Game reminds you of your real life

>game reminds you of your real life
>turn off the console and go to sleep

This happened when I was playing The Sims for the first time.

My life improved after that day, drastically. I can say without hyperbole that playing The Sims opened my eyes to what a life wasted looked like.

Yea I get this with the Sims as well. I miss the days of being able to run around Sunset Valley and have fun. Now whenever I try to play the Sims I get stuck in a routine of wake up, try to max mood meters, go to work, come home, try to get some skills trained for an hour or two before bed and repeat and it feels bad man.


>play sims
>design house

>watch little sims man lift weights and socialize
>watch him learn to cook
>watch him get a job
yeah, I had to put that shit down and get on with my life. Thanks for that, Maxis.

I get this with Deus Ex

>having fun with a game
>loading screen
>all black
>all you can see is your reflection

>every fucking Nintendo game since the Wii
Why does Nintendo treat its fanbase as kids?

Learning to cook is really easy, everybody should at least be able to prepare a few basic dinners for themselves.

Lifting is not so easy, my wrists are too strained from years of video games.

Persona games feel weird because I'm pretty antisocial in real life.

Holy shit

Yeah, this was chilling to read, especially after finding out what happened to all his friends.

Oh I've gotten pretty good at cooking and my deadlift/bench game is on point. I've even learned how to draw/3d model and work in Flash, and work on vidya games in Unity.

This one hurts

>playing games with the lights on

lol this
what am i doing

Because it's sunny out and I don't have curtains on my windows, just blinds.

lol upvoted

Sad, pathetic existence


w-what happened to em?

That doesn't really work on a computer monitor. I guess I know now why I tend to prefer PC...

I angle my tv so I can't see myself


They all got old and either got families or were rotting away alone and either retired or working dead end low wage jobs. One of them also died. Pretty real stuff for a pokemon game.

Quite a bit of this hit close to home. I wish the end had done so too...


Are you having a seizure?

>get shot and die gurgling and crying for momma in Rising Storm
>ptsd flashback to my first airsoft game

You can't see your reflection when you're playing in darkness

>Protag of [anything] is 10 years younger than me and more successful in life than I will ever be
Aaand dropped

This made me laugh and cry at the same time.

>protag IRL is younger and more successful than I will ever be

Dumb frogposter.

Maybe he will crash someday and end up as a burned potato

>matte laptop screen biatch!

No hard truths for me today.

Hey Ronnie

>get home from work
>play vidya for 5 minutes
>watch half an episode of anime
>crawl into bed and browse Sup Forums for the rest of the night
>fall asleep too late to get a good night's sleep
>go to work tired, repeat the process

>game character looks like the girl you have a crush on
>remembered once again you'll never be together
I play vidya to escape, not this

>Play 2013 tomb raider reboot
>My irl crush's name was laura and Looks very similar to Lara sans the big tits
>Lara's friendzoned beta orbiter sacrifices himself for her and gets like one kiss on the cheek before she leaves him to fucking die
>Tfw he had the same name as me irl
I just couldn't