Other urls found in this thread:


Why is it rated E10/7+? The original wasn't.

Standards of violence change over time. The games are basically rated by a committee of random people rather than a group.

Good question
Game is rated PG here; used to be G

times changed

E 10+ didn't exist until 2005.

Because KA doesn't exist anymore

tell me fucking lies

Don't know what the fuck is going on but I just bought Digimon New Order and Shiren for 16 fucking dollars combined. God I wish I could have nabbed Crash

>tfw can't do shit because at work and on mobile

Crash is Trash




>tfw I never get in on the good deals
I hope all your orders get cancelled

>Generally a cheap person
>Spent 2 weeks debating on getting it
>Play it at friends and think it's fucking great and pushes me towards getting it more
>just got it yesterday
Please tell me there wasn't a sale like this.
I'd fucking scream internally

I don't know I put them in my cart, they were like 26 and 22, and it said the total cost was only 16 dollars


Someone messed up the games on amazon for prime day.

They were being super discounted at the checkout page (still had normal price in cart).

I ended up with Rime and Digmon for about $16

was able to get Digimon for 8 bucks, I hope dragon quest heroes 2 has something similar later on

It already sold out

amazon prime day deals are almost all glitched for some reason

I'm an Amazon picker. Been seeing alot of these.

Is that guy who works as an engineer in this thread? I was replying to you but the thread 404'd.


They're double-applying one of the discounts.

Why was the Prime Day thread deleted? Anons were posting based deals. I would've not found out about Digimon or Mega Man collection since Amazon's a mess to browse.

>All these errors
hope they don't correct them

>videogame sequel
>main character does the number with his hand to look cool

Fucking hate it.

>not a SINGLE good deal on amazon canada

Lel bitch I'm out here

>tfw no double discount on switch games

>MFW I got Digimon for $8

>it's already sold out
There is no fucking way. There's hundreds of copies at my fulfillment center.

Wario64 was posting all about it.

You all missed out.


Yep completely gone. Same with KH and all the others

this guy talked about gpu being on sale, i hope he's right. I've been needing a new gpu for 3 years now.

>Yep completely gone. Same with KH and all the others
Weird. I saw like ten copies of KH today. Same with crash. Wonder what's going on with it.

i think Amazon's pulling shit off right now in order to fix this.

Mega Man Legacy Collection was $7 for me too but now it's just regular price without any discount at all

Amazon could be removing them because of the error

how did i do?

FUCK Wish I could have gotten Crash and Kingdom Hearts. At least I got Digimon though.


Been seeing alot of 1080ti's fly out of the bins. I picked one I wanted today. It was the 1080ti with the three fans.
I'll be using my 10% discount on it later on.

So it was happening for more than just games? Daamn

good goy

Yeah they already fixed Digimon. It's only $3 off now

>Ever Oasis had a glitched price but it went out of stock too in minutes

fuck man would've died to cop a 1080 for the low

fucking awful. with that money just build your own pc.

missed 1.5+2.5 but I got the 2.8 CE for $13 at least

>pre-ordered Everybody's Golf, a $40 game, for $10

I got digimon for $8. Wonder if amazon is going to honor this stuff, dont really want any of the other glitched game prices I've seen.

Injustice 2 for PS4 is glitching hard right now. It says it's not available, then when you go to the product page, it says it is available, and then you click View Offer, and then it says its on "sale" for $55, and there is no button to let you add it to the cart.

>tfw missed everything
I hope all your orders get cancelled

Got 11 games out of it, god FUCKING BLESS.

what have i done


It won't. Amazon values customer loyalty above all else. It's a drop in the bucket for Amazon.

they make you pay for the lowest price, thats one of there policies.

I have prime but all of the games ares just coming up as what they're listed as. even when I go to checkout.

or is it telling you $30 in check out but then changing to 8?

