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Post favorite weapons

About to be the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol.

Grabbed a strange at 1.55 ref right when the patch notes were teased.

I-it'll go u-up. I k-know i-it.



post tf2 vidyos


Remember when TF2 used to look like this?


Engie mains, everybody

Mann Yersus Machine?

>not buying pocket pistols for 1.55 and selling them on the steam market during the huge price spike
pleb, it doubled in price on the market.

Name a good community server with classic game modes and an active community but without ads.

Protip : you can't.

TF2 is dead.


oh wait

>community server
>active community

nothing is wrong with ads. servers aren't free

quickplay would allow you to go to community servers
valve servers were objectively better than community servers and that's why they were played more
everything I say is true, search your heart
>no ads
>no madmins
>no premium bullshit
and more


you do record your sick TF2 frags, right Sup Forums??

As someone who's been playing TF2 for almost 9 years, i advice you not to get excited, don't do what i did.

>not disabling MOTD's

I don't think the other updates were god awful, it was only MyM update that ruined everything.

>avoiding the question


end of the line was a shitshow too

what was pre-f2p like?

>tf2 updates
>it's just localization files

Just how many times do they need to update those files?
What's in those files?

Is this highertower? This is hilarious.

>nobody talking on their mics and 3/4 of the team is braindead

Not as godlike as everyone proclaimed it to be but still pretty good.
t. 2009 and onward TF2 player

They contain all of the game's text, each file with a different language.

How did that update ruin TF2?

/jp/ server was based.

oh, I didn't mean it like that, now i realize my mistake
I was just mentioning another shitty update

No, That will be 5 years ago on my birthday. August 14th

one the best things on community servers were active admins that would immediately kick cheaters and minorities

It didn't ruin the game, but it was anticipated for a long time (over a year, I think?) and ended up being a massive disappointment. Watch as the Pyro/Jungle update suffers the same fate.

Post >yfw Spy mains start crying that their crutches got taken away
I like spy, and the fact that I'll actually be able to play him again when I don't have to deal with 3 faggots choosing him after I have fills me with joy

>nobody talking on mics
you're supposed to list bad things, 99% of mic users are autists or children
this is true, but i'm pretty sure it's dead
yeah but for every good server with good admins, you have 20 with shitty admins or no option to votekick

That one sniper that tried to block you is a god-damn hero

>mfw the DDS crutch is also removed
>mfw Snipers are forced to rely on skill again, like the early days

it was great, but it's not the F2Ps that turned the game to shit, quite the opposite actually.
t. 2007+ player

you mean released

>post yfw they remove the gunboats

I'm fully expecting Valve to nerf it into the ground because God forbid the Pyro has any fun weapons

Why would you ever use this instead of the flaregun?

we planned to run away together

Chucking dynamite would of been sooo much better than a sticky bomb grenade launcher.

less OP too

would have been*
dumb niggerposter, learn English

2016 as a whole ruined tf2

>never used DDS, just used Razorback or Jarate because SMG was never overly useful once people got used to cleaning up Snipers quickly
>never had problems taking down other Snipers other than a rare case here and there where they were just outright better than me
>every single game, the other Sniper's death screen is pic related

A crutch doesn't always mean you get the upper hand, thankfully.

Trolling with the knockback.

>dumb niggerposter
Not on my Sup Forums

It's a gimmick weapon

>new eltorro video

There is something endearing about Nintendo music playing in these WACKY FAEC XD videos that redeems the easy laughs.
the only reason play engie is because im also a texan

Stickybomb Launcher in its current state is not overpowered. Anyone who thinks so is bad at the game. Demo is considered a mid-tier class in both competitive 6s and competitive HL.

If Demo had a MIRV instead of a stickybomb launcher, he also wouldn't be capable of cool tricks like pic related. So I'm glad he didn't get the MIRV as a stock, though having it as an unlock would be nice.

It's disruptive as fucking hell and lights entire pushes on fire all at once.
I'm not saying it's better than the flaregun because but it is effective.

I didn't say in its current state
but you're mad if you think it was always balanced
>crits always did full damage
>no ramp up
>way more bombs in reserve
>larger blast radius than the RL
for a long time it was batshit insane, now it's just right
>considered mid tier in 6s
that's why demoman is always picked right?

