What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?

What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?




Low framerate, endless loading screens and dead multiplayer.

>people too stupid to get a PS4 will never EVER experience the purest ludo ever created

feels good man



man, bloodborne sucked.

Salt because it's literally the only good game on PS4

Why do Sup Forumsshitposters like this game so much? I honestly don't understand


bad cinematography


The pinnacle of video game Ludo.

>figure with coat facing big full moon in a variety of dead environments
>this is somehow good cinematography

>low framerates
>endless loading screens
>dead multiplayer
maybe now as it's a 2 year old game, meme at the time

stop getting all of your opinions from Sup Forums

Then butts
Then bareback anal sex with a monster bbc
Then aids
Then slow death and medical expenses
Then hell
Then literal monster cock buttsex


>someone didn't get the patch

First it's kino, now there's Ludo.
Sup Forums shitposters go and stay go


Is Dark Souls 3 also Ludo

In this thread we post visual glitches and bad astherics they were too lazy to fix.

Here we see Cainhurst castle's main entrace completely disappearing when looked at from one if the walkways on the topnof the castle.

Fucking plebeians

Bloodborne is KINO, Nier Automata is LUDO. These are radically different concepts.


Here we see the first indoor building disappearing when looked back at, leaving only the ocean below

What the fuck is LUDO?





Here we see the first section of the Orphanage just vanishing when standing a couple pixels too far, leaving only a floating hole on the building

How about the actual gameplay and not the cutscenes?

>its been literally over 2 years since Bloodborne released
>pcniggers are STILL assblasted over it and STILL try to convince others about how much they don't want to play it

Your mother

how retarded are those two

This is a badly designed meme

Here we see the clocktower lacking textures and showing as an empty box when looked at from the Celestial Emissary arena

>implying it's not nintenbros

PC masterrace doesn't need more sony crap. Bloodborne is a joke of a game anyways retard

and here we see The Hunter's Dream running at a stunning 4k at 60fps, thanks to the power of the PC™

>Kino means "film" in german
>Ludo means "game" german

So Bloodbonre is an interactive movie?

nice meme kid

Here we see how the devs placed a light source in the middle of a stair way, close eniugh to collide with the player's character. We also see this blue hue around the game with no explanation of where this light source is coming from in the game's story.

Why are these pictures always cutscenes?
Make it look nice ingame, you dumbasses.

In fact you did not catch the great atmosphere of Bloodborne

Here we see whole building bases disappearing when looked from Eileen's first encounter (also viewable at daytime)

>reuse the same shots
Should have gotten other scenes, OP. Moon should only be on 1 or 2.

>sonybros will still defend 30fps


wtf I hate Bloodborne now

thanks for opening my eyes pham

all of those moons are different shots

>reuse the same shots
>not having the intellectual capability to understand the significance of the moon and old ones
brainlets need to fuck off

Because you need to either take a screenshot of a cutscene or make an extra effort to make screenshots or clips from the game look nice and cool. In reality a lot of the game is spamming r1 and most of the flashy moves are mever used because they are less efficient, tale mote stamina and do less damage when compared to r2's. Also, heavy weapons don't compensate for slower attacks in any way, since even the smaller faster skill weapons stun enemies and do more damage in the long run. Aslo all the visual glitches everywhere as pointed out. Yes, you need to be an autos to care about those, but if you're gona claim a game is a masterpiece and that it's beautiful to look at these glitches shouldn't be there.

Kino is a thing, but Ludo is literally a meme that even game devs themselves make fun of.
Nobody really cares for that hipster nonsense

jap greed
and now for the daily le gold faec by some brazilian shitkin or a leafing failure

Here we see a bridge to the clocktower (as viewed from the entrance to the orphanage) that disappears onve you get to the entrance.

post your face when you'll never ever play bloodborne for the first time again

The best game of this gen.


nice catch

Though half is false flags from Sony fans.

Take your old jokes to youtube comments

Should mention Yahar'gul buildings having low resolution and poor textures right outside the room with the 2nd lamp (post-Rom).

