Is "Life is Feudal - Forest Village" made by the same guy that made Banished?
Because it's extremely similar to Banished, like god damn. Anyone know?
Is "Life is Feudal - Forest Village" made by the same guy that made Banished?
Because it's extremely similar to Banished, like god damn. Anyone know?
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That certainly look like Banished, but since when is Life is Feudal a city builder? Didn't play it but I'm sure it was some sandbox MMO shit.
first post sardonic post
>shit dev
>make shit copy of a decent game
>too lazy to change UI, game design or art style
this is why i dont play games anymore besides some hidden gems
personally i think banished was more fun to play. forest village has strange lightning effects going on and being able to enter first person mode on your village doesnt do anything for me
they seem to have made a single player game with their mmo engine and named it "Life is Feudal - Forest Village"
should just be named forest village in my opinion
do you know the answer or not?
No I don't but I just gave you two ways to find it
if i wanted to sit alone googling i wouldn't have made a thread where i'd get to talk with some nice people around the world, you realize that right?
Your thread is shit and no one wants to see it, fuck off.
listen friend, i didn't ask how to google something. i asked if anybody knew what i wanted to know.
Well they don't ya dumb faggot
trying to say something?
Well? Is it comfy? I've been looking at Forest Village for a while now because I really liked Banished and I want more games like it. Is it better than Banished? If not, does it do anything different than Banished like have actual combat?
Life Feudal and Banished are not made by the same people. Notneven from the same countries.
Hell, Life is Feudal and Forest Village were not even deved by the same team. Bitbox aquired Forest Village's team and incorperated it into their IP.
Both companies are EXTREAMLY small. Bitbix started with 5 people and aquired more through MMO.
Shinning Rock started with juke Luke. I think only 15 people work for the company, most are dedicated to web/forum maintenece, some PR and other non actual-dev roles. Most of Banished was programed and 2 guys and the soundtrack by friends, I believe.
it's sort of comfy but id recommend banished over it.
the trees are larger than xbox and block your view all the time.
if someone doesnt have a house he will starve even if you have plenty of food (can only eat in a house). so if you upgrade a house and someone gets homeless they are fuck.
it's slow. it has x10 speed (banished has x8) but you play at max speed all the time and the game still feels super slow, god damn. not comfy slow, annoying slow
the building doesnt feel precise. a house can take 1 row of space less if you find the right pixel. once they built something 50% and then said "no path" and building stopped. couldnt demolish either, had to tare down the building next to it
roads are invisible during winter in the snow. very hard to build stuff then.
terraforming sounds good on paper but honestly it doesnt work too well and makes for ugly looking slopes that cant be built upon randomly
also bears and wildlife randomly wander into the people's houses for some reason. the "wildlife kills chickens" is just annoying, doesnt add much to have to place a hunter next to the chicken pen.
being able to go into first person and work is boring and tedius honestly. going into buildings isn't a nice experience either, they are mostly empty and people just stand by doing nothing in their houses
most annoying thing is the lightning (graphics). during night time you barely see anything and during transitions i get this strange purple colored worlds in which you dont see anything. there's no anti-aliasing option. feels like there's a transparent white overlay at all times, especially when zoomed out.
basically i dont recommend it, especially when Banished is there to play instead. mod banished and it has way more content and is far comfier.
my biggest suggestion to the devs is to make a "half tree size" option (or cut off the tops visually) and get rid of the color issues (purple or yellow colored worlds are strange and you see nothing).
Oh okay. I was kind of expecting these kind of problems but thought the improvement in graphics is a possible trade-off. Guess I'll just use the Banished megamod next time.
also devs: dont bury roads below roads, at least not when you are building new ones.
thanks mate, great info! i thought Banished was made just by one guy, except for the music and sound effects. 15 people is way bigger than i thought, especially since Banished isn't really updated much. i think you might be thinking about the people modding Banished? the guys that made colonial charter
If that megamod doesn't include Colonial Charter I recommend you get it instead (or in addition). Very well done mod, big and well done.
You're correct. The vast bulk was one dude. My dev team figures included auxilary personnel unrelated to direct coding or scripting (like someone with familiarity with ambient sound fx, music, marketing and business). Whether these individuals are on 24/7 or by-contract, I do not know.
No, it's just a clone
>tfw no other games like banished
>it's mount and blade all over again
can't imagine myself that the company has ever had 15 people on the payroll at the same time
normally the word clone gets thrown around a bit much but in this case ill not argue about how similar it is
btw you guys probably haven't heard about this game:
also done by just one guy but i'll definitely check it out when done. looking at his latest tweets he just started doing closed testing