
Guys I need help with SAM. There are a few questions that I need answered so that I can optimally play this class.

1. If I have 3 Sen, but Hagakure is almost off cooldown, do I Kaiten to Midare or use Hagakure for multiple Shitens?

2. When do I use Meikyo after using it in the opener? I am having a hard time picturing when to use it in a rotation after that.

3. Is Guren actually usable after the opener?

4. Having a hard time with positions especially when the enemy keeps on turning. For example, I know I can have Kaiten Higabana but then suddenly the enemy turns which then makes me not have enough kenki for Kaiten. What do you do? Just go Higabana without it? Sometimes that happens as well when Midare is going to happen.

I think that's it for now.

Please help.

Other urls found in this thread:

3 Sen Hagakure is better than Kaiten Midare.

How can you even use Hagakure if you have 3 sens?

Isn't Hagakure then one where you get Kenki from all 3 sens?

>Dark Knight in PVP

Holy fuck this is fun, why didn't anyone ever tell me about this shit, dragging and stunning/silencing healer faggots is amazing, I can pratically taste their panic as thehly
mash Cure

how the fuck do you guys remember what all the different abilities are called? for instance I've played NIN for a while and I know all the different mudra combos, but I only know them based on my hotkeys. I have no idea what any of them are actually called. and that goes for every class I've played, I just know what hotkeys to press.

each class got 20+ abilities, how are you supposed to remember all that shit?

When you want to know your job, you tend to actually remember the names. Simple as that.

>Bitch about tanks being able to dps
>90% of their skills scale off attack power
>Literally all 3 has a dps stance

I mean unless they redesign every tank to a fucking turtle people really need to shut up

1. genuinely depends on the length of the fight. short? kaiten midare. long? shintens.

2. after the opener? when it's useable. either to hagakure it or to kaiten midare.

3. yes.

4. you never higanbana without kaiten. if that shit happens again it's even better to just meditate one or two ticks depending to make sure you kaiten it.

>1. If I have 3 Sen, but Hagakure is almost off cooldown, do I Kaiten to Midare or use Hagakure for multiple Shitens?

Like I get it's supposed to be a weeb class but holy fuck.

>Japanese class uses Japanese words
>le epic weeb XD
Learn what weeb means you newfag piece of shit.

Dark knights are fags, if nobody on their team follows up (which is almost always) I can just run away while healing myself while they stand around with a limp dick.

>Learn what weeb means
He's right. Calling SAM players weebs is much too narrow. Everyone who plays XIV is a fucking weeb.

>bitching about weebs
>posting rick and fucking morty

>Can't remember the names of 4 actions

Shuriken, Doton and whatever the ice one is are worthless and shouldn't be remembered, but it's not hard at ALL to remember the other ones. Do you have some kind of learning disability?

>Sup Forums owned by Japanese man
>Ergo everyone on Sup Forums is a weeb

Sounds about right.

I want to go back to a time when weeb meant the sort of fat idiot who goes to anime club and calls everything kawaii and wears a naruto headband and is so sure he's going to move to Japan after high school and become a famous mangaka.

> 1. genuinely depends on the length of the fight. short? kaiten midare. long? shintens.
Long fights. I'm talking about raids. So basically I only kaiten midare if hagakure is a long way off cooldown correct?

> 2. after the opener? when it's useable. either to hagakure it or to kaiten midare.
Oh so if I can get 3 sens by using meikyo, just use it at once?

> 3. yes.
How and when? When I have to much kenki?

> 4. you never higanbana without kaiten. if that shit happens again it's even better to just meditate one or two ticks depending to make sure you kaiten it.
So basically even if higabana drops, if I can delay a little bit for a kaiten higabana, go for it?

Weeb really lost its meaning huh.

So basically a time before reddit faggots colonized and ruined the site?

I found this to be a pretty good guide so far

senpai its simple. You just kaiten your higanbanas, build kenki to gurren, hagakure on cooldown, weave your shintens, and keep up your jinpu, hakaze, and shifu up at all times. For AoE Fuga into Mangetsu and Fuga again into Oka using hagakure to get enough kenki for gurren if it's up but otherwise kaiten your tenka gokken when you have two sens. Baka.

