Transformation power up

>transformation power up
>anime music starts playing

Other urls found in this thread:

>> animation power up
>> transform music starts playing

>Hero transforms
>Heroic music begins playing
>Villain transforms
>Where are those people singing the chorus?

>anime starts to power up
>transforms into music

I didn't like that Yoko's ideal world/life was with Kittan when they were in the infinite spiral worlds thing

Like I thought she liked Kamina but apparently not, I don't know why it bugged me when I was watching it

>> Boss music starts up
>> Time to get awesome

Kamina had been dead for years though. Yoko still loved him, but not as a lover, she had moved on.

And Simons "ideal" world involved a world where Kamina was some cowardly sleezeball. They were just dreams; some good, some bad.

>middle of the boss fight
>the vocals start kicking in

>moved on
>that scene literally takes place in the place they kissed before he died

I don't know guys

>ywn do the impossible
>ywn see the invisible
>ywn touch the untouchable
>ywn break the unbreakable

>ywn row row

>ywn your boat

Was more Simon wanting to go back to simpler times, when they would just do dumb shit in the Villiage.

i think the point was that kamina was still alive, for better or worse.

Don't give up.

It was infinite, dude, and Yoko had just realized she lost someone who genuinely cared about her.

Also Kamina was fucking dead for years at that point, and it was just a kiss.

I actually just watched the second TTGL movie last night. Pretty good although some of their additions were a bit bleh.

>posting a corpse

The only thing I liked about the movies was the final fight and the intro to the first movie where you see Anti Spiral inflict DESPAIR on the Spiral King when he was younger

Anti-Spiral makes no sense to me, like he could've just overpowered the main characters but he purposefully decided to match their power level because...?

To inflict ultimate despair. He didn't seem eager to use more energy since even that Infinity Big Bang Storm move was fucking his body up. Also, IIRC in the show it stated that he wanted to observe the characters as long as possible to study them and prevent future uprisings from occurring. He was genuinely curious as to how they managed to get as far as they could.

Also I really loved the part where he just popped out of that tear in space. Great reaction image.

I just like playing with you fucks.