God, finally.
source? cause i fucking hope so
What about our favorite currency?
>people still think 99% of the gpus bought for cycles are used for currency mining
nah, nah. there are better ways to make money and you won't know until they're done.
is 319€ for a GTX 1060 Windforce OC 6GB a good deal?
stock is fucking ridiculous
Oh shit, gonna get $60 worth of Ripple coin.
>/biz/ in shambles
this is funny
Fuck no. Just wait nigga.
>2300$ a piece
gee whiz
I just want to buy drugs so gotta have bitcoins.
Hell no nigga that shit cost hella. Wait for awhile it'll get lower bruh.
oh woah
It is when you work for a week to get one thousandth of it.
I hope now hiro will ban shitcoiners and we will be free to talk about actual finance instead of how to scam 15 years old.
so, no more 400 euros for rx 570? Thank fuck
>work for a week
are you even fucking try?
Lmao at all these people thinking they're going to make a decent income from scam currencies. The only people who made any significant wealth off of them are very early adopters and then the 'currency' remains forever in a volatile state.
Time to buy niggas
I will wait until august. No more
>Trump coin failed
>Potcoin failed
>Dogecoin failed
Vidyacoin when
having your computer running sure is tiresome work
No but that electricity that powers it sure does
It's funny because I heard that exact saying about 3 years ago and missed out on loadse bucks because of it
jokes on you
my parents pay for it
>All this coin chaos reminded me i have mined a few DOGE on release day
>Checked, i had about 20 bucks worth of it that i got in a single evening
>Couldn't sell because im retarded and dont know how.
It had a 15% drop today
Oh well, i can live without 20 bucks. Perhaps in 20 years it will be worth as much as bit coin is worth today. Never lose faith in meme magic.
can i mine something with a 2GB GPU ? (R7 260x)
Not really, mining this late is a big meme.
As things stand, you can get maybe a few cents in profit per day
Maybe some bones buried by a dog, if you hit the ground hard enough with the edge of the card.
At this point you wont even make more than the cost of the electricity to run your computer. You need to use special mining hardware, and even then you need to use an array of them in some third world shithole to turn any reasonable profit.
Oh no, Ethereum's only gonna grow 25x this year?
>Economic bubbles pop
And the sky is blue
>haha I'm rich, I have thousands of dollars in the newest flavour of the month virtual currency
>oh it's just a matter of time until shops and banks start accepting it so I can turn it into real money!
>aaaaany time now!
>Asianposter thinks it knows economics