Why is no one driving cars in Fallout?

Why is no one driving cars in Fallout?

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Because you never played Fallout 2 and Tactics you underage shit.

Their technology was lost along with the ladder.

Because that would require bethesda to program cars.

In Fallout 2 there's a whole quest to fix up a car and you can drive it.

If you're referring to beth Fallout, it's because Bethesda are retards who still keep mountains of litter and junk around civilizations as if the bombs dropped fucking yesterday. If they can't clean up a single city over the course of 200 years, I'm sure that they can't fix a fucking car.

You mean human NPCs with car heads.



just play mad max

Cars were modded into New Vegas. The reason there are no cars in modern fallouts is because the maps are too small.

Uh uh very funny...
My sides are sentient they laugh with me right now.
I guess you know better than Bethesda how to do it then.

Don't the NCR have a armoured division?

Because that would require Beth not making a shitty Skyrim clone with SJW shit and fucking garbage aesthetics.

Fuck off Todd, I will never play Fallout 4.

Great game, but there was zero replayability after i beat it


Tried to like the mad max game but it got so repetitive 4-5 hours in.
Is there a way to make it more interesting?

because the people handing out drivers licenses were the first to be struck by nukes

It's the only flaw of fallout games besides the small maps.

People would rather use their power supplies on things that keep them alive and/or comfortable

How exactly would you implement cars in fallout?

How big would the map have to be? How far apart the towns? What about enemy placement?

Would be gold if they added bikes in fallout 5 and made them the only option for fast travel.
Adding shopping carts as a mobile inventory would be nice too and having companions drag or push it for you.


Nopem there's really no point playing it.
I finished it and the game offers about 3 minutes of excitement in grand total, and that's a cutscene where your dog talks to you.

Oh well you are really right my friend. I know it's really something bethesda will surely do for Fallout 5. I heard about cars and west coast it seems really fun. I hope they keep the idea.

You don't know anything about Fallout 5 yet you speak about Fallout 4, I don't think I should listen to you.

>not just having a pack brahmin

Pretty fucking big and pretty fucking far from eachother.

i would love a fallout like 1-tactics but modernized
large open areas separate from each other
you can walk them but its dangerous on foot
vehicle makes it easy, faster and less dangerous

No gas or "coolant" (Bethesda are a bunch of retards)? 99% of the cars are destroyed? Everyone who knew how to make or fix cars is pretty much dead? Roads have been destroyed for 200 years? Wreckages of old ones blow up like a mini nuke if you shoot 4 times a 9mm on them? Maybe they don't want to steal Mad Max that much?

The real question is, why there are no bicycles?

Bicycles require better roads to be anywhere near as feasable as cars.

No really. Dirt roads were enough back in the 1880's in Europe. In developing countries is still a wildly used transport because it's cheap, doesn't need gas and are easier to maintain than cars.

You only need highways if you are racing the Tour de France or something.

why cant i ride a horse


inb4 that one panel from All Roads that Avellone said was a mistake

Yes. Not only do they use trains, but the trucks around McCarran- or at least some of them- look to be in good enough shape to be used on the regular, fresh paint, no flat tires, etc. Also IIRC their home territory back in California has advanced enough to near pre-war times that cars are a feasible thing again.

>fallout: union jack
>back to isometric top down view
>takes place in england
>wales, scotland and ireland are bonus areas
>mutant corgis and leprechauns
>battle of britain main quest
Hire me, todd.

Scrap metal and rubber

I thought those were the soldiers in pieces of salvaged power armor.

But yeah, they have trains, in NV they were even building new railways and there are some wagons near Boulder.

they are, but bethesda has no idea of that because they believe the series is post-apocalyptic and not post-post-apocalyptic


I think that's the biggest challenge with adding cars to a 3d open world Fallout

Map has to be big enough to drive a car yet small enough to also traverse on foot.

Only thing I can possibly think of is having a map the size of San andreas.

I haven't played mad max. How do they do it in that game?

>able to make/modify guns
>able to maintain flying machines
>tires everywhere
>can't scrap metal and rubber

>No gas or "coolant" (Bethesda are a bunch of retards)?
Worst case scenario you can use piss as coolant. I'm sure they can scrounge up SOMETHING to make liquid have a higher boiling point and function as proper coolant.

>Everyone who knew how to make or fix cars is pretty much dead?
There's books everywhere to learn this shit, not to mention most of the systems of the cars seem to be in working order- just not in the cars themselves, with engines ripped out to use for generators, axles and hubs attached to carts, etc.

