This edgy weeb bait *teleports behind you* heh nothing personal kid, shit is on sale for $30 on Amazon. Is it worth it or should I wait until it's sub $20?
This edgy weeb bait *teleports behind you* heh nothing personal kid, shit is on sale for $30 on Amazon...
Maybe get a fucking job, you pleb
Wait until $20. Gameplay is decent but not THAT good, story is worthless, and Diablo loot systems are terrible.
I have a job. Having a job doesn't make money worth less.
It literally does. When theres more money its worth less. That goes for individuals as well as the economy
>Thinking $30 magically becomes less just because he has a job
Trumpistan is in full force I see
Yes. It's a fantastic game.
Got it for 50,- a few months ago..Its the only PS4 game I tried to get all throphies.
I'd its worth it.
Dark souls clone, fuck off.
>hasn't even played it
>Tries to shit about it.
Why did you start your thread like that user
>people still fuck up the nothin personel kid thing
In comparison to the rest he has, it does.
>Liberals unable to understand simple math
He, we have the same taste in armors.
It wont be sub $20 I think, I paid $60 and I got my moneys worth for sure, over 90 hours and I still have a full area left and havent even touched the dlc. Get it, it's a great game user
Don't bother. It's fun for a few hours. But once the combat wears off and you realise everything else is boring shit then you'll drop it.
pc when?
>get a fucking job
libtard logic gets worse every day. dont you have a mattress to carry around campus?
just play WotS 3 or 4
Remind me again what any of this has to do with Nioh
This, unfortunately.
I had more fun with the 3 trials than with the main game.
>tfw trial threads were the best and will never come back
>point out the stupidity in a post
>say the word libtard
>must be pol!
video games are political, get over it
>Victim complex tells him its because he say libtard
>Not because he is trying to derail the thread with economics.
Its only political when you are brainwashed to see everything as american politics
This, or even $15. It was textbook "meh".
I bought it for 60 bucks and got over 300 hours out of it. However, a common complaint is the lack of enemy variety, and you'll be doing alot of the same missions. It sorta depends if it's worth it or not.
Took what Bloodborne tried to do with the Souls-Like genre and and improved on the combat in every single regard. Everything varies between acceptable and not so good but they were working on a budget so what can you expect.
Dont go into it looking for a good cinematic story either. The Devs assumed by default you are versed in japanese history so they never really bother to explain who a character is or what they are about unless you open up the codex thingy and take a look around
That's one gay straw man image you got there libtard
>edgy weeb bait
Don't buy it if you don't like it.
You'll play it for 10 hours and drop it. It fucking sucks. It has the progression and mission structure of a f2p mobile game and is the most anti-immersion game I've played in recent memory. Fucking awful game that happens to have the gimmick of good core combat but is literally a 0/10 in all other aspects.
this is literally a Sup Forumsack false flagging
>Anytime Sup Forums gets caught out being cancer the defense force just insists its false flaggers
Sure man, Sup Forums is just a good ol boy who would never do anything bad and shit up an entire website
Stop using a /10 rating scale if the only two ratings you are willing to give are amazing/shit.
i guess it's no longer on sale. I just checked on amazon.
no you dumb faggot, I'm saying some Sup Forumsack is posting a bunch of these anti-Sup Forums memes for no reason I know because I do it all the time, you dumb liberal
Money doesn't lose it's value based on how much you have. $30 is still $30 weather you have $100 or $100 million in the bank.
The issue here is that you are looking from the perspective of society as a whole not from the individual. Rich people will literally throw small bills out of their wallet onto the ground because they dont want that shit.
"Weather" holy fuck no wonder you can't comprehend his simple and reasonable argument.
not an argument :)
Money has less value in society when there's more of it as well, so he's wrong either way.
Also Umbracite means you don't have to pray for lucky rolls on your gear. Most of the RNG shit has been wiped out since release and thank god.
>Stupid enough to choose weather where it should be whether
> I now see how you could also be stupid enough to make another mistake
After watching over 30 hours of Stefan Molyneux I can confirm that this is indeed an argument.
>You see, Poor People. If we let you have money then the value of money will go down meaning our- er, I mean EVERYONES money will be worth less. Obviously you not having money is the best for society as a whole. Don't worry. it will trickle down!
God I hate rich people
Still not an argument :)