Make a F1 racing simulator

>make a F1 racing simulator
>make the pilots half women half men
>people that rightfully criticized this got ignored by Sports Interactive
>nu-males of course love it

So this is the power.....of western gaming....damn

Other urls found in this thread:ía_de_Villota

Not into racing, but why is it unrealistic that there are female drivers?

F1 historically had only five female drivers and outside of one they were all terrible and were employed only because they were paying their own wage,other racing categories like Indy or Formula 2 and 3 are pretty much the same with women drivers being extremely rare.

Why do you care if it's just a video game?

>its only a game bro
>its only a hobby bro
>its only a law bro
>its only a vote bro

This is why the west is dying

what a sexist hobby

It's supposed to be a simulation, it's OK, I just won't buy it

Reminds me the "women are just as good as men at video games" argument, sucks that they are throwing accuracy out of the window for representation (which ironically only makes women look weaker)

But you see they don't have the official licenses of F1 so its fine :)

It's not really. Motorsport is one of those things where how far you go is like half talent half money. There are female drivers in the classes or racing that don't require shitloads of money, both amateur and professional and the numbers are basically just going up organically everywhere that it's reasonable that they do.

Also it's not like this is an actual F1 licensed product where arguments like make any sense. It's got three tiers of imaginary series with imaginary drivers and imaginary teams. There's also nothing stopping you in game from firing all your female staff and hiring men if it really bothers you to see a female name in your game.

The real problem with Motorsport Manager is that it doesn't give you enough information or data in the actual race simulation to get properly autistic about it. Why is fuel in laps instead of kilograms and why doesn't it show you fuel rates and why is the timing screen in the fucking pause menu and why doesn't it tell you the pit delta and urgh this game just makes me mad.

>There's also nothing stopping you in game from firing all your female staff and hiring men if it really bothers you to see a female name in your game.

They are still employed on other teams,its not impossible to see the pseudo F1 league being 80% female and you can't even mod them out.

>>its only a law bro
well yeah, girls are allowed to race by law
they're shit tho lmao

To be honest that sounds more like your problem than the game's.

I obviously meant other laws but i agree that women are godawful drivers

>completely unrealistic shit on a somewhat realistic game
>its just your problem

Imagine if Pro Evolution Soccer (back in its fake names days) had 50% female soccer players in the clubs,nobody would have bought it,this is just political propaganda.

F1 is so hard on your body that even fit males have trouble enduring all that G-forces.

A woman would pass out after 5 laps. This is a fact and this is why there are no female F1 drivers.

>reddit spacing
wew lad

Wow, who cares? Holy shit.

Well considering that the last F1 female driver was racing 30 (?) years ago it might be true

reported for hate speech, you chavinistic bigot!

post more sophias

>extreme free speech

Are they even real

>far right archiving websites
you better believe it

So just because F1 is sexist the game has to be too?

>gamer logic

t.roastie that will never EVER be able to drive a car well

Does it really matter? Shouldn't you be focused more on the actual driving than the nonexistant genitals of you player character. You fags are just as bad as the SJWs two sides of the same retarded coin.

Tell me about your Formula 1 career, user.

We had Punished de Villota, but she ded years ago :(ía_de_Villota

>game based on F1
>don't make it like F1
Woman logic, of course, nonsensical as always.

I was a test pilot for Minardi during the 90s

Try reading the OP which is very short. See if you can spot the answer!

>should we compromise the simulation accuracy of F1
>or should we make our own Gender Neutral Beep Beep Equality Go Fast game?
>well we know full well the latter wouldn't actually sell, and they would still complain about the former being untainted, so might as well just take the slow death over the fast one

that's because cars are sexist

Because F1 is a boys' club so how are you going to tell a bunch of old men to sponsor a woman when they unironically think they steer the cars through the power of their dick?


>Violence in video games doesn't cause violence in real life
>Females in video games cause everything

Why does it even matter? Have you played the game? I'm more concerned with the game being a lackluster simulation rather than the over abundance of vaginas. It's not even F1, it's a generic open wheel racing championship.

just wait until a law is passed where no F1 races can happen without equal representation of all 72 genders

should only take another 20-30 years

Don't call Barneyfag into my thread you piece of shit

there are plenty of women in f1

You summoned lee goldson

There are female test drivers driving the same cars though.

give them a mile...

