How low does the price have to drop before its acceptable to buy this?
How low does the price have to drop before its acceptable to buy this?
Other urls found in this thread:
100% off.
then leave it in the backlog and never play it.
$20, no higher. And even then I'd argue against it.
$20 seems reasonable for this, even if it isn't great how bad can it be
Never buy it. If you want to play it, then pirate it. Don't give them money for releasing a shitty product.
The only good thing about this game was the incest porn of autistic Sarah
on sale for 25$ at the source(bit cheaper if you PM)
tempting but then i remember all the leaked shit and turned out how shit it looked....
holy fuck fix the captchas! took over 1 minute to fucking post, i always skip till i get one the doesnt have me constantly click images till it decides ok you did enough
When it gets on a humble bundle
Unless they pay you to play, it's never acceptable.
Post more autistic Sarah.
Don't buy it. Ever. Pirate if if you must play it, but not even that is worth it.
It's not fun broken, it's just broken.
piracy is fine. the best thing this game is capable of is existing as a mockery
My nigga
They should have to pay YOU to play it.
What is this?
Humble Bundle
Never. You can't even bang your sister.
Autistic Sarah Simulator 2017
>bowl of eggs
gets me everytime
>implying it's even worth the time it takes to play
Maybe I'm too much of a normalfag, but I still don't get the hard boiled eggs part. The rest I understand.
This. By buying this game, you're just encouraging them to make more shit like it. Don't support this stuff.
This so fucking hard, I got it when it was 30 dollars, big fucking mistake, refunded within a couple of hours of playing, it's just plain broken. HUGE framerate drops, cutscenes will freeze up the game, random ctd's, random graphical/sound glitches, like I was hoping to at least go in there to laugh at bad animations/story, but I didn't even get a fun broken game, it was simply a broken UNPLAYABLE game.
I've played indie games with better performance, holy shit.
How were sales?
>sorted skittles
post the blowjob one or leave.
I second this motion.
>tfw never saved autistic Sarah pics
Depends, how much money are you willing to just piss away?
>love autistic Sarah
>don't want to support shitty developer by paying for their games
I'm too straight edge for this shit.
They would have to pay you to make it worth your time.
idk, but if it was more than 0, it was too much.
Sorry for the frog but it kinda fits the mood of Sarah
Wy not just pirate it if you're worried about giving sales to sjws ?
i already bought it when it was new
hated the hell out of it
but really? i paid for it once, why should i pay again?
i mean, the ARTISTS, CODERS and QA GUYS aren't getting paid TWICE for my buy, so why should i pay again for the game?
no, seriously, im fucking serious here
>A whole folder of Andromeda memes
>The game died so fucking fast I can feel them collecting dust on my SSD
Even as a center piece of mockery it's a disappointment. At-least i could shit about Mass Effect 3 for a year or so before people got bored.
I'll take it! Thanks.
$15. $35 in total for the inevitable DLC assuming it has a multiplayer aspect to it. Multiplayer naturally being the only reason you should be interested. Is the multiplayer even decent this time around?
>dat Sonichu
At least online pass isn't a thing anymore, right?
>inflated dobson in the background
I honestly can't even bring myself to download a cracked version. It just seems so soulless and clumsy, from what I've seen.
The combat is a little fun, but it gets super repetitive because troops drop on the map in endless waves. Eventually you'll drive past combat on the map because you can't be bothered to fight a pointless fight. When combat is the strongest point in the game, and they manage to make THAT not worth the effort, it's a bad sign.
The writing is insultingly bad. I'm not gonna argue whether or not Mass Effect ever had good writing, but ME1 looks like it was written by fucking Virgil compared to the fetid shit-tier writing in MEA. A lot of it comes across as equivalent to a high school creative writing class project. There was more than one point in the game where I had to actually exit the game because the writing was so stupid that I actually thought the writers thought the players were retarded, and I felt personally insulted.
Most of all, it's just straight up fucking boring. The story is dreadfully dull when it's not inanely fucking stupid, the characters are written by either autists or teenage interns who have never had legitimate jobs or responsibility before, the plot makes no sense, and it shits on the lore enough so that you can't even fall back on nostalgia. The end result is that you'll spend most of your time with your eyes glazed over thinking "why am I still playing this."
