What's the comfiest graphics engine and why is it GoldSrc?

what's the comfiest graphics engine and why is it GoldSrc?

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Playing HL1 right now, as a matter of fact.


amazing. i can hear the sounds in my mind.

>sven coop
>day of defeat
>the specialists
modding was so alive back then

It's got a good combination of old-style fast FPS movement with realistic environments. It's so fun to just leap about and do action movie jumps and shit.


It nice knowing that with enough work I can make a game that looks as good as the engine can handle.


Too pixelly

90s fps was a magical thing. I never get tired of SW graphics despite playing so many user maps.

>90s fps
>going to Funcoland and buying unlicensed Douk map packs on CDs

Young people are missing out on so much comfy

I love the Source engine despite how shitty it is. It just has a distinct look and feel to it that I've gotten so used to.

what game user


Is that from Opossing Force ?

>those low-bit snow crunch footsteps

I'd rather have these graphics than photorealistic. They just evoke comfiness to me.

not him but tekwars going by the name

I'm fucking ready.

>not source

ill agree with this, eye divine cybermancy is my cozy game

Any place comfier than the keepers guild?