Anyone else here agree that pic related is superior to Witcher 3 gameplay in basically every way?

Anyone else here agree that pic related is superior to Witcher 3 gameplay in basically every way?

As long as CDPR can't make their playable characters move well they will never compete against Kojima Masterpiece

Also Quiet >>>> every Witcher Slut in terms of aesthethics, sexyness and usefulness

They're apples and oranges, but I get what you're saying. MGSV definitely has tighter controls, too bad the so-called open world is empty outside of the checkpoints and bases.
>Quiet >>>> every Witcher Slut

Yes but they're also very very fucking different. Like comparing GTA1 to Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit.

I kind of like TW3 better, but it would be nice if Geralt always did what you wanted. I can't believe these slow response controls are still a thing. GTA is still guilt of it too, it's like you're driving a god damn car just trying to walk. It actually takes so long to turn around in GTA that holding back on the joystick will make the character run in circles because the controls are readjusting to the camera before the fucking character turns around.

>you control a character in third person in both games
>in one game it feels great to control the character in the other one it feels like shit

they are not so different

Listen here you little faggot. You know nothing about the metal gear games. I for one know everything and i love them, and i Had alot of fun playing MGSV and i would highly reccomend the game. It was very fun and the story sucked ass but that's every other game in the history of man kind. 8/10 would play again. The problem with you faggots on Sup Forums today is that you take a comment on youtube or Sup Forums or reddit seriously. it's sad how mad everyone gets when someone else has a different opinion. You might as well be screaming for feminism and telling all men that they are the devil, you might as well be trying to get a university to have segregated classes while screaming about how racism is terrible. Also! i bet you like traps, and we all know if you like traps it means you are GAY!

If Kojima fight with Konami happened two,maybe three years after the game story would have been finished, and MGSV would have been GOTY for sure.

>Anyone else here agree that pic related is superior to Witcher 3 gameplay in basically every way?

>As long as CDPR can't make their playable characters move well they will never compete against Kojima Masterpiece

>Also Quiet >>>> every Witcher Slut in terms of aesthethics, sexyness and usefulness

Don't be a retard, user. Their scope is different.

Yeah, but they're basically the complete opposite in terms of where the developers' priorities were spent.

>Fun, engaging gameplay with amazingly polished mechanics
>Shallow story
>Empty open world

>Repetitive combat with shitty controls
>Vibrant open world, technically speaking the most impressive to date
>Fucktons of story-driven quests with great writing

Witcher 3 left me with lingering sense of satisfaction.
Until MGS5 gave me depression

i'm not a retard
give me a good reason why geralt shouldn't move as precise and as fluid as snake

i'm waiting

i agree with this but CDPR better learn their lesson with cyberpunk and do both, gameplay and story well

Precise movement isn't gameplay. When you said gameplay, I thought you meant the whole shebang, from base management to stealth mechanics. The only gameplay Witcher 3 had was the damn combat, """""investigations""""" and maybe the meager character building.

>do both, gameplay and story well
Don't get your hopes up. Right now, all I'm sure of is that the game will look pretty. Those guys need to hire a good game designer.

That phrase makes no sense bitch why can't fruit be compared

its not a stealth/shooter game for one

no i was strictly talking about the way you control snake

i guess we are on the same page then

i know they hired the lead gameplay designer from quantum break, i sure hope this game won't play a regular tps with chest high walls everywhere

No, just let it go.

W3 has trash gameplay. It isn't even a contest. MGSV has some of the most satisfying mechanics in the medium.

why are polaks unable to make games with good gameplay?

You guys think this is over? Not yet.

Apple is better than orange.
also this fucking thread again

>CDPR better learn their lesson with cyberpunk and do both, gameplay and story well
Such an RPG doesn't exist so don't get your hopes up for it happening now.

The quick dive in MGSV feels beyond gratifying.

The gameplay is what I'm most looking forward to in Death Stranding, OP. Away from all the ruse-cruise bs, DS looks like MGSV's spiritual successor from what Kojima's said- open world, third person with player character avatar, action with a twist (whatever ropes/bridges are to DS's core gameplay as stealth/Infiltration was to Metal Gear). I'd bet that given what Kojima's said about gameplay in the last few years and the whole Ludens philosophy, that DS will have a similar gameplay to cutscene ratio as MGSV.

Oranges are objectively better, faggot.