I paid $70 for this game. Heed my warning.
Mass Effect is dead to me.
>You will never have an autistic sister you can jerk off over
I want to see porn of retarded Sarah
Less than $20 and used so they don't see a single penny.
How come there's not sfm porn of this? When ME3 came out SFM was thriving and now nothing
The good news is that it's dead to EA too.
it better be cheaper than free
Honestly it's probably for the best, imagine how awkward Thanksgiving would be.
The number of Sup Forums autism items in the background is actually quite impressive. When this was first made it was broken down.
>implying Mass Effect didn't die at 2
I like Origin because it's useful for quarantining modern bioware shit. If I saw modern Dragon Age or Mass Effects for sale for $5 on Steam Sale I might accidentally give them money.
I bought mirrors edge 2 for €8
max €10 for andromeda
somewhere around the point that they are paying me to play it.
This, who the fuck wanted gears of war in space? The game had a total of like 4 fucking weapons LOL.
Thank you for posting, user.
I didn't specify the point where it started being dead to me, but you are half-correct.
Someone else will post it, but essentially someone on either /r9k/ or here or something saw some tramp doing the walk of shame and imagined a scenario in which he'd take her home, let her sleep in his bed and when she woke up say something like "you don't have to explain, but you do have to eat this"
He clearly meant it in some kind of bullshit hollywood way but it came off as unsurprisingly hilariously insane.
turns out most people don't want to fuck retards
You should never pay money for that game unless that money does not go to the developers.
>These people meme about autist Sara
>They didn't make their own custom Sara that's not maximum double autist
My dude
user, how did you not know it was going to be bad? Did you seriously think it was going to be good?
This? Thanks. It's so old I didn't even make the connection. I just thought autists just like eggs or something. But since it was /r9k/, I guess it still is.
Even if it was free, it wouldn't be worth your time.
>Autists like eggs
Somebody has been visiting /fit/
Why does autistic sara appeals so much to me, gets me so hard ?
I was hoping it was gonna be a Doom situation where the release was much better than expected.
Unironically the greatest character Bioware has ever created.
You have autism and/or a thing for a relative, probably inappropriately young, as well.
I would buy it for 5 dollars. Same way shadow or mordor went for 3 during the sale. Not a penny more.
There would always be that danger though that she would blurt out something you did with her in front of other people as if it was casual conversation.
Because you want to protect that autistic smile.
You see yourself in her
Power play. She's retarded and easy to take advantage of and it serves to make you feel better about yourself at the same time because at least you're not in her position.
Even as a free download it's still wasted bandwidth and a waste of 60GB on your hard drive.
What's your opinion on this video
I would lick the peanut off her butter.
>We're using this PB first, obviously I have several
oh lord what is this
They'd have to pay me to play that heap of garbage.
Oh, hell fucking no. Not on this shit.
Her dialogue really makes the video. Everything about this video seems so absurd.
>the chunky one is the good kind and I want to eat that one
0/10, fucking dropped.
What makes her autistic? Her monotone manner of speech? I still don't know what makes something autistic
>He doesn't like chunky
You're not autistic, you're just straight up SUBHUMAN
20$ I think, that ea would pay you to play it.
Don't buy it.
I was stupid enough to get this at full price when it came out. I thought it wouldn't be that bad and figured Sup Forums was exaggerating, but believe me, it's that fucking bad. And it only got worse after release, because the dev team deviced that fixing actual technical problems wasn't as important as pandering to a small but loud minority. That their top priority in the very first patch was fixing the dialogue for the transgender character in their broken, buggy, barely functional mess of a game ought to speak volumes. I'm fucking done with Mass Effect. They killed it.
Only after they made a CDP-style Enhanced Edition basically overhauling everything from the tone of the game to the dialogue choices, quests and stories, to the characters and character designs i would consider dropping 20 bucks on this game. Every single aspect of the game is fundamentally and irredeemably flawed to the point that only a deep overhaul of them all would make this game anything resembling a good game.
Which came first...?
Actually, that's really disgusting. But, does she have other videos though ? ha ha just joking ha ha
I pirated it and felt ripped off.
Cool ranch.