Which were the most fun runs this SGDQ?

Which were the most fun runs this SGDQ?

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Where are the memes?

heheh, the best run for me was when i GOT the runs and spent 3 hours blasting ass and was occupied with that rather than watching this retard rally. was probably less shitty too

>user asks a simple question
>retards imediatelly come in to shit stuff up
good grief. bumping because I missed it as well and don't want to sort through all the other shit on youtube

Panga world and alttp

I'm happy you are still able to shitpost user, three hours of shitting gut fluid doesn't sound very healthy.

I sure as hell ain't. we got enough shitposting as is

Rise of the triad

KH2FM + lvl1 data fights/sephiroth/terra

Ninja Gaiden Master System



Any particularly embarrassing moments this year?


doctors without brothers never forget

Double tranny kiss of death

metroid "race"
jedi knight outcast 2

I thought Rabi Ribi was probably the best run. I was really surprised that it actually made it into a GDQ event considering its artstyle but it had great commentary and some crazy gameplay.

Nothing noteworthy happened this year besides some ugly tranny getting a emote banned from chat by a mod only for said mod to get fired by Twitch. Same ugly tranny ran BotW and sucked balls at it. It's so safe that it's boring now.

The one where I ended my life and got relieved from all the suffering

save this for future use

I was hyped for HGSS run
>Fuck ups
>Changing games
>Fucking save states
>Didn't even beat Red

What the fuck?

The BotW runner was different from the one who wanted the emotes banned. No fake news please.

>FF7 "speedrun"
It was long but fuck you I loved it.

wheres the sgdq 2017 cringe compilation

>read "sephiroth" and thought he was referring to that shitty ff7 run

this one literally wanted all chat disabled

what are you getting at defending that thing?

You get what you deserve shoving your agenda down people's throats wherever you tread.

dark souls
jedi knight 2 outcast
ninja gaiden
panga world
ape escape

there's definitely more but those are the ones at the top of my head

TES oblivion
loz alttp
loz la
jedi outcast

tes oblivion was by far the most entertaining one

and also I am bread

not because it was a good run but it was hilariousto watch

KH2 = god tier
I Am Bread
Majoras Mask

No one talks about 'ResEvil CVX or Silent hill 2. How were they?


Autism is a fucking sin.

>>No one talks about 'ResEvil CVX or Silent hill 2. How were they?
I might be biased because I didn't play them but they were pretty meh

If I had to pick one SH2 would be the better run because of the commentary, I think RE had pretty bland commentary otherwise I would have remembered it better

actually it's a disease. jesus loved and cared for the sick.

Ninja Gaiden on sega
Dark Souls

>mfw Darks Souls run was online on steam

>You've been invited
>to join steam group
>Adam Sandler's Giant Monster C...

>Trans Killer is online

>You've been invited
>to join steam group

There is no way they aren't banned.

I liked Divinity OS run.

For me, either Banjo Kazooie or FFVII
Also, you guys remember the guy who ran Ninja Gaiden on the Genesis?
guess what :^)

you're friends with soothingplumtea? holy shit

Heartgold had decent enough commentary to save it from disaster

Thanks for the suggestions guys

You had sex with him in his hotel room?

I keep hearing that but have yet to see proof. He'd honestly be better gay than a tranny tbqh. He's got a handsome face.

Someone post the tranny pastebin.

Can I get a link to said dark souls speedrun?

The time the notifications pop up is around 19:50



You're talking about a specific emote which Proto was the one talking about it being "transphobic" leading to it being banned.

Not the same person, you aren't right.

Did they actually leave that in the youtube upload and not try to cover it up at all?

Well it is kinda hard to see because of the resolution. But yeah.

I don't think they even care. Not the first time it happened.

holy shit
those notification names were fucking amazing
good on him for slipping those in


THPS 2 & 4
The Maitre d
Titan Fall 2
Dark Souls III
Mirrors Edge
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

>The Maitre d

I watched the FFVII run yesterday.
It was honestly pretty good besides "lol 8 hours speedrun". Good commentary and they went through the whole game with almost no big skips.

Jedi Outcast pfhahahahahaha

How was ALTTP?
Someone told me that it was almost as good as Jak and Daxter last year.

Very good.

its amusing run but goddamn this guys pfhaha sounds so fucking forced and false

Wonderful from start to finish. Killa on announcer work did a great job and showed more synergy with the runner and couch than any other announcer.
Runner himself was clear, did his tech 95% right, many jokes were cracked and it was loads of fun.

