
Stop saying fa***t and ni***r. Its not that hard
Please invent a new video game genre that will save the industry
Well, what's the Sup Forumserdict? Is it unanimously liked here?
Be one of the most critically acclaimed gaming mascots of all time...
Tfw Oblivion's main storyline revolved around repeatedly closing oblivion gates and it sucked balls
You have been banned from the server
Can we please admit that "exploration" is a stupid meme?
Let me get uhhhhhhhh
Redpill me on this game
It alright
Makes a video series where he showcases every game a given character's in
Today is Hanako's birthday
What can they do?
What is her endgame?
Tfw PC will never give you an adult kiss and show you how the rest goes when you get back
Who is the strongest vidya male?
Rate my Civ
Be real, who here legitimately likes this guy?
Bought a 1080
What went right?
Arma 3 looks b-
Well Sup Forums? What did you choose?
I bet you niggers cant even mockball
Subtle vidya clothing thread
Rune Factory thread?
Why does Sup Forums praise this game...
Was he a good antagonist?
Is it okay to mention videogames as your hobby on the first date, Sup Forums?
CDPR is making their first multi title other than some shitty mobile MOBA that was dead quicker than it started
Is Solid Snake... homosexual?
Tfw the resub feel comes back stronger than ever
Forest level
Make a game that's all about making choices
Is there any good reason to side with the Legion?
Now that the Crash trilogy is confirmed a success, who's getting remastered next?
What are your thoughts on the new monster hunter killer?
I'm drinking Rolling Rock on the Roll n' Rocker!
Post you Suikoden 2 party. I'm play through it again soon but I don't wanna go with my generic party...
Sold all my video game stuff, and made about 3200 dollars. What hobby should I pursue with my money?
How much would you realistically pay for an actual advanced VR helmet where you can go in a game and actually be there?
Who is the best looking vidya character?
Let's talk about GTA 6
Best video game youtubers? For me its Northern
Name a more immersive fps
Are you happy with the direction The Legend of Zelda has taken? Where the does franchise go from here...
Are you guys excited for "Prime Day"? it's going to be AMAZing!
Blocks Your Path
Grimoire Heralds of the Winged Exemplar!?
Is Mario's tattoo canon?
Choose your raider
I can't be the only one noticing a certain presence on this board, can I?
Nintendo is an angry loli
Name a game franchise where every game is near perfect
Why do games do this, Sup Forums?
Is there any major reason to not play the 3DS version of Dragon Quest 8?
This kills the PC gaming
Armored Core Evolved
Ask a gamer with alzheimer anything
Why has this "Nintendo's target audience" meme gotten so out of hand?
I don't get you, Sup Forums
No games set on the prehistoric age
What's in the package blackboi
Dunkey BTFO reviewers
What the fuck went so wrong?
Tell me this, captain. If the federation is so great, then why are there no good Star Trek games?
Attack wall
Why arent you talking bout the newst expension?
I love the Microprose Magic the Gathering game from 1997 (also known as Shandalar for some reason)
Daily reminder that once the Switch is cracked it will be the best console of all time OF ALL TIME!
There will never be a game where you play as a member of the Waffen SS
What was his name again?
Of these games which ones do you think will get a GOTY/complete edition?
3x3 thread
Will they be legit tho?
Is Sup Forums excited for the most anticipated game of Fall 2017 for the Nintendo Switch?
In my restless dreams, I see that town
Daggerfall Unity Prealpha
I'm not saying we need user names...
People are not airplanes!
How many people are you subbed to on Twitch?
Demons Souls was the only good Souls game because it didn't just rehash the same shit
Whats a GEP gun?
What does Sup Forums sit on when they play vidya?
Videogamedunkey - game critics
6 more weeks until Cirno's game is gonna come out
My favorite game, I wish more people knew about it
Why is Tekken the only prominent 3D fighting game at the moment...
Why is no one driving cars in Fallout?
Why are normies so infatuated at this game?
Save the princess
Have you ever bought a console for one game?
Who is the best MOMMY in gaming? Both people and characters
Are there any notable indie games out there that try to replicate the "low-poly PS1/Saturn/N64 game" look?
We want flags and IDs
Most popular fighting game in the world
Mirrored characters thread?
What vidya powers would you want Sup Forums?
Valve hard at work
Time Played
Does anyone plan on playing this with the retarded as hell motion controls?
Haven't seen a thread on this game
Elder Scrolls Online
What video games should me and my gf play?
Why is pewders so based guys?
Make it vidya
¶eo¶le will $$$buy¥¥¥ this™
Top 10 best game list
Gameplay aside, who's got the coolest fighting style?
What features from the modern wow would you want to see on the official legacy servers?
Sup Forums
Is this a good game?
Xbox 360 controller is fucked
Thoughts on Notch being a fucking billionaire now?
Is Sup Forums excited for the return of the number 1 alpha tyler motherfuckin 1
Grimoire thread #976768798023415
Wagecucks of Sup Forums how do you still find time to play video games?
How do we stop gamers from sexualizing historically ugly races?
How come this board never gets fixed? all they need to do is add an e-celeb board
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...