Make a game that's all about making choices

>make a game that's all about making choices
>your choices don't really matter
What did they mean by this?

they wanted to sell a linear visual novel

Marketing ploy to get people to buy it, what else? At this point it's just false advertising.

>game of thrones was shit
>It gets of sequel
>Minecraft story mode
>also getting a sequel

>Batman and Wolf Among Us
>Not getting a sequel
>No Superman telltale story
>No Puzzle Agent 3

Does Telltale hate their fans?

>No Puzzle Agent 3
Puzzle Agent 2 wasn't even that great from what I hear.

That has been the case with every single Telltale game released since the first Walking Dead, and yet they keep selling and fools like you keep falling for them.

Then why didn't they do that? I would have bought a GoT visual novel with not QTE and few but revelant choices. At least I would get what I expected that way.

>from what I hear.

Video """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""game""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Ross Scott's a reliable source.

Next you'll tell me that the potato nigger is a great commentator

>Myra's entire plotline
Like, what was the point of that? She didn't contribute anything to the plot, she didn't do anything relevant and she kept getting bossed around by the TV characters till the end.
What's worse is that when it looked she was finally getting her shit together and contributing to the plot the story fucks her over because "lel le game of thrones is full of treachery"
Bitch could have jumped from a window in her first scene and nothing would have changed.

>Not liking Ross Scott
Trash taste you got there.

>watching normietube
Trash taste you got there

GOT was fucking awful and I generally like Telltale games.

>It's posted on Youtube therefore it's bad
aww, a wittle contrarian

You know, based solely on who lives and dies at the end, Game of Thrones's plot probably has the most variation of any modern Telltale game.

Still wasn't a fan of how forced the conflict felt half the time though, and how they had to write every character in a way to fit in as many HBO cameos as they could afford.

Really wished they had just gone with the asoiaf setting and told their own standalone story. Like the Dunk and Egg novellas.

>game tells you to choose Choice A or Choice B
>choose Choice A
>you get fucked and everyone tells you how much of a retard you were for choosing that
>restart and choose B
>you get fucked and everyone tells you how much of a retard you were for choosing that
Telltale needs to learn to reward its players. It feels like they are too scared to have one choice be the "right" one so they make both choices the wrong one.

I completed it. It was just more of the same with little thought put into it. A lazy cash grab, although it was fun.

>You know, based solely on who lives and dies at the end
Really? From what I have seen the only deaths you can avoid are those of the Sentinel, Myra and whichever brother you chose to live. Aside from that the same people die or survive in every ending.

I thought it was a good setup at first, with her weighing her own safety against the possible support she could give her family.

But the dynamic with Tyrion really didn't make much sense to me. He's a fan favorite from the show, but she had no more reason to trust him than she did to trust the queen. And the dealings they have get completely dropped when the forced marriage plot comes up.

It's because Telltale has no grasp on what makes GoT or what did make it interesting honestly the entire season was full of stupid "shocking scenes" like that's all game of thrones is. Didn't help that all the characters that were likable just died. The whole Ironrath plot was woefully stupid especially when you were forced to choose between the brothers. Honestly I could go on.

That's still more than Telltale's other games.

Because that actually takes time and work and telltale is releasing like 3 games a year.
All i want is wolf among us season 2

Still alot since determinant characters never live that long in telltale games. I can easily see the sentinel and the survivng brother die real soon into season 2 and the sister might not appear at all even if she lived.

It's a shame that they had to latch onto the show's popularity for the whole story.

The series has a huge setting and established history to work off of, but the cast boils down to a batch of Stark lookalikes going through the same mess they did, but having much less time to flesh out their characters and conflict.

I would guess they'd make cameos, but I really can't see Myra or surviving bro still being a main point-of-view character.

I really wish closet weebs would stop shitting things up with anime artstyles.

Ramsay ruined this game

Just like he ruined the show and was one of the first major signs of the show-writers absolutely crapping on the books in later seasons

I think a scene or two with him would have been fine, but I think it was silly to give him more presence and characterization than the villains we knew we would actually be allowed to kill. Dude should have been shot with twenty arrows after he stabbed the little brother in the middle of his castle.

>but I really can't see Myra or surviving bro still being a main point-of-view character.
The surviving brother will totally be a main character considering they bothered having him survive along with the Sentinel, his sister and the Whitehill bitch if you are Asher.
The Forrester family isn't done yet. You have Rodrik/Asaher, Talia, the Sentinel, Gared either protecting the Groove or marching south and the uncle being with Daenerys.

I would be very surprised if the surviving brother remains as a main character in season 2. Literally no other determinant character in a telltale game has ever lived or remained relevant to my knowledge.

Only way they'll make games where the choices matter is where they'll agree from the beginning that it won't have a sequel.

But that's rarely going to happen, so enjoy playing shitty vn's until then.

The best warning of how irrelevant your choices will be is the ending of the first episode, where you can deal with Ramsay like a total retard or be the smartest faggot in the North and he will still murder Ethan and kidnap Ryon. The only difference is that if you are smart he will let you keep half of your forest except not really becuase the Whitehills take it all from you in the next episode anyway.

Have they confirmed Batman and Wolf Among Us are not getting sequels?

Why was the Forrester house so weak anyway? I know they lost most of its army during the Red Wedding but are you really telling me the faggots took their whole army with them. That's the only explanation as to why there are no soldiers aroubd whenever Ramsay or the Whitehills and their shitty 20 men show up and start acting like dicks.