>I want to go back to when weeb meant a very specific thing so people would stop calling me names.

Just hagakure 3 sen > kaiten midare > hagakure and repeat that rotation, unless downtime happens, in which case you prioritize hagakure always.

>Do you have some kind of learning disability?

I think so, yeah. I get very easily overwhelmed, so whenever I switch job for the first time I have to spend hours going over the abilities and find the correct hotkeys for them. once I get the hang of it though, I tend to become good. It just takes me longer than other people.

>Long fights. I'm talking about raids. So basically I only kaiten midare if hagakure is a long way off cooldown correct?
Yes, alternatively you could use it when you get 3 Sen, use it to Midare and then Meikyou Shisui to get 3 Sen and Hagakure those to get Shinten.

Meikyou aligns itself with Hagakure pretty will if you use the 3 Sen Opener.

I play Dragoon. Pretty much all my skills are blank Thrust or blank Dive.

Weeb has no impact anymore it's just like calling someone a faggot or cuck

You say that like it's a bad thing. Corruption of language is a travesty, words cease to have meaning or value and they degrade to meaningless noise or in this case text.

I bet you're the kind of dope who uses "literally" to mean "figuratively"

>Not being an honorable samurai
sasuga baka gaijin

1. yes and when i know the boss is going to jump soon or phase transition and take a break i'll prioritize blowing my runes on kaiten midare.

2. correct, kaiten midare is still +1000potency and at that point it's essentially free.

3. rule of thumb is to minimum keep 20 to kaiten whenever required, guren is definately usable if ex. just reapplying yukikaze but higan still has a nice amount of time on it, just hagakure for extra juicy kenki.

4. yeah, because it is so long, it really will end up hurting your potency bad if you don't boost it as high as possible, kaiten and jinpu at all times up before using it.

Which is the best opener anyway? Now that I have 941 skill speed, it seems like the 1 Sen opener is very awkward.

Weeaboo has no inherent meaning. It's a nonsense word from a webcomic. It became synonymous with Wapanese after the wordfilter but even back then it didn't strictly refer to 's definition and was never defined. Even if you wanted to directly equate the two Wapanese is also just a slang term that was never strictly defined. Then people started spreading those "a weeaboo is NOT..." and "you can appreciate japanese culture without being a weeb" images to try to distance themselves from the term.

>they aren't a roe

>girl roe
even SE thinks you're a mistake.

Hi, michael cera

This song, man. Don't get me wrong, I love it, however, it makes you all sleepy and that's the last thing you want to do on a Dungeon.

Post your favorite tracks. I want some recommendations.


Speak English mother fucker.

No idea, according it depends on the length of phases.

On dummies it doesn't really matter since they all do roughly the same damage.

> 1. yes and when i know the boss is going to jump soon or phase transition and take a break i'll prioritize blowing my runes on kaiten midare.

> 2. correct, kaiten midare is still +1000potency and at that point it's essentially free.

> 3. rule of thumb is to minimum keep 20 to kaiten whenever required, guren is definately usable if ex. just reapplying yukikaze but higan still has a nice amount of time on it, just hagakure for extra juicy kenki.

> 4. yeah, because it is so long, it really will end up hurting your potency bad if you don't boost it as high as possible, kaiten and jinpu at all times up before using it.

I think last question. If I have someone in the group doing a slashing debuff as well, should I stop doing yukikaze? Or I should still rotate doing the 3 rotations? Just like when you have 2 monks, it is kinda bad if both of you dragon kick right?

Go back to /xivg/ you degenerate faggot

Hagakure has a cooldown of 40 seconds, Hissatu: Guren has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
It takes you 8 GCDs to gather 3 Sen.
3 Sen grant 60 Kenki with Hagakure.
Hissatsu: Guren costs 50 Kenki.
You do the math.
Yes, Hissatsu: Guren should ideally be used on cooldown, or near it if you can use it with other damage boosting buffs from party members by postponing it by GCD or two.

