Thank you for saving me Link

>Thank you for saving me Link.
>Now here is your prize.

No thanks

Are there any cheat codes?

Yes please

No thanks. You are not TP Zelda.

only if I can dress you up like a Gerudo woman.


no way fag


You're not Paya


>Well my champion, I think it's time to demonstrate how you sheath your sword..."
What did she mean by this?


>I thought you would've been.... bigger than that Link...
>Don't worry I think it's very cute!

she wants him to put his peepee in her nono place

How big is your penis?

>tfw jacked off to so much weird shit that only cute vanilla things gets me off now

bigger than your entire body

That's a plump ass

What? No! You got my fish waifu killed. Fuck off.

You aint the milk maiden

>Lorule symbol on thong
I'd fuck a blonde Hilda.

>Implying I even killed Ganon
guy seemed pretty chill, meanwhile you were a nonsensical bitch
the ass was fat tho

only if there's a dick

Is it Zeruda time?

I think so.



Why was she hiding wood


But Link is getting interested in crossdressing

Wheres my crossdressed link x Zelda porn?

no way fag


I'd rather have Paya or a gerudo

>blue tunic model is not actually on the disc.
kill me

we've cum full circle brother

>ywn have a girl who would dress up like this for you
why even live

Sorry, all Link can think about now is looking pretty and cocks.

no way fag

Honestly I get much better faps from really softcore lewds than straight up porn. Like mostly /e/ and /s/ tier stuff or danbooru, sometimes stripteases, female masturbation or lesbian videos but I honestly can't remember when I would have last time fapped to heterosex. Probably why I haven't spiraled into weird fetish porn subcategories, I just don't fap I don't get turn on by mild stuff.

>tfw got fully romantically invested in Paya because I thought Zelda was dead
>mfw she shows up at the ending expecting my dick

Would you rub zelda's feet after she had a long hard day of protecting the kingdom?

No, because TP Zelda is actually the worst Zelda.



>footfags go out of their way to make feet look wrinkly and as unappealing as possible
I never get it. It's like someone saying they like boobs, by which they mean drawing all boobs like they were long flappy tubes that dangled to the ground.

Pls post Hilda instead. Blondes are awful.

No way fag

>If you save the world, we can do it in the asshole?

Most unexpected and probably best movie line ever


back to le reddit, normalfag

How about go fuck yourself nigger? I'm the only one contributing

If I could fuck my self I wouldn't need the Hilda pictures


>before BOTW I loved zelda
>after gerudo link I fell in love with gerudo link

I'm not even gay, I hate how normal link looks, but gerudo link is so feminine.





Memories are just video files?

>I'm not even gay,
I got some news for you, user.

>he likes the worst Zelda game
Fuck off, New Super Zelda Bros. apologist. BotW already came out, so you don't have to suck ALBW's dick anymore.


I really hate cancer.

Then why are you on Sup Forums?

Liking the characters doesn't mean I like the game.

Link's Awakening is the best one. Followed by OoA and OoS, Wind Wanker, Zelda II, and then MM

>Honestly I get much better faps from really softcore lewds than straight up porn
that's called warming up you queer, finish the job

How delusional do you need to be to not understand that having sex as a male with another person who happens to own a penis and no vagina makes you gay?

Yes traps are fucking gay, you're fucking gay, stop living in denial and come out of the closet you faggot

>Closet faggot uses doublethink to justify his deviancy

The fact that you even brought up traps not being gay suggests that you're insecure about it yourself.


Have an upboat, redditor.



Put Wind Waka behind everything else and then I'll agree with you.

YO how about haveing an actual argument and not barfing up buzzwords like some retard? A man who loves traps in not gay by any measure, for traps embody the true form of feminine beauty. A trap by definition is a boy who EVERYONE THINKS is a female I would go as far to say that you're gay if you DONT find traps attractive by definition because you are not attracted to something you think is a female.

explain why one might love and admire a statue of a woman, but we would never call such a person a "statue-lover", for it is the form of the female which is instantiated in the statue that this person admires; likewise with traps. For me to be gay i would have to have the nature of gayness, if gayness were to exist, and the nature of gayness is the love of a gender which is the same as yours but thats not what im attracted too.

In conclusion it is not gay to love traps, for one loves not the earthly body of a young man but a transcendent woman-beauty that is fundamentally female in nature.

Liking she males and futa is gay as fuck though im not arguing that. and if you cant refute my arguments dont bother replying to this post at all plebeian.

>his whole argument is a meme
Nice cool fantastic

Also a (you) for you




>All this word vomit for a single sentence

You're trying really hard to convince yourself, aren't you?

stop talking faggot i don't even know what you are "REEEEEEEEEing" about please die please please die soon please kill yourself

not in a million years

Small and deformed
At least it's not a micro-penis

Is this parodying Dungeon Meshi or something? It looks so familiar.

she didn't protect shit



I have no idea. I see Zelda, I post it.

No, for real. You're not funny.
Stop trying to make stupid posts to screencap for your shitty reddit friends.

None of these are arguments.

After you clown, wishing death on someone like that. What a pathetic little edgy internet warrior you are.



No ones trying to argue with your faggot reddit humor, buddy.

If you know its a fucking trap then you're gayer than catching AIDS kid, it's maybe different to think a trap is attractive BEFORE you know it has a cock. But when you find out the attraction should end unless you have a kink for that shit or have gay tendencies.

But if you love traps for the sake of traps then you are a tranny shemale loving gay homo fagfucker.

Imagine having this self-absorbed mindset.
Some grill risks life and limb for me. A selfless act but mayhap there would be an I owe you one. Tell her that her reward is that she gets to boink me.

Shut the fuck up or I'm deleting the thread.

Go ahead faggot I'll make a Hilda thread instead.

And all of you are invited

It's because Link sheaths and draws his sword from his back which is pretty much impossible to pull out effectively with a sword that length. Zelda wants to know his secret on how he does it.

Kass is a better waifu than Zelda


Nobody has ever invited me to anything before, thanks.

Thats not refuting any of my arguments though.

Im sure you're an expert on what constitutes "reddit humor", got real acquainted before they kicked you out I bet.