Or BSB chapel and the old workshop being unseen from afar in certain areas even though they should be.

Not really a glitch but nightmare Yharnam as seen from the research hall looks like a bunch of boxes. It's just really shody-looking.

No, I didn't open your eyes, I granted you eyes

Thanks famygdala

>tfw we will never get a 60 fps bloodborne
What was from software thinking?

Here we see the city disappear and you can see the low res mountains under all the textures that should be in the background (right over the railing with the two wolves outside Father Gascoine's boss arena.

Should mention Yahar'gul buildings having low resolution and poor textures right outside the room with the 2nd lamp (post-Rom).

Or BSB chapel and the old workshop being unseen from afar in certain areas even though they should be.

Do you have pics? I just wanna have them in my cisual glitches collection.

That awful moon graphic that they used for the Hunter's Dream.

BB is one of my favorite games, but if you really look at it, that moon is awful. It's not even a perfect circle. Derp moon.

Not really a glitch, just an example of that ugly blue hue that they didn't bother to put a lamp or something next to to explain where the hell the light is supposed to be coming from.

"I wish our publishers and shareholders weren't such niggers, I am an adult and care nothing about platform loyalty. I just want to create the best possible game I can."

Or something like that.

Gamera 3

Are you serious? A game being beautiful has notthing to do with whether it has some glitches in it or not (and I can't even tell what half of those pictures are meant to be pointing out), given that the glitches are unintentional parts of the game and often due to hardware limitations or tricks the game engine uses it isn't really fair to hold them against the game unless they are prominent and game ruining, which they aren't in Bloodborne.

Literally none of those are the same shot.

>the year is anything past 2006
>using the term Derp unironically
really made me think

>platform loyalty
Huh? I'm talking about framerates not what console it's on silly.


Here you cam see the seam in the sky box from Cleric Beast's boss arena.

Like I said, they don't ruin the game and I love bloodborne. However, some people are holding up Bloodborne to be some "kino" "ludo" masterpiece when it really is not. This is just a way to offer a nice counter balance to people who over exaggerate bloodborne as this generation's masterpiece when it isn't even as mechanicaly deep as Dark Souls 1.

"I should play some more Dark Souls."

Don't have a picture of it rn but that floating statue in the entrance of old Yharnam and then this item that dropped up in cathedral ward that stayed in the sky and demonstrates the world doesn't make that much sense here as the two areas silightly overlap.

I-I wasn't even aware of hold outdated I was, user...

Whoever is posting the glitch pics, there's a building you can see out of bounds in Catehdral Ward whose door opens to a 40 ft drop to the street below... Also there are tons of weird floor glitches and breaks in Old Yarnham.

This isn't really hating on the game, for me. It just shows that the game is so good that we put in enough time to find all these little nuances.

Not right now. Shame PS4 needs a giant USB to transfer.

You know what I meant.

Aw fuck is this another retarded meme word I'm going to have to filter because the only people who use it are retards who's posts aren't even worth reading?

Culling isn't a glitch.

An immersive atmosphere


bloodborne or how i love to called it , the easiest souls.

Well that's all I could find. And here is a picture you guys can use to fuck with anyone who posts that op pic just to rustle them a little bit. Thanks for anyone who told me about other glitches.

>This isn't really hating on the game, for me. It just shows that the game is so good that we put in enough time to find all these little nuances.

Couldn't have put it better. The fact that we have to go out of our way to find this glitches tells you Bloodborne is a solid game. Not a perfect masterpiece, but a oretty good game nonetheless.


>the world doesn't make that much sense here as the two areas silightly overlap.

Common practice. DaS1 did it a lot.


Quick. Post your hunter getting grabed by Maria and claim your weaponfu.




a sudden urge to fuck the moon

>Bb's atmosphere is amazing.

the deepest lore



>You know what I meant.
No, I didn't because what you said was fucking stupid.

never ever

DLC bosses were cool, levels were absolute shit

>basic frame composition

sonyfags will forever defend this game because its the only game that ps4 has.

>mfw PClucks will never, EVER play Bloodborne