>did everything in my power to ensure that Ramsay doesn't even get past my front door
>he enters anyway and somehow has a whole regiment of guards walk in past the gates without my go-ahead

It's been like 5 years since wolf among us so I think it's dead at thia point

Why did they avoid big battles so much? Their shitty game can't handle too many characters at the same time?
Even in the fucking final battle you face a small group that consists mostly of all the named villains who apparently got inside Ironrath ahead of the huge army outside trying to take the gates. And not even get me started on how Asher's so called "army" is made of literally six dudes.

You dont know what youre missing, pal
Ross's Game Dungeon is 10/10

Yeah, I think Telltale's engine can only handle so many characters at a time.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember there was a scene in TWD with hundreds of zombies on screen.

Isn't Game of Thrones supposed to be all about having good and bad guys on both sides and the morality of the whole thing being kind of ambigous with only a few characters being totally psychos?
Then how come this game's villains were all so cartoonishly evil?

It would have been ok if half the characters weren't show characters which reinforced in advance that you would never be able to effect their characters in any meaning ful way. Ramsey was the main offender of this.

>"if you take Meeren for me I'll give you my sellswords"
>take Meeren for her
>"sorry but I can't give you my sellswords"
What's up with this? I know Dany isn't beyond not keeping her word when the situation forces her to but I don't ever remember her intentionally fucking over someone who didn't do anything to her like she does in the game.
It's not even a "the situation has changed" thing, bitch outright promises you something that she knows she isn't willing to give you and then tries to play it off by giving you some shitty gold that is barely enough to hire a few pit fighters.

Yeah, Ramsay being so relevant was fucking stupid considering you know that even if you defy him he will still live to take part in the show's event. The worst offender is that one scene where they give you the option of using a knife to murder him as if you didn't know already that it'll surely fail.

Oh that's easily explainable user
bad writing

Seriously. Fucking this. 20 dudes and House Forrester couldn't manage shit.

>Ashers """army""" is completely wiped out the second they set foot on westrosi soil.
was that a joke?

is this one of the greatest game from Nu-telltale?

>want to kill Ludd because faggot has been asking for it the whole game
>game tells me that I can't kill Ludd without Ryon getting mutilated and I'm not playing as the kind of dude who would allow that
>choose to save Ryon and allow Ludd to survive
>find out that if you choose to kill Ludd then Beshka saves Ryon anyway and he only gets A FUCKING SCRATCH IN HIS FACE in exchange

No, it's their worst, but also the best Borderlands ironically

I really liked this one from telltale games. It will have a second season? it feels very strange because they don't companied the show with with the game, it would feel ''antiquated''

I really liked the plot even with my Decisions barely making a change

>it's their worst
shit taste

Learn proper grammar before posting, faggot.

I guess they had the villain's daughter as a moral counterpoint so the whole family wasn't psychotic.

But I think it could have been interesting if we played as characters who were on opposite sides of the conflict, rather than a family of obvious good guys against obvious bad guys.

Twenty good men can do anything user. Anything.

it's rather dull

Batman was much better, and that was meh

Well it's really simple: VNs do not sell in the West. I mean how many copies did Steins Gate sell?

Solution: make a VN but don't call it that. Add in the normalfag brand and tada: a hit was born.

>I guess they had the villain's daughter as a moral counterpoint so the whole family wasn't psychotic
Yeah but the daughter isn't a morally ambigous character, she is just a good guy who ends up agreeing that you are right and her family is evil by the end.
>But I think it could have been interesting if we played as characters who were on opposite sides of the conflict, rather than a family of obvious good guys against obvious bad guys
Honestly, it would have been fine if the Whitehills had a legit reason to hate the Forrester. Like, maybe the Forresters fucked them over in the past or something.
But noope, the Whitehills hate the Forresters because they are good guys who properly managed their forest while the Whitehills are evil industrialist assholes who destroyed their forest so they want to take the Forrester's forest now.
Ludd is an annoying asshole whose only positive trait is that he gives two fucks about his family and Gryff is literally Joffrey 2.0.

Yeah, I'd say the first season of Walking Dead still hit the hardest emotionally, but Tales has the best balance of humor/drama/characterization and a surprisingly satisfying payoff.

>make three games that are all about making choices
>your choices don't really matter
What did they mean by this?

VNs don't sell because of the stigma related to animuh shit.
I'm pretty sure an entirely western VN would sell. It wouldn't be a super hit but it would still sell well, specially if they do make your choices matter.

Probably a trick pulled behind the scenes

Ironically, even M3 is better than this shit. At least in that game you get to choose one of three shitty ending, in this game you get the same shitty ending no matter what you do.

I was honestly amazed with how much I liked this game. My favourite telltale game for sure. Though if you don't like borderlands you're not gonna like it, pretty simple.

>just wanted to be a good little handmaiden for my waifu
>forced to betray her at every turn

shit game

For all the flak ME3's ending gets I think it's silly to say that none of your choices during the series mattered, considering that you can basically save or destroy at least three races and kill off nearly your entire crew.

Actually Bioware is literally the only one who makes choices matter. But people don't like to say good things about them.

I can't stand fake choices. I prefer games to be just linear if devs and writers are going to be lazy cunts (witcher 3).

Margarey a shit

I liked Batman.

Tales from the Borderlands was dull shit though.