Is it just me or did everything past the WWII portion feel really weak? Like...

is it just me or did everything past the WWII portion feel really weak? Like, they had you walk across the surface of the moon, there was so much potential, and they did nothing with it.

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dunno but the hot nurse is the only reason i finished the game

I actually just played through this last night.

I think it's good, but also not good.

They needed to do more. It obviously goes off the fucking rails, but it needed to be even more insane.

Why just the one jew-cache? Why not go do two or three? I should be getting insane stuff to -use- in combat, not some giant round draedel that shoots wires everywhere and a magical jewsuit that I don't even get to use.

Single player FPS games are honestly, kind of boring, unless there are fun mechanics. Wolfenstein is just super fucking generic with a "le future nazis" aschetic.

I was surprised by that as well.
It may be just another generic modern fps but even other such games would do something with that.

Exactly. Like, gameplay and killing Nazi's feels fun, but there's so much more they could have done.

Also, giving like 10 different fetch quests in a game about killing Nazi's really killed a big part of it for me.

Wish I knew this was going to be a cover-based shooter going in. Otherwise I would have skipped it.

I don't know. I felt maybe they could have done more. The Brutalist architecture started to feel samey after a while. I would have liked some more variance in that regard.

Boy that subway level gave me Metro vibes though.

I liked the conversation DOOM made to modern times better. Judging by the trailer they may have fixed that problem, but if they don't change the gunplay it's not much better than other modern day shooters

>have dual wield option
>have bulletsponges
>barely have any ammo lying around

Which subway level was that again? you're not talking about the one with the trains on the bridge, right?

Man this game sucked. But it did put me in the mood to play RtCW again.

That's such a huge issue. A ton of enemies are just fucking brutal tanks. Even the lesser enemies.

Your shotgun becomes totally irrelevant in the later half of the game. You just can't kill enemies with it. You can be in a fucking hallway, spamming automatic shotgun fire DUAL WIELDED, and still not be able to kill an armored guy.

RtCW is my favorite fps, it's almost the perfect game.

Yeah, it's stupid that their weak spots are their backs but most, if not all areas are hallways where you can flank them.

I wish the enemies reacted to being shot though.

Speaking of dual-wielding, I completely fucking despise whoever though it was okay to clutter up the weapon wheel with dual-wield variants.

The post WWII portion was basically the entire game. And it was great.

>stealth kill all the commanders

Are you daft?


Are you daft?

People always say this but I have no idea what the fuck you and everybody else is talking about.

>Why just the one jew-cache? Why not go do two or three?
Because the Nazi's won the war in the first place thanks to the tech they found in one of those caches.
If they go to/get more, they might be followed or fuck things up in a mission, all leading to the Nazi's getting even stonger.
Heck, considering we're not shown how/if the rebels retrieved that giant draedel, the Nazi's now have that in their arsenal and we saw how much damage just one of them does.

Bullshit. The heavy armored robots go down with one grenade and two AR mags. This is on Uber difficulty.

>he uses the weapon wheel

best meme 2017 (that rhymed)

the point is that all the enemies having so much armor makes the game less enjoyable, because they become so difficult to kill

This is somewhat true, the main thing that ruined the later part of the game was the charging laser gun with free refills to conserve ammo for boss fights, it made using no ammo super advantageous but also very tedious. They should have limited refills to one per station and boom, fixed.

Yeah, it felt like a by-the-numbers Western FPS that had a forgettable cast and *fun but not incredible* gameplay. DOOM 4 and Prey were a lot more fun imo. The New Colossus also looks "meh" as well, not rally looking forward to it and don't understand the hype.

Not the shotgunners.


>game wants you to go crazy with dual wielding rocket launchers and automatic shotguns
>"lol just use stealth idiot"

Wolf was the best of the new trio, but I didn't finish it. It just didn't do anything well enough. It's not fun to shoot drone things either.

Doom I only got as far as the demo, which was absolutely awful.

Prey I still intend to pick up, but when it's a lot cheaper. I have no particular hopes for it.

I don't understand how singpleplayer fps games died out. What world do we live in where they are no longer popular?

BF1 looks nice but I don't like wide open maps much, and just can't he bothered with multiplayer games.

In retrospect this game really was all over the place.
And I have to question the decision to make the jews have a secret ancient society that controls everything.

Nah, you're right. I loved the game, but it desperately needed more. More guns, more enemies on the screen, more enemy types. TNC should just ditch the whole stealth mechanic and focus more on the blazing gunplay.

The game lets you take whatever fucking approach you want. Did you miss the entire fucking perk system?

It's buckshot, dude. Against thick steel plating. It's not going to do shit. That's not 'overpowering, difficult enemies', that's game design and you being garbage.

Here I made a video for you

These are the most heavily armored enemies in the game on the hardest difficulty. How is this difficult to kill in your mind?

