P5 Holy Shit

>Finally beat BOTW after 125 hours
>Had fun exploring

>Move on to Persona 5 sitting in the backlog
>Haven't played Persona in years
>That opening
>That intro
>This stage
>The atmosphere
>The aesthetic
>The music
I am in fucking love. It's already GOTY.

Please tell me it sold enough to be a success?

Other urls found in this thread:


adachi is the killer

I did the same, played BOTW then Persona 5
I guess you didn't play BOTW because it is much better.
Anyways, it sold more than enough to be a success. Game goes a bit downhill but I enjoyed it overall. It is a bit too long and the RNG fucked me over a couple of times, but I guess it is pretty decent. 7 or 8/10.

Opinions, user. P5 and BotW are two totally different games.

I can't choose between the two, personally.

Someone ban him please

It's been years since I felt the way I did when playing Persona 5 the first time. Felt like a familiar friend taking you to new polished heights for a series. Don't think I felt that way since FF7 or Mario64.

>It is a bit too long
so you hate rpgs then

If you are still browsing this thread you are legitimately retarded and asking to be spoiled OP

I went P5 into BotW.
P5 shits on it.

>still playing Atlus games
Why don't you fuck off to Sup Forums or reddit already.

Adachi being the killer of Persona 4 is practically Darth Vader is Luke's father tier here on Sup Forums newfag

Its almost like people have different opinions, I played both and I prefer Persona 5, neither are my goty but they are both good.

no, i like rpgs. I just dont like sitting around and watching shitty anime dialogue for hours on end.

I dunno man. If you're not actually memeing (prolly are) going out into hyrule field the first time just felt like going out into it in OoT on repeat. I literally sighed when I saw all the shit they were gonna make me do; the sights they were gonna make me see all over gain like Death Mountain.

And then they turn me loose and it's everything I didn't care for in Skyrim. Resist potions also felt like busy work, and the surprise world boss rock thing felt like Dragon's Dogma in a bad way.

Just didn't strike a cord with me. Maybe because I've been playing Zelda since NES.
Persona was really good about sidestepping the weaknesses and playing to the strengths hardcore. Made it feel fresh and inviting. It's my GOTY by far for now.

Glad you're enjoying it, I feel the same.

This, some a lot of the scenes really could have been edited down more. A lot of it felt pretty redundant at times.

I kind of wonder why you'd play an jRPG then.

Fastest selling Persona game yet

It has some serious ups and downs
All the heists feel great but the lead-up to them are questionable, and the game has serious pacing issues
Soundtrack's the best in the series though and there's plenty of feel-good moments



Kamoshida, madarame, okumura, and shido did nothing wrong.

Persona 5 is the first game in a while that I both couldn't help but get hyped for and didn't leave me disappointed

Back the fuck off, kids. He got lost on his way to Tinder.

Hey, did you know they changed Igor's voice in this game? Doesn't fit at all.

it's all downhill from there

>can't score on tinder
>has to jerk it to Chinese High School Drama Adventure: The Edgy Demonslapping 5

>people who disagree with me didn't played the game

l a o m
top tier nintendrrone mentaility

More like Grindr

I could actually argue that Oomura and Shido didn't do much worse than your typical corporate head or politician,

Kamoshida was a literal psychopath though. His dialogue towards the player when you give him a cheeky reaponse in the school hallway especially, actually made me pause for a second with just how outright fucking spiteful the heartless pedophilic, abusive, delusional bastard was.

Kano shirt needed to be put on medication a long, long time ago.

The only real sketchy one was Kaneshiro threatening you with a bullshit selfie.

Even Madarame's alibi wasn't too unbelievable. Bad press during good press doesn't help anyone but the POTUS.

>gets hit on by sluts to further their own agendas.
>everyone loses their shit for no reason. Other than him slaying pussy.

Felt the same for about 30 hours, then realized it wasn't going to get any better.

Kamoshida and arguably Madarame are the only good parts of the game. There are other good dungeons and story segments (at least one more) but it had already wored off by that point.

I miss those smaller scale, intimate moments before the phantom thieves blew out of proportion.

>start BotW
>immediately get to the gameplay

>start Persona 5
>5 hours of TALKING with maybe 30 minutes of gameplay
>b-b-b-b-b--bb--b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b--b-b-b--b-b-b-b--b-b-b-b-b-b-b--bUT IT LOOKS SO AMAZING AND THE GIRLS ARE SO KAWAIIII


>Please tell me it sold enough to be a success?

doesn't even matter. you already got the game.

>I miss those smaller scale, intimate moments before the phantom thieves blew out of proportion.

Futaba's dungeon was pretty personal and intimate, all things considering.

>getting this mad when nobody gives a shit about BOTW now that it's lost it's flavor.
That switch is a good buy though just need them games!

I don't know that paying to have people killed can be written off as typical

It's pretty typical just ask Hillary clinton.

Probably more than you'd think it is. Money and power can get a lot done without the general public ever being none the wiser.

Don't bother. You can get them for free on emulator in like 6 more mos. jej

Maybe you should chill.

Honestly I disliked the second and third palace plots so much that its been hard for me to pick the game up again. The main quest characters are shockingly stupid and the dialogue scenes are really repetitive.

It had a proper story arc. Would've been everything the nintendies accuse it of being if it stayed low key thug plot the whole way through.

Am I wrong though? I never see it as a complaint. They have to introduce you to Sojiro, then ryuji anne morgana then the app how to travel the dungeon how to fight how to go to sleep how to gather the team how to stealth and how to recruit personas before the game finally let's you explore the first dungeon on your own.

