Discussing FFXII

>Discussing FFXII
>Thread suddenly gets archived out of nowhere

The fuck?

FFXII thread.

Will you be doing any sort of challenge runs?

Other urls found in this thread:


I would play this game if it was on the Switch

The whole board got autism'd.

Don't get too comfortable. If he's decided Sup Forums is worth attacking now, he's going to do another wave in probably an hour or so.

I'll have to wait for the PC version. That's not exactly an "if" situation given recent history.

>mods so fucking stupid they auto sage all final fantasy threads

just stop shilling it was a sign

This is the only non multiplayer game I've ever bought digitally. I NEED IT. Best FF.

They rebalanced Zodiac Age to be easier. It's fucking shit.

I have no idea who I'm going to give each job to.

So this is literally the only FFXII I can't play on Steam huh

what the fuck

I grabbed X/X-2 for $15, it's alright I guess. Not really interested in the Polynesian vibes.

someone tell me whats happening, threads are deleted before I can ask

man i really i can get on with battle system but i could not

So who here played IZJS? Which were the best jobs? Which jobs to avoid?

Nigga, relax. It'll obviously be coming to steam. Japs are just scared that everybody will pirate it if they don't release it on consoles first for a month or two.
You'll have to wait a bit longer but there's 0 doubt that it's coming to PC.

Do classes actually matter in the zodiac version? I remember choosing classes for everybody but it didn't feel like it made a difference at all

Fucking mongoloid they actually made it harder. You should kill yourself user.

>Meltyfate thread
>Archived almost immediately

is IZJS gameplay forced in the remaster or is there an option to pick the original license boards/vanilla gameplay?

I am so fucking tried of seeing responses where people are asking for games to be ported to the switch. Do not make it everyone else's problem that you bought a piece of shit console.

Either play your Nintendo games and be happy, or jump ship to a real console or get a PC


Wait the OP is an anime furry?

It doesn't matter now that you can pick 2 classes. Just do whtatever the fuck you want.

Not really.


Almost want to buy a ps4 just for this

I play it on my ps2 every couple years, such a good game

Stop supporting sony fucking over videogames by buying exclusive time for remasters and other third party games.
You are the cancer.

I assume you're talking about the changes made back in IZJS, which are not what I'm talking about.

>Will you be doing any sort of challenge runs?
Considering that I never finished XII or Zodiac version, I'll be just playing normally. Do as much as I feel like, play blind and follow my heart.

I'm kinda wondering what I'd do with the jobs. When I played Zodiac edition, I went with what suited to character, ether by their weapon of choice or by their first impression. Though I think that this time I just go with what I feel like.

>a month or two

It's usually around a year.

The remaster is garbage, as expected. Thank you Square Enix for outsourcing your beloved games to mindless Chinese drones because you want to spend the absolute minimum possible.

>p-please don't talk bad about sonys business practices #4theplayers
kill yourself

>Will you be doing any sort of challenge runs?
nah I already emulated IZJS ages ago

might play zodiac in 4-5 years when I feel like revisiting the story.

I'm going to do a run where I choose jobs that suit the characters. Since now I can give people 2 jobs, this will make the run even easier. Next run will probably be a run where I choose jobs that suit the characters stats.

I have the steelbook version coming tomorrow, but a Switch version would be too good since it would be portable.

Nintendo fag upset no decent FFs on his hipster handheld. So sad.

XII hasn't been outsourced at all. X did. XII has been worked on solely by square themselves, you autistic cunt.

What did they actually do to make it easier then? I haven't heard anything about TZA changing the enemies or the balance, asides from being able to take a second Job which will obviously make things easier.

Kill yourself, sonybro. You would be crying for a vita port if that thing was still used by anyone but hikos meganeets.

user please, exclusivity is absolutely shit but if a company pays up for development it has the right to do whatever it pleases. That's the least of the problems videogames are going through.

not him but at this point new square enix is an outsourced company compared to the old one. this remaster does indeed suck.

I have a PS4 and PC. I just want it on the Switch.

