Arma 3 looks ba-

Arma 3 looks ba-


get yo eyes checked nigga

Is k.

>how do you want your lighting?
>just make it flat as fuck
>say no more senpai



It really does look bad whats your point?

Nice environments, too bad the engine is pure liquid shit.


>in arma
ok man you do you

>real life lightning

To be fair, at the tech we're in now, It's really hard to make a WYSIWYG game look good.

Who here plays Arma 3 the proper way, meaning in a unit?


For an Island the size of Tanoa that level of detail and lighting is perfectly fine

I used to but the groups just kinda died.

jesus those trees

that's a modded terrain back from Arma 2.

what do you think?
this faggots from Sup Forums play mostly autism life

Must be poorly modded because I don't remember ARMA 2 having such bad looking trees

>Arma 3 looks goo-

So this is the power of the Real Virtuality™ engine... incredible absolutely incredible

on close inspection the game looks like garbage, barely better than Arma 2

that's not arma 3


it doesn't look bad, the premise is garbage though

I only ever found 1 group not autistic enough to not act like real military and require training 3 times a weak and require actual ranks and all that stupid shit, although admittedly I'm a gun nut and jack off to oper8r pictures on /k/ and probably more familiar with the military than 99% of the population (delusions of wanting to join killed by the fact 99% of the time it was god awful boring, you're probably more active in actually doing shit as a cop even if it is writing speeding tickets) I don't want to bring that shit into Arma when we can goof off and joke around instead of having to reply "sir" like 50% of those groups to play with
It may have been possible they were trying to teach all the kids how to play properly but the only thing ever really required was calling shit out on your compass/degrees/direction and occasionally turning your head when you're running
I guess that shit's too advanced for most of the population
maybe it's just I'm the autistic one

and to top it off when I found a group I really liked it was in the middle of a shitty semester so I couldn't play all that much then went a few months without playing at all and kind of dissociated myself with the group making it awkward to pop back into chat with them

so then I try to find missions that fit for like 4 or 5 of my own friends and they either always suck, are too short, are bugged the fuck out making something essential like vehicle respawning not work and they only have a couple of necessary helicopters, or no matter what settings I have it on the AI can shoot me out of a cockpit with an AK in the goddamn A-10 ripoff

used to play a lot of public domination in Arma 1 and 2 but that could get super gay too with everyone running around with javelins and .50 cals
Operation Flashpoints/cold war crisis campaign is still king though