Those enemies are way less resilient than the standard shotgunners, rocket soldiers, and the big machine gun guys.


Your game sucks.

When Duke Nukem RETURN5, he will make FPS great again.

The plot was balls to the wall crazy, but the gameplay didn't match, so it gave a sort of dissonance. The trailer for New Colossus has BJ in the Jew-suit, so hopefully we can jump around more and shit. Also the shotgun was underpowered, which is probably the worst sin a FPS can commit. ALSO they show you a giant fucking chainsaw, but it's not usable. In fact, you don't even see BJ saw that one guy's head off.

I also would have liked more bosses, fewer monologues, and more Hitler.

As long as Duke is tied with Gearbox I never want to see him again.

>more Hitler
It's painfully obvious they're saving him so we'll buy the sequels like good goys.

I just wanted more shooting. Too many cutscenes/scripted stuff/walking.

Best part of old school games is the hundreds of levels where you do nothing but shoot shit.

This desu, though personally I'd like them to fix the gameplay first.

The shotgunners are bullet sponges, but they have weak spots on their backs.

To be brutally honest, I think the shooting was the weakest part, so I enjoyed the downtime a lot more which is probably the worst thing your FPS can be.

It's a typical modern fps and boring as shit
Doom was just plain bad as well
duke is dead but indie games can are still gonna shit all over these multi million dollar """AAA""" games

Fraus is this game's boss. Hitler is going to be the boss of the third game, last I heard. It was a planned trilogy and you can't really go above mecha-hitler.

I'm not sure I agree that it's the worst part but it was definitely garbage.


What about a magically powered Lich Hitler? And he pilots an actual mech. Like, 50 meters tall, and you fight him with an America-mech.

No, absolutely not.


They take FAR less bullets than the armored robots.

Hhaha wow u got me frand

I think a walk button would have been nice. Really help with slowing down and enjoying the atmosphere/idtech5

there's a lot of stuff, detail and secrets (some of which I'm still finding) most players just whizz by without a second thought

fuck that uboat level was so great

>not using the grenade launcher
>not using the recharging laser gun
>not shooting the exposed tanks on their back

They're actually quite quick to take down when you can sit down and shoot at them. They're dangerous in the thick of a melee when other dudes are shooting at you too, like the last fight of the U-Boat level which is absolutely brutal due to the shotgunners advancing while grunts flank you.

Fun as fuck because you have to keep moving, if you stay in one place you'll just die.

>not using the grenade launcher
>not using the recharging laser gun
>not shooting the exposed tanks on their back

I'm not using any of those to compare them to the armored bots in the other video.

Two rockets gibs them easily, no prob. Grenades too. One shot from LKW, if you're at the right range.

The other guy was complaining about bullet sponges making the game too difficult.

Oh whoops I totally misread your post.

Yeah, they're just not a threat, nor are they bullet sponges. The game is far too easy. I don't know how you or anyone has difficulty at all with this.

LKW kind of is a handicap. I find the game significantly harder if you only use it when required to actually progress.
It just one shots Super Soldaten. One Super isn't too bad, which is why the game tends to throw two or three at you at the same time.

Also the Panzerhund fight is significantly less interesting if you use the LWK instead of shooting and running frantically so it won't kill you in 2 hits.

Game is a cakewalk in Uber up until the second half of the final boss where you just get pounded point blank and it's a DPS race.

What were they thinking?

You clearly did skip it. Or you're an idiot.

Eh? You mean when Deathshead is in his mech?

That's incredibly easy, save your underbarrel grenades, shoot him once, run, wait about 10 seconds, repeat. Do this 8 times and you win.

I still need time to figure out what you are talking about

What are you talking about? You do all sorts of cool shit after waking up. I wouldn't mind more moon stuff, but it does a good job of making the whole adventure pull you in.

>wolfenstein ends with undead G-gundam duel with hitler
I mean I can't fathom any other way for it to go out

I'm not that guy but- it doesn't make the game difficult it just makes it tedious. Playing though this after DOOM made me appreciate the latter more, having enemies drop health really kept things moving but in this, the killing process is so fucking boring.

As your video illustrates.

You could also compare this to Fear and come away with the same disappointment. Way too many cut scenes, weird animations for faces, I also noticed that BJ was animated in kind of lame ways during certain cut scenes. Like he's supposed to be this absolute monster but that doesn't really get conveyed by anything other than him taking a lot of hits.

Sorry I didn't like your game.

>Like he's supposed to be this absolute monster but that doesn't really get conveyed by anything other than him taking a lot of hits.
They had to humanize his character more so it would be "deep" and "compelling."

It should have though, would have made the game a lot more fun to fool around with jewish magitech.

that's why doomguy in capslock doom worked, he didn't have any deep issues or moral dilemmas, he just wanted to fucking kill demons so he fucking killed demons