>Play up to a point after invading the door-gimmick laboratory

>Tier 3 spells are expensive as hell
>Grinding cash is slow as hell
>Regularly get wiped by random monsters
>Last three hours of play time have been grinding loot so I can afford spells so I can deal any sort of damage whatsoever

I gave up.

The we hate Final Fantasy fad is over. Sup Forums is all about hating Monster Hunter now. Get with the times.

You either severely fucked up somewhere or you have no idea what you are doing.

>XII hasn't been outsourced at all

Final Fantasy everything has a general on /vg/, go there.


If you looked you'd know that they rebalanced the game and the enemies around the double job system. In a screenshot from a trailer, enemies that previously had 3k hp in izjs now have upwards of 15k.

Fuck off with this mentality.

I better see someone autistically making and posting FFXII webms when it releases tomorrow.

Nope. Just natural game progression. You literally get dragged here by the story.

>oh hey I like this game
>would be cool if others could play it
Why is it always sonyfags that can not enjoy videogames when people on other systems can play them?

12 emulates fine.

Bull shit. switch controller is garbage, and there isn't a reason to use it over PS4 or PC

You're just looking for any excuse to validate your purchase

And your whole party happens to be magic users who do no damage without tier 3 spells?

Second playthrough probably, something like full samurai or some shit like bare handed only

Do the stats REALLY matter when picking a job or can I just make any character whatever I want?

I doubt we'll see that. I made a bunch for the emulated game though.

He likely hasn't been doing any of the monster quests or not turning in loot for prizes.

>XII has been worked on solely by square themselves
Do the slightest amount of research before you open your retarded mouth


And yes, they are the same Chinese company that ruined FFX HD

>everyone makes it through the game fine
>you get stuck somewhere not even very far in
>"totally normal, this is natural"

Not really. You can pick the worst matchups possible and still breeze through. The game was never hard to begin with even back in the vanilla version with the exception of maybe one or two bosses.

Every job worked but machinist time mage and uhlan were the worst 3

>Steelbook coming tomorrow
>Gonna do a solo Ashe summoner playthrough

Can't wait bros. One of the most fun runs of any Final Fantasy game I've ever done was a solo Yuna run, because summons are always fun. Now that Espers can actually be controlled, this should be great.

Remaster removed Vaan's painted abs. 10/10 job, would buy again.

Honestly, it's probably mostly people false flagging. Whomever owns a ps4 usually owns a pc. And it's not about sony deserving anything, it's about sony paying for it. if a company helps with development it's only fair the company gets rewarded for it. Same with any other company, like nintendo for example, you don't see nintendo developed software going third party.

You can just do whatever you want. Of course if you minmax you be stronger but you can 100% the game with anything.

I gonna do a "No Quickening" to make me use the Espers more probably.

It was blatantly made to be ported to Steam, the thing is they are probably holding it back for a year so they can get some double dippers.

IIRC you should have Basch as a Archer since he is the best one due his high STR (Tied with Vaan, but unlike Vaan he has poor other stats) and shortly after he joins you can get a absurdly good bow that lets him carry until everyone else gets their cool shit, the dual job system basically means you won't need to be so rigid.

Theory crafting from some old threads seem to suggest that Machinist/White Mage will be the best combination for a Healer-Support since Guns are ctutch weapons and it nets your primary Healer Time Magic. and RedMageBlackMage for a Nuker (Some redundancy, but it gives Black Mage Elemental boosters.)

Honestly you should just go for what you wan characters to use rather then what is optimal stats, since differences aren't THAT big, nor are the "LONG ANIMATIONS".

Vaan: Best or second best at everything but Vt, which has he be third best due "Main Character" privilege.
Balthier: GOTTA GO FAST, Tied for lowest Magic with Basch.
Fran: Highest Vit, Shit everything else
Basch: Tied for Highest STR, Shit everything else, Lowest Vit due having rotted in a Prison.
Ashe: Best Magic, but not as bad as Basch & Fran in other stats.
Penelo: Ashe with slightly less Magic and Physical offense and more Vit instead.

