>Fighting monster
>Trying to combo
>Accidentally sheath my sword
>Can't stop instinctively pressing y after swinging
>Keep forgetting to dodge or use shield
How do I stop doing this
>Fighting monster
>Trying to combo
>Accidentally sheath my sword
>Can't stop instinctively pressing y after swinging
>Keep forgetting to dodge or use shield
How do I stop doing this
By playing a better game
Monster Hunter thread.
How do I stop being afraid of the monsters
I actually want to get into the whole monster hunter games. They look fun as fuck any recomendations I'm willing to buy a new 3ds just to play these games
You have to realise that the biggest monster you can ever face doesn't live in the ancestral steppe but rather inside of yourself.
Are you me op?? I just got this and a 2ds and I want to like it so bad but fuck the controls are killing me.
You are the monster, user.
you may want to even look into emulating some of the older ones, as the series prior to fourth generation hasn't changed to much. you'll also save money if you end up not liking them
You must realize they aren't really monsters but graphical representations of programmatic code that are designed to execute certain patterns based on a given set of variables corresponding to a situation represented in the game's virtual environment.
You think that's rations you're eating?
you're ruining my immersion!
Immersion is for blacklisted shitters. The only thing that matters is hunt times.
MH4U is the best monster hunter game on the market right now and will probably play most similarly to MH:World when that comes out. It still has people playing it despite being older because MH:Gen is hot garbage for casuals so people are going back to it. MH4U is pretty casual too but world will be equally casual so its fine.
Very insightful, user
>Pressing Y after swinging
Do you by chance only ose GS?
Otherwise you might be retarded and I'm not even exaggerating.
How the fuck do I pick which weapon or armor upgrades to make? What should I be looking for? Also, as a Greatsword/Longsword user, is every resource useful? Should I be picking up and keeping everything I find? What do the nectars do? What about fish or bugs? This game is kind of overwhelming, but I'm enjoying it so far.
pick whatever look cool, it really doesn't matter too much for low rank. Every resource is useful in case you want to try new weapons, especially when you learn how boring greatsword is. Nectars are for insect glaive users. fish and bugs are useful for general crafting/upgrades.
>Non-buggy gameplay = casual
You FUfags need to stop, it's getting unhealthy at this point. You'll end up surpassing Meleefags in turns of analpain, and that's not a stigma you want.
*blocks your view*
What am I supposed to be doing? Just do the caravan quests until I do them all, then start doing the gathering hall quests? I don't have friends to play it with, so can I even viably do them?
>move that lets you super evade out of any frame for any animation that recharges after hitting the monster 3 times
>unbalanced styles leading to broken weapon/style combos
also no g-rank and 30fps, how do people defend this shit. And personally I think gen 3 is better than 2 having played both
MH4U has G-Rank beyond G-Rank and also 60fps.
Caravan is single player only, gathering hall is for multiplayer. You can find random people online to party with so its fine if you dont know anyone with the game. I would recommend doing all of the caravan quests and finishing the story so that you get comfortable with the game and actually learn things, going into gathering hall too early can lead to accidentally being carried and being at a way higher level than you should be.
I was talking about gen. 4u is fine besides chargeblade/glaive being too strong. I don't like mounting but it doesn't win you hunts by itself.
Just copped a N3DS, what's the best entry on the system if I wanna play it with a friend?
*blocks your might seed lv3 strong charge*
Pick up everything you find. Every. Fucking. Thing. At the very least, don't throw anything away. MH is actually a hoarding simulator in disguise. They're all useful for something, eventually. Even stuff like fish and bugs are used in crafting certain weapons and armor.
Especially because you're a new player, you're highly encouraged to try out every type of weapon to find one that "clicks" for you. Greatsword is great for starting out, because it forces you to commit to attacks and learn the basic patterns for every category of monster (bipedal wyverns tend to turn 90 - 180 degrees after every major attack, and tailswipes tend to come in twos at a time...etc).
There's a lot to learn, but instead of trying to master everything at once, play at your own pace, and just look shit up when you get curious or run into a wall.
The general rule regarding weapons is that multi-hit weapons with long combo strings are better suited for status effects like poison, sleep, and paralysis (usually that's SnS, bowguns, and DBs). For literally everything else, raw damage and decent sharpness trumps all.
For armor, there will be people telling you that certain ones are useless because they don't give you good skills. Don't listen to them. Just pick the ones that look coolest to you. There's very little instance where armor skills make or break hunts, at best they just make things a bit more convenient or easier. The tradeoff of looking like a clown is definitely not worth. Hunting with cool gear and being proud of the fact that you earned the shit out of it is what the game is truly about.
>move that lets you super evade out of any frame for any animation
>that recharges after hitting the monster 3 times
also false
>unbalanced styles leading to broken weapon/style combos
strong maybe, but not broken
How do i deal with goldian doing the fly behind you with immediate tail flip? I just don't get it. I even roll the moment she gets behind me, but you just don't cover enough distance to avoid it. Superman dives are a gamble because she might do a delayed one. Is there a direction i should face or run?
Alright, thanks for the advice, that's really helpful.
Keep an eye on her head, its the first part to stop moving and display which direction her tail will go
You cheese it with traps and flash bombs, or go online and get 3 other fuckers to gangbang its tender wyvern womb with you.
>Climb to G Rank
Almost there...
how are them super Deviants going fellow crownlets?
>all that time and still not g rank
First Monster Hunter game
Lots of farming
Try every single weapon to see which one suits you best.
>be on top of a cliff
>monster spot me
>runs at me
>jump and prepare to strtike
>pushes me and can't even hit it
I really hope you're not grinding for low percent drops in high rank
ironically rare drops aren't much of an issue in 4U. It are the common drops from high and low Everwood exclusives that are a pain. Fuck everything about Ruby Basarios wings dropping like one at a time
>First quest
>Have to kill dinosaur
>Innocent dinosaur with a family
>Has a baby
>Slaughters the mom and dad right in front of the child
>Cuts open their belly for meat
I felt bad
M-Maybe a little
And you should, you should have killed the baby to end it's suffering/get that bird wyvern claw for a single pierce bullet
Who else loves the swaxe? It was the first weapon I used in tri and fell in love with it. I havent played gen but is it true you can basically use blade mode endlessly?
Brave Switch Axe in XX and Heaven Style SA are my jam, not so much everything else. I've been trying to get into Extreme style SA but is feel like a complete step down from Heaven Style which was actually SWITCH Axe. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong since I don't really have anyone to play with
Handler is cute, CUTE!
any R34 yet?
>Wield a big ass sword twice the size of my body
>Huge ass monster that is 2000+ meters long
>Perform a massive jumping attack right at its ugly mug
>Invisible forcefield around the monster makes me shift a single Planck length to the left
>Completely whiff the hit
Why am I addicted to this shit game
just play FU on ppsspp, it's the best and definitive MH experience. everything else that comes after is garbage
I miss comfy threads like this. When did all go wrong?
Console war shit prior to E3