It feels like Flaregun for people without aim
You can do some real cool shit with the flaregun, i'd argue it's better than the RS in quite a few situations

>Considered mid-tier
hahaha that's why noone ever picks demoman amirite?

Mannconomy was awful

>Two primary weapons

remember when the TF2 team said snowplow was shit? Were they wrong?

Oh yeah it definitely wasn't always balanced, I agree there. Shit used to be downright broken.

>that's why demoman is always picked right?
Demoman is always picked because he is limited to 1. Scout/Soldier are limited to 2 each, so you can give up one of them without losing a unique team role. On the other hand, if you replace Demo, you lose a unique team role entirely.

Stock Demo is roughly as strong as stock Sniper, stock Scout (though he is soft countered by Scout) and stock Soldier.

>caring this much about proper grammar

go take your 'tism elsewhere, guy.

It was okay
I don't think i've played it once since that update though

Opportunity to light groups on fire, disrupt aim and push faggots around at distance.

But you give up on either of the weapons that let you crit combo. I mean, if you're playing just for fun I get it. But few things feel funner than landing flare crits from across the map

seeGrenade Launcher might be called Demo's primary, but functionally it's actually his secondary, ever since the nerfs it received in TF2's beta to have its clip size reduced from 6 to 4 and its roller damage reduced from 100 to 60.

Grenade Launcher does 100 (direct) or 60 (roller, with splash falloff) damage per projectile shot every 0.6 seconds, with a clip of 4 before having to reload, and it should be noted that its projectile nature caps its effectiveness at range and makes it more difficult to aim than hitscan.

Shotgun does 90-3 damage per hitscan shot every 0.6 seconds, with a clip of 6 before having to reload.

So as you can see, Shotgun and Grenade Launcher are roughly equivalent in strength. There's a reason that Demo's "primary" slot is used for the same utility items as Soldier's secondary slot (e.g. BASE Jumper).

Snowplow was pretty garbage.

Or you could just not be a faggot, and learn to type the language correctly.

It was nice because it was new but I have no idea what your suppose to do

It's just regular Attack/defence.
Nothing confusing about that.

doing stop animation is so tedious and hard. It makes me appreciate these videos even more.

source filmmaker isn't stop motion

I think they just shouldn't have removed grenades, but rather made it so you had to wait through animations of the character preparing them before you throw them so it's a slower process and you can't shoot and throw nades at the same time

Demoman's one weakness is his lack of hitscan weapons. At high levels of play, a demoman is going to be able to destroy any class head on, save for the scout and maybe soldier

Some videos like this use both stop videos and recorded footage of models being shook around in gmod, Like kitty's god rest his soul.
This isn't kitty btw

these weren't made in gmod?

>all the faggot spy mains with totally quirky nametagged strange knives who will cry about not having a free escape after every stab
>they'll have to actually git gud or stop playing spy now
feels fucking good

>t.engy shitter

why do you hate fun?

newer tf2 videos don't really use gmod when source filmmaker has a much greater depth of cinematic options and it's easier to use with a much bigger payoff, you could use stop motion stuff in it too if you wanted

um I main Medic and Soldier as a secondary, try again sweetie

cry more tiny baby

Was that the update centered around some sfm video a random dude on youtube made?

>git gud
>Says the guy who was having trouble with dead ringer spies
thanks for the laughs

>At high levels of play, a demoman is going to be able to destroy any class head on, save for the scout and maybe soldier
Well yeah, they're pretty much the central core of TF2 balance since they're the biggest group closest to each other balance-wise. Also don't forget Sniper: He goes 50/50 with Demo if he's out of Demo's range.
TF2's tiers go like this, roughly:
(for stock only)
>S- Medic
>A- Defensive Engineer, Defensive Heavy
>B- Scout, Soldier, Demo, really good non-aimbot Sniper
>C- regular Sniper
>D- Offensive Engineer, Offensive Heavy
>F- Pyro, Spy

t. dr shitter

Here's a classic:

The DR was a crutch for shitty spies, and it was never fun to play against as any class. It was extremely predictable, and spies being able to regain clock with ammo packs with the DR just made them take way longer to deal with than they should.

>b-but it's fun/comfy

I would play a TF2 RPG if it was made like this.