>you don't see nintendo developed software going third party.
mario on mobile

No. As has been stated the game isn't hard enough for that kind of stuff to even matter. Although you can end up wasting a lot of stat growth depending on characters. Like Ashe for instance as a black mage gets maxed out magic stat fairly early in like the 40s. So anything more is just a waste and that's a lot of wasted levels. The girls are more magically inclined in stats and the males more towards strength growth. So if you were optimizing you would give all the caster roles to the males and the physical to the girls. That way they would be getting better stat growth all around.


>The girls are more magically inclined in stats and the males more towards strength growth. So if you were optimizing you would give all the caster roles to the males and the physical to the girls. That way they would be getting better stat growth all around.
That's so fucking ass backwards and stupid.

They also added blur everywhere making it look like shit lol thanks guys

>gonna do a "No Quickening"
Do people really use them, iv'e played vanilla and izjs and holy shit they are completely useless in izjs

Wait what

Didn't this game come out 6 years ago. What's going on?

Can someone confirm that it's only the steelbox edition and the 200$ one that has the OG soundtrack as dlc.

Is magic still worthless compared to physical combo attacks

Mobile gaming is a whole different pile of steaming shit don't even get me started.

What are you even talking about? A company is rich so it should start giving away their products and undercutting profit? Valve is really rich, maybe they should start gifting everyone one game from their wish list one time a month, who the fuck do they think they are trying to get richer.


just stop posting.

No you have access to both reorchestrated ost and ps2 ost in game, the dlc is a HQ ps2 ost, think CD quality

Now that it's on better hardware, there's no spell queue. So when your magic finishes charging, it casts. No waiting 8 years for Scourge to finally go through because someone else is using up the available particle effects.

anyone else buying it but cant be bothered playing thru it for the 6+ time?

Okay but you still hit mag cap way too fast

Wonderful how you contribute absolutely nothing and can't even articulate a proper sentence for your point. Go ahead and give me another (you) so you can have the last word and feel good about it.

I emulate it at 1440p every year or so, so I'm not really prioritizing picking it up

>tfw getting to listen to based Balthier and Judges voice acting again

It's not the same game though

>more depth of field ruining cutscenes
>colors are messed up
>textures still PS2 tier
>nu-male font ruining the nice menus of the PS2 game
>PS4 exclusive for no reason

Yeah they really ramped up stat growth in this version. So you start seeing big returns a lot sooner and the license boards boost it even more and it gets ridiculous. I guess they were trying to reduce the grind? I'm not really sure as you didn't really have to grind unless you were doing the harder optional stuff. Maybe this is what they meant by making it easier. Might be able to do harder things at lower levels now because of the stat change. Although there already were low level runs so I don't see the point.

I remember oneshotting bosses in vanilla with quickenings.

Yes it is.

IZJS is emulable in English and this game is 99.5% the same as IZJS.

Someone bombed Sup Forums with a ton of threads with pokeporn or something. Pushed a ton of threads off page 10.

No. Why the hell would you buy a game and not play it? That's just wasteful.

Yeah some boards are really loaded with battle/magick lore, something like samurai has 14 magick lores with katana scaling with magic, it's insane

supported releases

you really think companies care if a game is good?

if it dont make dollars than it dont make sense

It's tons better without the magic queueand with no damage limit anymore but it still fails against physical late game because of comboing. But really that shit only matters in long fights like Yiazmat. Anything else is getting decimated too fast to make note of it.

A lot of people talk shit about the X remaster, can someon tell me why? I loved the original, and was planning to buy it when i go pick up XII tomorrow as well

>nu-male font
The memes are going to fucking far

No because you never needed magic at all you fucking retard. IZJS with the fast-forward button trivializes everything including the magic queue.

>an original ps2 exclusive
>paid for by sony
>ps4 exclusive for no reason

Relax user, it'll come to pc in like a year.

What else would you call it/ The font in the base game was perfect and they ruined it. Most FF remasters have done this.

It's the nu-males.

whats different about the steel book beside the fucking case?