That's kinda how RPGs role though. If you legit think the typical "molasses uphill in the snow" pacing of the first act is a negative, I dunno what to tell you.

Persona 5 was going to be my GotY, but then I somehow managed to get a PS4 and played NieR: Automata.

If the year can keep pumping out good titles then I'll be a happy man. Wish I could play BotW so I could see what all the hype is about. I'm fairly sure it's going to be the title that snags all the awards for GotY.

It's p5. Not megami tensei 1 fuck newfriends they ruined the tensei games.

Yeah, you're pretty wrong.
It's a narrative driven jRPG, and you're expecting it to play like AAA shooter campaign.

Did you expect BOTW to hotdrop link in hyrule castle shitting bomb arrows everywhere, too?

>no man you don't get it, it's SUPPOSE to be bad

oh okay. That makes sense.

this is why i avoided Sup Forums until i beat the game

To be fair they think all RPGs have mandatory hour intros before you get to do stuff. Personally I thought P5 was a step up from P4's shitty intro, but P2 and P3 managed to get the ball rolling far earlier.

That's not what I said, but just keep sweeping me under the rug...

It's really not.
That was hardly a twist at all.

>le strawman
nice try, kid

The guy you quote presented an actual argumentation, why did you give them a strawman?

In P4G it could be as a first-timer. Getting buddy buddy with the local neighborhood serial killer before you know he is one is a great set up for a twist. It's too bad he didn't have an S Link in the original.

A simple message could come up at the start of the game: "Is this your first persona game? Yes or No"

I know games have to pretend the player is an idiot but we live in a post BotW world now. It was so annoying when 100 hours into P5 they had to explain a simple puzzle in the last dungeon like 5 times in case the player got confused or didn't understand the concept of light up panels. BotW respects the player's intelligence a lot.

They explain it once, and a brief quip about the tile limit mechanic in the later ones.
You just had dialog fatigue after 100+ hours. Anyone experiences that in any game for various reasons. I had the same issue with BOTW combat and gadgets being old and done to death by the time I reached the castle.

>Soundtrack's the best in the series
>laughing Demi-fiends

Maybe Persona

>Rivers in a Desert
>SMTfags: WOOOOOOOW this is what you call good? KEK HO
>Keeper of lust
>SMTfags: Just like my DDS2...nigga thas kawaii~
Just admit you're all tsundere for the P5 OST.


Daily reminder..


I hope in P 5 platinum or whatever we get to know him better. I wanna know why his rebellious self is partly some kind of Star Wars geek.

In atlus defend, even after treating player like a fucking baby (which actually not) few anons of Sup Forums still doesn't understand what's going on while they explain the things multiple times.

Retard exist, you can't blame them. Blame Sup Forums for being retard.

I don't think we're actually getting a platinum unless Atlus hires a B-team.
The P5 team has moved on to Project Re Fantasy.
Which quite honestly, sounds like a fucking masterpiece in making:

>Everybody's just copying Tolkien. We want to do Fantasy differently
Usher in a new era, crazy harem game man.

I like it, but saying it's "The Best" is pushing it. Might consider it if it had more than one fucking battle theme

>Sup Forums constantly argues whether BOTW or P5 is the GOTY
>meanwhile the GOTY Awards show at the end of the year won't even have P5 nominated and BOTW will be the only Japanese game nominee among a bunch of shitty Western shooters
>and the shooter will probably win

Had no idea, that's great to hear actually. I assumed Atlus couldn't resist some extra Persona bucks after how well 5 sold. If i's anywhere as good as 5 I'm looking forward to it.

>haremgame man
I, uh, have actually never made a harem in Persona yet. I'm too much of a pussy to even cheat on on a fictional girl soIve always stuck with one waifu per playthrough.

Saw IGN and expected this to be a shit video, but Hashino just went up a notch in my book. Fucker knows good game design inside and out, clearly.

midboss theme is the shit

Felt the same, story felt dragged on at some points and no moment in the game(story or gameplay-wise) comes close to the peak it got at the start with Kamoshida.

Judges will probably be hung up over BOTW and Odyssey since both were jerry-rigged for the award but they came out on the same year. Persona 5 is a 10/10 game but its not as popular as Zelda or Mario so it'll get sweeped aside.

Did any shooters come out this year remotely worthy? All I can think of is PREY, and that was meh.

Sounds like it's going to be SAO garbage, not getting my hopes up.

>Nocturne OST

DDS and SMT IV are the real shit

Too bad P5 is a JRPG, so it's shit by definition.

Pfft, nothing comes close to beating

>SAO garbage
He said the team's moving away from both eastern and western tropes. SAO is garbage because it's literal eastern trope pandering.


user, I just ate and I really don't feel like puking

As a guy who hate turnbased jrpg, me and few of my friends would agree to you if I haven't play Persona 5.
You should try it.

Just puke out the garbage you just eat user

t. gay

That guy looks like he ran out of fucks decades ago.

P5 blows its load at the first dungeon.
The rest is a limp wank that feels kind of good but nothing happens.

>muh Kamoshida
Found it to be the most boring dungeon, personally.

>you can put Link in cute clothes
>Akira gets attacked by gay pedo stereotypes that want to put him in cute clothes

>Link can hang out with flamboyantly gay characters peacefully
>Akira picking flirty options with male characters gives you "no homo, bro" responses

Truly provokes one's thoughts.

Still not getting my hopes up until I see what they come up with, I'd love to see them break tropes and make a bettee game but I know better than to trust word alone.

>Link can hang out with flamboyantly gay characters peacefully

>There will never be a bara bird flashing bedroom eyes @ you every 5s persona
hurts desu senpai. botw won