>that was never strictly defined
it was made in the same way as the word wigger, even as a slang word it had a very clear definition
Everything else you're saying is spot on, though

I like roes but I'm a elf

I don't think it's about having a learning disability, I think it's more about different people learning in different ways.

I'm the same, almost never remember skill names unless I talk about the class a lot with other people, but remember the icon, relevant information, and which key I usually place it on. Same with numbers, don't know the pin code to my own phone, but if I picture a numpad mentally I can follow the pattern I do with my hand. Some people just remember things differently.

i'm lucky to have a nin with me at all times, so i just use yukikaze for when i need to get extra kenki with hagakure or for kaiten midare ofcourse. the fact that it auto applies in one GCD with meikyo is a happy coincidence too.

Which of the following below is a weeb:
-Someone who watches dubbed anime on TV
-Someone who watches subbed anime that he downloads or pays for
-Someone who attends anime conventions
-Someone who plays Japanese made videogames
-Someone who thinks Japanese videogames are better than western videogames
-Someone who will play Japanese videogames with Japanese audio if given the option
-Someone who will refuse to buy a Japanese game if the western release lacks dual audio.
-Someone who names gives their characters Japanese names.

Spiral is still my most favorite song to hear in a dungeon
Stupid good and made me diamonds the very first time I heard it in Coil back in the day

Only Hyoton is worthless in PvE, Fuma stacks with the poisons, and Jin Ten Chi is more optimal for using ten chi jin if the boss will stay for the doton ticks.

> should I stop doing yukikaze?
Why would you ever do that? You are depriving yourself of a Midare and 3 Sen Hagakure. The slashing debuff only matters on as a combo priority in your opener.

The 2 Sen Opener starts with Yukikaze, the rest starts with Kasha.

Remember that you don't have to use Meikyo to gain 3 Sen from a starting position of 0 Sen.
You can use it when you have 1 or 2 Sen too.

I agree, the Nipponese class should have a bunch of attacks called Hamburger Slash and Burning Spirit of the Extra Large Coca-cola.

>Someone who thinks Japanese videogames are better than western videogames
>Someone who will refuse to buy a Japanese game if the western release lacks dual audio.
>Someone who names gives their characters Japanese names.
These but the third is kinda debatable, the rest of your list is harmless fun.

So which is better hagakure for 1 Guren, or hagakure with multiple shitens?

>-Someone who will refuse to buy a Japanese game if the western release lacks dual audio.
>-Someone who names gives their characters Japanese names. (unless it's actually thematically fitting, like a game taking place in japan where you play a japanese guy)

Someone who does most of this shit and wants to move to Japan because he thinks his own country is so shit compared to it but doesn't really know anything about the place outside of anime

this as well. my opener actually does just that.

So basically it's OK to override at once unlike monk. You really have to go to all 3 rotations.

It's hilarious when they do and then slowly realise that Japan is a super strict society where nerds and otakus are looked down on even harder than in the west, and where the worklife is a hellscape.

Even wigger doesn't have a set in stone definition though. I've heard wigger used to refer to all of the following things.
>A white person who speaks ebonics
>A white person who grew up in the hood
>A white person who likes rap and hip hop
>A white person who dresses like black people
>A white person who dates black women
>A white person who has predominantly black friends

Is it me or is DRK the most bullshit chaser in PvP?
>Gap closer reset on kill
>Off cooldown stun

He is fun a fuck. I love the fucker but I think he may be a little broken.

it's okay to overwrite if you need the sen.

Guren is 800 potency for 50 Kenki.
Shiten is 600 potency for 50 Kenki.

Yukikaze is usually the last Sen you gain every time before you Midare/Hagakure in your rotation so you aren't really bound to the shenanigans of "skipping" your slashing debuff.

Yeah that's what I meant. But I mean you still want to get 3 sen even if hagakure is long ways of CD because of a kaiten midare.