Amazon values customer loyalty. They won't reverse it. It's a drop in the bucket, so don't worry about it.

this. its the reason why ebay stopped favoring the sellers

Doesn't matter. It's all been fixed now. The glitched stuff got removed from sale

got some anime figurines, sd card for switch, and a drone so far

Try reloading. They probably fixed it already.

If there's no sale price on it, then all of Amazon's stock of that item is gone and you're just buying from some other seller. It wasn't glitches.

nabbed KH1.5 2.5

the last KH game I played was 1 back when it was new

guess i'll give it a shot?


Which is something I don't understand. user's were saying that Crash and KH were out of stock, but I literally just saw dozens of copies a few hours ago when I was picking.

I don't know if they're just fixing it, or whats going on. weird.

They fixed it. Think you're too late for broken prices on anything anymore.

>people think any of these orders will go through

Naw the discounts were definitely glitched. Amazon probably removed all the glitch items. I doubt they sold through their entire inventory unless a shit ton of people found out about the glitch

There were definitely glitches, like Pikmin for 3DS was on sale for $6 and it doesn't come out til the end of the month

>a few hours ago when I was picking.

Didn't prime day start an hour ago

>tfw I got a 2000 dollar TV for 600 fucking bucks
Really hope this goes through

First Amazon sale, huh?

They will. If user's were luckey enough to get in on it, they will honour in. Amazon values customer loyalty above everything else. It's a drop in the bucket. literally nothing for Amazon.

>not knowing how Amazon treats their customers

Sorry bud. Amazon would send a rep to suck my dick if I sounded disgruntled about needing a blowjob on the phone with them.

You don't. And you shouldn't want it anyway.

>GTX 1050
>"""""gaming"""""" laptop

Nah, they're def working on a fix right now. Look at this.

No more "Prime Savings" discounts reflected in the checkout page. Just stuff SHIPPED & SOLD from Amazon for REGULAR price even WHEN the Prime Day page advertises it for less.

A few misprices have gotten through their system before. It's usually those who get one-day shipping

They are just going to change back at full price.

>massive mistake causes lots of products to get huge discounts
>hurr durrf why won't it let people add to cart any more

tripfags continue to be retarded

Yeah KH is coming back into stock at list price only now

This isn't some retail store which absolutely would Jew their way out of it, Amazon doesn't care so long as they get a sale.

I work Friday through Monday, ten hours a day.. I don't just pick on prime. I'll be working tomorrow as overtime though, because it's primeday.

pic related. it's my primeday shirt.

Is working there as stressful as they say in the news it is?

How is it working for them? They've gotta be a good company.

Ordered cancelled.

which FC u at, danbofag?

Why are we tolerating this fucking tripfag shill? A literal Amazon employee keeps making these threads and nobody bats an eye, but literally anything else gets attacked and called a shill without even a shred of evidence to back up the notion.

on what?


I was under the impression that working for Amazon was a fucking nightmare.

Maybe it depends on where you work within it.

I can't tell is this guy a warehouse worker or a software guy. Either way I've never heard good things about working at Amazon.

Dude I don't think it's fair to call an inside agent a shill when the company is literally losing thousands of dollars off these tips.
>user you can buy this $2000 laptop right now for only $200 because we made a mistake

oh well woulda just been a backlog on KH until KH3. I was waiting for it to be $10 before KH3 release anyway because I wanted to remember the story before the third one

It's worse. The news and documentaries don't show you the most of it. Picking has very heavy turnover. The rates are extremely hard to reach, and everything is against you. Nobody is there for the long haul. Everybody is just there until they are finally let go. It's an awful horrible place. I've been doing it a year, and it's broken me. I'm not sure how many more months I have in me. Worked alot of different jobs, but nothing with such a high quota like Amazon.

It's amazing how Amazon and other online retailers affected the fate of traditional, in-person retailing. I can't remember wanting to go to a mall unless it was for clothes


>why are people talking about a 1-day sale on Amazon wahhhh

Shut up.

I hate in person human interaction because I'm agoraphobic.