>Roads have been destroyed for 200 years?
The roads in Fallout look to be in better shape than a lot of the roads in the northeast US, they're perfectly fine.

>have someone called the wanderer
>cannot wander

There's also the monorail between McCarran and New Vegas, which you can physically see move (and explode) in the spy mission aside from just using it for teleport fast-travel.

In Mad Max you always have a car. If it blows up another one is given to you. It's a driving game, you only get out in cities or enemy camps


Why is everything still rusted and destroyed?

Because things don't magically unrust and rebuild themselves after a set period of time

But the floors should at least be broomed

I think that the matter of roads could be solved outside of the ruined cities and in the plains.

But the thing about gas and coolant is that it was supposed to be gas, that's why the whole Resource Wars happened in the first place. I don't know from where they came up with the "coolant" idea, was in FO2 or FO3?

Now, even if there are people, like in non-experimental vaults, who maybe know how to make and maintain cars, there are lacking the whole mining, steel, rubber, and mass production industry and trade connections that make cars possible today.

But man, it's been 200 years, and despite you see people using brooms nothing gets cleaner, and they spent all the fucking time hammering walls in Sanctuary Hills and everything still looks as destroyed as always.

Yeah, why haven't the people fixed it?
Why does everyone live in ugly shanties despite having resources and manpower to build real houses?
Also go fuck yourself with that smarmy answer you fucking faggot

No one goes barefoot so it doesn't matter if the floor is dirty

ehm... Fallout 2?

Go to any shanty town and ask why they live in a shanty instead of trying to make things better

Clearly they have enough people to do the job and enough materials if they've made a whole town out of scrap

or you could just remove fast travel alltogether and have vehicles replace it , once and if , of course , you actually find one
engine limitations

No human with an IQ above 100 lives in a house that looks like this

Land prices for one thing. They don't even own the land they are in those shanty towns.

But even then, in 3rd world countries, you see ugly houses made with cinder blocks and concrete. Ugly but not made of sticks barely nailed together.

I can imagine that people would live like that 20 or even 50 years after the disaster.

But 200 years later...

Just like in real life, good materials are not free/abundant. Shit materials are free. Reason why real shanty towns looks like that is because they use what's available to them. Probably the same in fallout. Good materials could be sold so why use it on your perfectly livable house?

>not in america


>mutants everywhere
>killer animals/monsters everywhere
>thugs/gangs everywhere

>DLC set in Norfolk
>all the locals are incestuous and backwards >heavily mutated with webbed hands and feet
>basically things remain unchanged from before the war

all of those are gameplay conventions

>Ugh! Why are you living like this?!
>If this was a videogame I'd be complaining about how unrealistic you are!

Sawyer wanted to make a game about the Resource Wars in Europe, but as Bethesda didn't like Obsidian's work, and Obsidian too much and they are months away from being bankrupt that's not going to happen ever.

Haven't you been in Latin America ever? violence is not an impediment.

hmmmm you two seem to be on to something.

South Africa has real houses too

It's easier to recover from a nuclear blast then from being poor

Why is there a tire on the roof?

poor isn't codeword for nigger

>DLC in Wales
>all the locals (all 8 of them) speak a demonic language the player can't understand and ritualistically fuck sheep
>basically things remain unchanged from before the war

50 years ago they were living in mud houses made of straw.

So the wind doesn't take the zinc tiles away.

I want to say 3, on the signs of gas stations. Instead of gas prices they listed coolant prices, presumably because DUDE NUCLEAR CARS NEED COOLANT INSTEAD OF GASOLINE LIMAO even though normal internal combustion engine cars need coolant as well, which is just water with some extra shit (glycol) added so it has a much higher boiling point and lower freezing point. It's not like gas or nuclear are the only options, either, IIRC the Highwayman uses small energy cells.

>Now, even if there are people, like in non-experimental vaults, who maybe know how to make and maintain cars, there are lacking the whole mining, steel, rubber, and mass production industry and trade connections that make cars possible today.
You know the earliest cars were literally cobbled together from sheet metal and pig-iron in independent garages, right?

>Bicycles require better roads to be anywhere near as feasable as cars.
Now that's just silly. I've gotten to places on a mountain bike that no car, and very few motor vehicles of any type, could ever possibly hope to reach. All you need to stop a car is two obstacles spaced less than one car-width apart, or a raised section that exceeds its ground clearance. Even in the absolute worst case, you can always pick up a bike and toss or carry it over what's in the way.

>piss as coolant
Great so now not only is my engine going to over heat but it'll reek like burnt piss when I try to fix it.