The wives of the drivers?

looks like she's more ready to go to a club than a workplace.

Not in this timeline, it wont. The social pendulum is real.


Test drivers are test drivers for a reason,as in most of them will never drive in a real race because they are not up to the standards.

>caring this much about genders in a driving game where you're never going to see the driver

You do,you also read their names.

>ree he hit the return key twice






Autistic virgins are afraid of women and black people and since they can count the number of interactions they've had with them on one hand they're afraid to interact with them even in games.

>getting this triggered about a simple skin
>reminder you will never this paranoid/triggered
feels good
>its only a vote bro
lol , USA election were doomed since the start

she's fast and cute, not enough

This image is actually a hoax.

Imagine being this much of a defeatist beta

OP is a faggot, women have negative value to him.

Right because ass-end of the F1 grid is really there on merit.

Women should have kids and stay at home,not run at Le Mans or partecipate in any other sport since they get BTFO everytime.

In these days its probably on merit,back in the 80/90s there were a lot of trash drivers and that's also when most women drivers appeared,the kind of drivers that wouldn't even qualify for the race.

>women's only use is to produce cute bois
Typical Sup Forumsirgin

>who cares about bikini thong armor being unrealistic? it's just a video game, it's not real.
>how dare they put women in a racing video games? that's not realistic at all!!!

So, video games being unrealistic is only a valid argument when they include something you like?

>make a F1 racing simulator
>remove aspect of simulation
>be confused when people get angry


What aspect of simulation did they remove?

paddock waifus

The part where you have to suck up to psychotic old men who hate you but love your money and work their asses off to make the sport giant media circus.

Stuff like this also makes modding real teams and drivers useless since the regens are still fucked up and women pop up everytime instead of never like it should happen.

F1 isn't your nascar you disguting burger you have to actually know how to drive to simply finnish a simple lap
imagine doing this at 300Km/h with dozen of pilots around you

Shit like this is why nobody takes gamers or their complaints seriously. You're embarrassing yourselves.

Nigger if you don't have a license they send the mafia to break your kneecaps.

>Shittalking NASCAR and pretending F1 is better.

The immersion of being in a race with actual people maybe
I love overtaking Sebastiana Vettel.
Ferndanda Alonso is my favorite driving girl

Calling yourself a gamer is a nice way of calling yourself a tool

Somebody already made a F1 mod also


I guess I should've have said "video game player". Is that better for you?

Jokes aside they literally genderswapped many drivers like Raikkonen,its fucking ridiculous.

Nice. I assume its just names and logos right? Also

>Still shittalking NASCAR

Or maybe i just want to play a normal videogame and not a interactive propaganda tool? There is a limit to everything you know.

Also liveries

It is a normal video game, you're getting triggered by female names appearing.

>maybe I want to play an advertisement instead of ""propaganda""

>because i don't get triggered
the STATE of T_pol :^)

The only good female driver out there is Simona and she is still average-bad to male drivers.

The young girl drivers in lower categories will amount to nothing because they are not very good overall, you have to shine to even get to Formula 1, for every "good" girl driver there are dozens of great drivers and those won't make it either because you need money and talent.

Except if you are Jolyton Palmer.


You got triggered by this thread

Even if the game was a full-on simulation, I don't get what there is to argue about. To me, adding female characters into the game is just giving the player more options. You really have to try in order to somehow get mad at this.

But why

>To me, adding female characters into the game is just giving the player more option

By removing the option of only having male drivers or at least set how many drivers should be female or male? All that mental gymnastics for nothing.

It was a fun addition.

Kill yourself Barneyfag

Apparently she's a huge Sonic fan and she really wanted it.

You are extremely late

>vice taking a stand against racism
Do they still have that article about transatlantic slavery not being all that bad

>A woman would pass out after 5 laps
Only if the G-force is constant.

Do they have Louise Hamilton

>nobody would have bought it
Nobody was buying PES anyway

I'm sure that PES sold more than Fifa at a certain point,even before PES ISS was selling quite well.

can't argue with dat

Sure thing Mohammed

Better than not at all

Humans in general are godawful drivers. Can't wait until self-driving cars are the norm.

Kill yourself Barneyfag