>The potato puns

Why do people keep overrating that Jedi outcast run. Was boring as fuck

No matter what, there's going to be someone who doesn't like a thing
Ain't nothing wrong with not liking that run at all, but you're in a legitimately small minority, I'm sorry you couldn't enjoy it

It was boring, what did you enjoy about it?

How do they not? They're basically walking political statements.

I honestly didnt get the 1st one, watching it atm. I'm retarded arent I?

Dumb Akkoposter

This year, was my first fucking year experiencing this GDQ shit.

>Transexuals everywhere.
>Cringeworthy fucking talk.
>Interview going well, then suddenly. "Gentlemen I have one question? Pyuo?"
They dead pan stared at this fucking retard, this is a 30 year old lookin man woman acting like a teenager.

>Guy speed running saying its glitch less.
>Fat fuck on the sofa being passive aggressive about glitches instead of manning up.

>Shitting on a new guy during Super Metroid run.
>Both the old fags die in 2 minutes.

>Look at us, we are trans.
>Lets zoom in on this guys acne during loot shit.
>Here, win a $4000 watch with a really shitty engraving on the back!
>Lets play FF7 for 8 hours.
>Lets play Majora's Mask for 8 hours.
>Lets speed run long fucking boring games!

I thought I was gonna see some shit on par with the fucking A press guy, but holy fuck I can do this shit, infact, have.

Nice photoshop Dykeana

the tranny and those cuck runs were objectively the most shitty boring ones there were. especially that two sons one

jesust fuck the ending just end this guy already muh 2deep innuvushion

>new Super Metroid runner

either the speedrunner is in here promoting himself or theres 13 year olds because it was beyond bad it was cringe as fuck

Not new to it, but the con, if I remember, at the start they where giving him "or somebody else" complete shit for being new to this, and then he was the winner.

What's the difference between AGDQ and SGDQ

>You're just a commentator
>You're just a common tater

>everyone chokes
>game changed to "any% by Zoast"

I fucking loved that shit
They had to sit on the chairs of shame the rest of the fucking run and the middle guy kept trying to be cheeky and smiled whenever Zoast made micro-errors, you could tell he REALLY wanted him to fuck up especially in the Mother Brain fight but Zoast had that run on lockdown


thanks, now i get it


Anything that had Spike Vegeta on mic was GOAT

It sucks they banned him after he dropped those fbombs.

What exactly qualifies as a fun run? Taste is subjective, hell he can think that hgss was a fun run because of how shit it was, or perhaps he wants the "comfy" run.

Fuck off for defending such a shit and vague question.

Freedom Planet

This tranny did not put any effort into his looks. Why do these attention whoring trannies try to pass off as a woman but they don't try? It's like they throw on a wig and a little bit of make up and classify themselves as a woman. Fucking crossdressers I tell ya.

one of the dude's from jak couch is ltierally on the lttp couch. good fun and if you haven't seen a glitched LttP run before it's fucking crazy weird

I'd pay cash dollars to see any one of those trannies argue with RuPaul, Queen of Queens

fucking retard

last year zoast was the one who died in the race. he also literally holds multiple super metroid speedruns. they were banting with him about not dying this time and then he was the one to not die. stop trying to shill drama where there isn't any.

>he also literally holds multiple super metroid speedruns
*super metroid world records
wew it's late

Then tell me you fuck face who they was insulting so this all can be cleared the god damned up, they where insulting one of the runners THERE!

there's this thing called banter, you absolute retard.

No one. It's just banter. Phantoon is a big choke point for runs and everyone who plays the game understands that.

How do you know that mod got fired?

Reminder that ProtoMagicalDude has publically stated that crossdressing doesn't have a place in modern society and that GDQ's are just a way for him to promote himself. He really is a shit.

Motherfucking semantics holy shit, but hey, lets STILL not say who the fuck was bantering who at this point.

Piss ass's now I dont even give a shit about this garbage.

He wants to be the"trans" Spike Vegeta. During the while opening interview he was making "jokes" and no one was laughing, while Spike was actually being funny.
>Majora's Mask, mic drop.

Proto wants to be front and center, but he's just not funny.

I really hope GDQ takes a long look at Proto, all the other side aside trying to promote yourself over the actual event and acting like its not a big deal is gonna be bad for business in the long run.

Had a normal runner done the same thing the outrage would have been a lot worse.