They broom the inside of their homes

>In Mad Max you always have a car. If it blows up another one is given to you. It's a driving game

So the challenge here is how do you implement vehicles in fallout without it becoming a "driving game" and staying true to being an rpg?

Would you be able to fix your vehicle if it takes damage? (Based off your repair skill)

Do you even HAVE to have a vehicle?

Where would the game even take place?

Everyone is saying to have a big map with a vast open nothingness in between the towns but does that actually work? Are there any games that do this and it works?

As mentioned before here The map needs to be big enough to traverse in a vehicle yet small enough to also explore on foot and do shit in this open world

England had literally nothing to do with the war between China and America. They wouldn't have gotten nuked

Bethesda didn't know how to code them in. Would have been more complicated than human bodies underground with car models as hats

>what were the Resource Wars

I actually thought that was kinda clever. Sure, gas engines can be water cooled, and large / efficient ones have to be, but that issue is as nothing compared to the cooling issues you'd have with a miniaturized nuclear reactor. You're probably talking about multiple orders of magnitude more heat coming from a similar form factor (and potentially much more serious consequences if you overheat) - our RL tech would not be up to the challenge.

>You know the earliest cars were literally cobbled together from sheet metal and pig-iron in independent garages, right?
That's true, but maybe in the pre-war of Fallout land, internal combustion was just forgotten completely? Making the jump from stone-age to getting a nuclear car running is maybe a much bigger challenge, esp if some of the required materials are no longer available.

Still... they should be able to make other types of cars. They've got all those power cells. Electric or even steam should be feasible.

>You know the earliest cars were literally cobbled together from sheet metal and pig-iron in independent garages, right?

Yeah, and they were incredibly rare, unreliable, incredibly expensive and just a "just for show" gadget, back then people prefered horses.

you don't need to take such a angry tone we're just talking here

well since there are no horses in the fallout universe wouldnt it be not only preferred, but necessary to build a car to get around far distances?

And within two decades we had the assembly line and cars were gaining traction by the year. Things stop being 'just for show' very quickly, especially when the infrastructure is already there- and horses are extinct.

If they ever implemented cars in fallout, it would probably be something like horses in Skyrim. Not really necessary, but useful if you're overencumbered or playing in some way that doesn't let you fast travel. Even then though, that's a different scenario because horses aren't as fast as cars and Skyrim's map is bigger. If it was added it would still probably end up being more or less useless ingame though

manufacotring died out 300 years prior and the knowledge required to make and aseemble an engine has since been long lost

especially if they have nuclear reactors in them, any knowledge of how to make a diesel or petrol engine would be long lost

jk i dont actually know im pulling shit out of my ass

Same way Mount & Blade implemented horses.

Individual location levels; overhead map; randomized levels for encounters; smaller ??? location levels that pop up on the map depending on your luck/outdoorsman.

But then that'd probably be too RPG-y for them idiots.

>we NEED cars to go long distances
In Honest Hearts you travel from the Mojave to Zion National Park by walking for two weeks

The entirety of Fallout 1 was done on foot. It's the post-apocalypse. People make do with what they've got, and what they've got is perfectly able to go long distances if they put the effort in

>small enough to also traverse on foot.
That's already the case in Fallout 4, it takes like 11seconds to traverse.

Maybe when Bethesda gets around to not using an engine from 1999.

They will have horses for Fallout 5.
Only the Texican Rangers will have them.
There will be Brahmin pulled carts (The as end of a car) though and a steam powered train line.

There is a great deal of work adding flyable ships and drivable vehicles and Mechs for Starfield.

>by walking for two weeks
something that could have taken a few days in a car

Too bad. Didn't have a car, nor could one go where the group was headed

Did have feet, got them there just fine

those houses don't have random holes in the walls though

Without regulations you just strap a 2 stroke engine to a wood board with wheels.

even more reason to build proper buildings.

>a few days
It takes three hours, if you drive slow.
Of course, that's on the 15. And who knows how well that's going to work in 200 years with no maintenance, in a car. Might be hard to get up to the Colorado Plateau in a car.

>especially when the infrastructure is already there

No, there is no infrastructure, that's why people are living in shanty towns 200 years after the apocalypse.

t. only played the 3D games

In Fallout 2 they had built literal towns with irrigation, food and water, and infrastructure. Even New Vegas was basically back to its pre-war self.

to hold the roof tiles in place

IIRC about 1 in 200 adults have a functioning car in the NCR
which is pretty reasonable given there's no fossil fuels and the NCR does not yet have the technology to produce microfusion cells in large quantities or miniaturize a nuclear reactor to the point it can be put in a car