What a disappointment this turned out to be

What a disappointment this turned out to be.

Why did it fail to live up to DS?

It's better than DS in every conceivable way

Except for games.

It can play every DS game ever made and has dozens of great games of its own

What are some 2016/2017 titles for the 3DS owner who doesn't like RPGs

Because you haven't hacked yours yet.

>a console is good because it can play decade old games
todd would be proud

3DS has Layton, Ace Attorney, Pokémon, Etrian Odyssey, Shin Megami Tensei and Zelda. All the great DS titles had sequels on the 3DS aside from Advance Wars, while 3DS got Monster Hunter.

with the capability of playing every single ds title, some with control improvement, the only thing a Ds and its family will do better in is battery life.

>a console is bad because I'm le jaded gamer

Because of mobile eating the portable console market and the blue ocean drying up.

I just wish the games didn't look like they are on a fucking PSP due to the abysmal resolution that would be aged even in the fucking 80s.

Decent 3DS emulation can't come soon enough.

Not enough shovelware to artifically inflate the library.

You're right, backwards compatibility is shit.
VC meme is clearly superior.

Quite a few games can already be played perfectly or with insignificant glitches.
>OoT and MM remakes
>ORAS and Sun/Moon
>PMD: gates
>Rune Factory and Story of Seasons
>Bravery Default
>Yoshi's new island
And some others I'm missing. In each one you can increase the resolution above the pathetic 240p.

Yes, I agree OP. the NEW 3ds was a piece of crap.
still only one notable exclusive which was a wii game

What would you say is superior version? Emulating this on Dolphin or playing this on a real 3DS?

Live up to what? I had a DS for years and all it was was a nSMB and Elite Beat Agents machine.

Well Done OP! Of all the baits I've seen people make, this one is among the best I've seen! You managed to get people here triggered by having them think it's the 3DS while it was the NEW 3DS the whole time!

Portability is handy but it doesn't do justice for the visuals.

Do they both have all the same content?

3DS has Devil Survivor Overclocked and Recordbreaker

Where can I find these at a reasonable price?

I doesn't have TWEWY or Ghost Trick.
Ace Attorney games it's got are shit compared to DS ones.
Pokemon games it's got are shit compared to DS ones.

Sure is a good thing it's backwards compatie


If you're going to use that argument, it just ends up being a question of whether the Game Boy Advance's or 3DS's library is better. It's pointless to any meaningful discussion of the consoles' outputs during their lifespans.

The name is fucking stupid. Like, legitimately terrible and confusing and horrendous on every level.

Sure is a good thing that you can port any gba game to 3ds

It has a library equal to or arguably better than the DS and can play the entire DS library. It is superior regardless.

how's that Vita treating you, user?

OP sucks.
N3DS or N3DS XL?

you can play the Wii version on the WiiU directly on the gamepad

Because of the
revisions that they made every fucking time

3ds xl
New 3ds
New 3ds xl
New 3ds ll
2ds xl

Maybe I'm even forgetting a few. That's how retarded they are

>Ace Attorney games it's got are shit compared to DS ones.
They're comparable
>Pokemon games it's got are shit compared to DS ones.
They're comparable
Sure it doesn't have its own TWEWY or Ghost Trick but it has other experiences like Bravely Default and VLR

>New 3ds xl
>New 3ds ll
these are the same you fucking idiot

I don't give a FUCK you fanboy suck Nintendo's cock more

This is the reason I haven't bought a switch. I know they're going to pull the same shit and I'm not paying multiple times to get the same system, especially when the current switch is begging for a revision.

This site is 18+ only

Agreed. It's not only confused a lot of consumers like the WiiU did, it also made them extremely cautious with the switch.

>it also made them extremely cautious with the switch
Do you have any evidence of this phenomenon besides your own anecdotal experience?