I don't know how people can bitch about names when you have the inanity of trying to follow rotations based on a row of 30 unorganized small indistinct icons.

Im pals with Odin lol, hello from Leviathan, he will get a kick out of him being posted on Sup Forums

I've got question about MNK.

Besides the opener, do you RoF when it comes off cooldown even if you have no oGCD attacks available to do? Same with brotherhood.

I didn't think 72man frontlines would be playable on a controller but I'm getting the hang of it

They're organized by the order you should be doing them. After leveling 50-70 you should recognize almost all of those icons and 70 is the only point in which you're going to need a guide anyway. Before you get Hagakure (which is like 68) you pretty much pump and dump Midare Setsugekka.

>just became king of the lizard people
That duty was fun.

MNK is all about using everything as soon as it comes off GCD, but usually RoF is paired with Brotherhood

It is playable. Who said it isn't?

I was always under the impression that the targeting is way too fucky with that many people on screen. I eventually developed a few tricks to get around it

such as?


Why didn't they change dying to "damage dealt reduced by x% instead of reduce stats by x%?

This way it would then allow tanks to stick to VIT for attack power like they changed it to from STR but then they were retarded and changed it back to 4.0

I feel like you imagined this happening

Why the fuck would I recognize an icon that has no clear visual relation to anything, especially unless I crank the hotbar scale up to 150%? It's not like I just randomly shuffle icons on my hot bar then play Where's Waldo every time I want to use a weaponskill, I just remember what button does what. All I know is speed buff is kind of grey and damage buff is yellow and blue.
>hurr durr they're in order
Are you seriously memorizing your entire 30 button rotation in one homogeneous chunk or doing what a non-autistic person would and splitting it into parts?

Target closest
Angle the camera away from unnecessary trash
Face character toward target, confirm
Assist target literally anything on the field to get big ice

Still don't know what to do to pick up a healer in the middle of 40 nigger knights other than manually scrolling through them, and I'm not sure if clicking with a mouse would even work

are SAMs the new shitter entitled dps class?

I've memorized all three Samurai openers by the ability names.
I've also memorized them by the ability icons.
You're just retarded.

Uhh, I guess you just look at them every once in awhile? Surely there must be a moment where you go "Oh yeah, that's the button I have bound to 1, Q, E, etc"

Even if not, it takes about a second to look in your actions menu and make the connection.

And memorizing? It's called muscle memory. You do it for every opener that's ever existed. Go look at bard's opener.

How do I download muscle memory instantly from the internet

Have a gold star

>another week to suffer through with no content

the drought is real

>why can't I do something instantly with ni effort
Muscle memory comes with time user.
Go do your opener and rotation for 3 minutes, then do it 10 times.
See what happens

>Final Fantasy MMO
>Not glamoring your character as a JRPG protagonist

I hope Deltascape Savage is hard enough to last me until the next tier desu

You can always queue for old raids to help guys who are experiencing it for the first time.

Serah has great boobs.

You just do the opener a few times. You can even do it on a target dummy if you want.

Shoot I can still do the BLM opener from Heavensward and I haven't played that in a long time.

>not glamouring on some reasonable, realistic armor like Akihiko Yoshida intended
Just delete your account.

>I'm not sure if clicking with a mouse would even work
It can be slightly rough but it usually only takes a couple attempts at most. If things are really shit you just angle the camera downwards to keep people from overlapping. The harder thing is when I'm playing PLD and I see a low health DPS on another alliance running close to me and try to direct target him with Clemency and the fucker is jumping around like a monkey.

Most annoying thing is that character names are fucking huge unless you're playing at ~1440p or higher, there's much less targeting clutter at higher resolutions (and no I'm not turning off names entirely when they're the only thing ID'ing what team people are on)

I think you have it mixed up with higanbana

>helping other people

lmao no thanks normie

>help carry shiters

that's pretty much the only thing they're good for though.

Reminder this is a tank set from one of the newest dungeons.

Sushi sets are literally the only good slutglams

Would eat nigiri from her naked body.