Videogames will never be ar-

>videogames will never be ar-

Why the hell is Silent Hill 2 so overrated?

Its not, go and replay it in the next fews days. Its even better than when i first played it.

Everytime i play it i get something new out of it.

Dard I say its the blade runner of vidya


You are trapped in Silent Hill!
Quick! How would you escape from this place!?

impregnate every nurse I see

>cinematic story makes a game art

Will never be what? Please finish your sentence.


here a free (you) , enjoy it


a ara~

>I steal themes from other sources

So much better in B/W.

What sources?

If anything it's underrated. You just don't like it. Most normies probably don't even know it exists.

Not that user, but SH2 is loosely adapted from Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily but I don't like that they didn't cover any of the themes entirely.

>adapted from Crime and Punishment
I'll admit I'm a pleb who hasn't actually read it but wasn't the protagonist's whole schtick that he was an arrogant SOB who thought himself above common morality?

Not to mention that it's dripping with David Lynch's style of storytelling and themes.

Video games are better than art, dont degrade silent hill 2 comparing it with the likes of Jackson Pollock

No, he actually wasn't. The thing is, he was going through a moral roller coaster the entire novel. At the beginning, he justified killing an old hag because she's a piece of shit of a person (and she IS a pos). The protagonist goes unpunished because the only two things that can stop him from killing other people left and right is the government forces (the police/military) and/or conscience. That's one of the themes, if there's no God (highest ideal/morality etc), then you can eventually justify anything.
And it doesn't matter if a person is actually a nazi or anyone else. They've already justified it to themselves. They labeled him as an enemy and now they proceed to execution.

In the Silent Hill 2, James just kills Marie. That's it. He feels guilty. Alright.

Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Jacob's Ladder

>this video game is a bit unusual and I don't fully undestand what its about, heh, im not sufficiently intelligent to enjoy it, that must make it art r-right

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