>release 2DS and most recently the new 2DS
>release every game prominently featuring "Nintendo 3DS" on the cover with no mention of 2DS

Nintendo marketing is retarded. I can only imagine how many times confused parents have had to ask employees or look online to see if the 2DS can play 3DS games

2ds xl

So a console is bad because its games are worse than a decade old games but is bad too that it can play those decade old games.
How fucking retarded can people be?

I don't like its design

How is this even allowed?

Konami died so no Castlevania
MegaMan is kill
Many small publishers died/moved to mobile

How is this even allowed?

Why not? I just got one and the only thing that bugs me is the stylus placement.

It looks like two phones taped together and both colors look weird. I prefer the more "classic" design.

Most devs jumped ship to mobile or just stopped caring about handhelds, and so did the average user, same thing that happened with the Vita really.
The 3DS' library being abysmal is mostly due to the fact that 3rd parties don't give a damn about Nintendo, even franchises that were pretty successful on it almost died out on the 3DS because the userbase only cares about Nintendo games and one or two franchises like DQ and the new acquisition of MH, hence the draught of third party games compared to the DS.
Sup Forums will never admit it though, mostly because this place is Nintendogaf and they can use the Vita as a scapegoat since it's the least successful console commercially, and just because Sony repeatedly shot themselves in the foot and quickly stopped caring to focus on the PS4.

nintendo fractured their audience by making soooo many different kinds of 3ds, people are very confused as to which product does what

and their naming scheme doesnt help at all

they did the same error with calling it the Wii U, where people thought this was some kind of addon to the Wii

>tfw nintedo fucked up with their names and now will never have the success of the vita

Mobile ate into the handheld market

I play my 3DS more than my PC or PS4.

The idea that the Switch will kill it and we'll never have a real portable again is depressing.

No you can't

>I just wish the games didn't look like they are on a fucking PSP due to the abysmal resolution
Fucking this.
>Find a Vita on 3.60 for cheap
>Install some emulators
>Even older games are looking fucking great on it because of the Vita's nicer screen
>Go back to my 3DS when Kirby's Blowout releases
>Left wishing the 3DS' screen was as good as the Vita's because the 3DS would be fucking amazing with a better screen

>It's a Mini Switch missing the point of the Switch entirely

Can you send a link on how to Hack the new 3ds xl

At least they play the same games.

The DSi not playing GBA games is stupid as fuck.

DSi would like to speak with you

>Better build quality
>Better screens
>more comfortable
>Better portability

>analog sticks on top
I really wish Nintendo stopped with this crap. Being unique doesn't makes you good.

Can someone explain me what Nintendo was thinking making an XL version of a handheld with an already low pixel density? 400x240 on the regular 3DS is tolerable but it's just awful on the XL. Especially when nowadays everyone has phones with 1920x1080 5.5" screens it's hard to go back to the 3DS.

Switch Mini would not work unless they remove the Joy-Cons out entirely and make it one handheld that ships with a Pro Controller or something. Also I'd want Nintendo to make the analog sticks and buttons the more ergonomic angles in the future if they're going to get smaller.

>SNES VC games
>only for NEW 3ds

just Nintendo being dumb in general

Also I forgot to mention: they DISCONTINIUED the regular new 3DS and now you can only buy the XL new.

For people with big hands

I didn't know this thing existed

>the 3DS would be fucking amazing with a better screen
The 3DS' problem besides the terrible displays is that the games' resolution is abysmal compared to Vita games, even if it had a display as good as the Vita's the game would still look worse because the resolution is atrocious.
It's amazing how they got away with making people pay for decades old technical standards, people pick on Sony for checkerboarding and framerate problems, but how is it acceptable to play games at 400X240 in 2017 is beyond me, it was already appalling in 2011, especially for those prices.

>The 3DS' problem besides the terrible displays is that the games' resolution is abysmal compared to Vita games, even if it had a display as good as the Vita's the game would still look worse because the resolution is atrocious.
A lot of 3DS games are made with larger textures that the 3DS can render, in case they're ever ported to a higher resolution system. You can emulate some games with higher resolution in this manner.